The Allentown Democrat from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)


Haytown, der aerscht Horning, 1897. Mister Uemokrat soil's doeh om end eppra gevva ous sell'm 'lectric waig noch Kutztown. Icb un gobr duuners rlehl- on'ra sin froli's tzu hehra. D'noh iretit's doch mold wldtler eppes tzu scholia. On the2fith by Rev.

T. J. Hacker. Mr. FftANK J.

Wenzel to Miss Miriam R. Reiss. both of this eity. On the 29th by Rev. S.

W. Helffrich. Mr. Edwin J. DOUBT PROCEEDINGS Januabt TKBMffJWfW tl Jos.

h. SchaaM, Atlomn-at-lMW. The fourth week of January term opened with twenty cases on the list COMMON FLEAS. Those jurors were excused Win. Everhard.

Henry A. Scholl, Hanover; Peter A. Snyder. Slatinp-ton: Wm. Stuber.

Emaus: Win. TJlraer, Allentown, and for whicb bills are to be printed at this oltlce Horse sales every Thursday at the South Allentown Bazaar. Feb. 6 Farm stock of Wm. F.

Teager, at Lehigh Park, in Hanover tsp. FOR THE YEAR EKDIXO DECEMBER 31, AND IMHi TAXES FOR loan COUNTY TAX. mQ the County Auditors being compelled by law to get the connty'a financial statement in print the flnt week in February, the investigation of the management of the county prison by Warden Deshler could not be continued last week. The matter will however again be taken up within the next few days and carried to a finish. Deshler Miller to Miss Emma M.

komio. both of this citr. On the 1st Inst by Rev. J. D.

Schindel, Mr. Edward Commis Die arwer ia rahr ollawell. un dob wert mer so Shafer. of near Mickley'a, to Miss Sarah M. Lory, of Loss's and Am't Losses and foul os won des ding noch weil so awhalt ireht's em Amount of Am't West Catasauqna.

Ain't of sions as per Feb. 5 Personal property of Etiphemia Kohler, deceased, at Egypt, Whitehall tsp. Feb. 5 Real estate of Tilghman H. Marck.

dee'd tipper District. Collectors. Commissions paid. aw os wle tier porra Shindeldecker g'sawt hut oa Cash Paid. Cash Paid.

Additional Tax. baa been suspended, and report has it that his On the 20th by Rev. W. J. Andres.

Mr. William Horht. of Brooklyn, N. to Miss Elsie L. Mevebs.

Taxes. der ike mine wer so tool ossei hescht it wissa wut falcationa as far as developed amount to about even niniinle scholia. Se er ectnc walg wer of Petersville. Siuuo. lie will of course have to make all snort On the 23rd nit.

bv the same, Mr. frank H. Stettler. Frank Unger, Emaus. Tilghmaa Jacoby was appointed a tipstaff.

The of Epuraim L. Uenuinger vs. Dennis Schuler, and Emma Hensinger vs. Washington Camp, No. t)7, P.

O. 8. of were settled. Alice V. Koeder vs Harry A.

Boeder. Divorce granted. David E. Mittler, committee of David Sittler. vs.

L. K. Mantz. Ob jections to acknowledgment of Hherift's deed. Henry Welti vs.

Lehigh Valley Traction Co. Opiuiou of court tiled. This action wan for ilamaKes for unlawful 1st Wd Allentown Peter Andres $128 63 $37 12 grohsding for tier Al. Orieseiiicr, der Owen Kern, der Hen Nehraden un orl die on'ra fun dor schtadt oh his ikh'Ii Kin un East Texaadcht noli wid- of Kreidersville, to Miss L. Anna Kdntz, of near Cherry- per ct.

do 2d Kd. Zimmerman age good. Whether he will be proceeded against criminally can of course not he said until after Macungie tsp. Feb. 5 Personal property of Josiah Leutz, deceased, at Scliert rsville.

South Whitehall tsp. Feb. 18 Farm stock, of Jonathan Gernerd's estate, at Newtown, iu Upper Macungie township. Feb. 20 Real estate of James F.

Heusiuger, iu Al- burtis. Lower Macungie township. Feb. 20 Real estate of Natliau German, deuTl iu Heidel $2,862 75 3,999 49 3,81102 4,062 82 do. do.

do. do. vine. On the 30th by Rev. A.

R. Home. Mr. Walter J.

of this city, to Miss Mart I. Bauer, of Hanover. On the same dav. by the same. Mr.

Harrt L. Groman. tne Auditors liave completed their investigations. The last witness examined on Tnesdny of last der liooiiia os wies hut in der tzeil wie yetiuer nion en ineinilloch g'hol. tint, un die Inchina hen ao dick K'schtonua tiff der Plot wie heluii Im fair griind bush, un nllaiiiohl os'n liichiue miff" ir'inocht hut Will.

11. Balliet Frank L. Fried Futzing-er Put. MeCloskev W. J.

Kverbard Imbaeh Mover $591 41:. 4791a1. 286 1,399 22 271 728 87j. 62 434 04. 731 33i.

2,596 St 1,446 81 4,120 33 ejection of the plaiutitt' from a car of defendant iu which he was a passenger. The verdict watt for tbe plaintiff for of Saliiburv. to Miss Emma L. Stitmp of Ritteraville. week was ex-oouuty commissioner t'baou Diehl.

lieiug ill the auditors went to his borne to get his. 3d 4th 5th tith 7th Hth 9th 10th Emaus hiits'ii Hp uvva nous tr'schiiiissa for dor tnon ox's On Dec. 24th. by Rev. J.

w. Maury. Mr. John A. Rex to do do do.

do. do. lo do do do do do do do do do 2,012 99 so! 9t)! 65' 4,349 19! 3,9115 7ri! 1,717 90 IS 3,295 49 2,750 70 941 56 1,033 56 678 66 6X0 48 2,299 63 1,259 53 worn statement of Lis knowledge of carpet rag Mrs. Emma Andreas, both of Cherryville. 18.

If the plaintiff was entitled to recover at an lie was. it seems, entitled to several hundreds of dollars at lea-t as conmeusation. The court was of the view that the On the 9th ult by the same, Mr. Amandus Hess to Miss Kosa Abel, both of Kreidersville. 2,861 45 2,012 37j 892 40 1 89759! evidence rendered submission to the jury necessary.

The Sehmover $10 25 On the same dav. by the same. Mr. Thomas Bartholo 56 53 46 57 263 93 00 SI 00 A. P.

Burth'lo'w 4 5 13 3J 4 10 00 4 3 60 4 k'A 1001 5 2 25 5 3 50,5 5 5 5 $1125 13 25: mew, of Siegfried's, to Miss Martha J. Both, of Beers- transactions. There is a receipt tinted May 30, to which the name of Mrs. C. Miller is signed for $10 for 350 pounds of carpet rags.

Warden Desbler claimed that the rags in question were brought to the jail by Mr. Dielil. The latter stat-ed to the auditors that be did some time during the rear go to the sixth ward and buy from a wo Coplay Macungie Coopersbnrg HlatiiiKtou 59 44 vine. 10 50; Levi B. Mohr A.

B. Schaffer JWm. H. Morev S23.00 23 00 On the 23rd ult, by the same. Mr.

Georoe A. Shoe 5 50! 545 63 maker to Miss Emma J. Leibf.nouth, both of Lehigh Cen Martin A. Heller! Fountain 619 22 657 98 1 1,750001 844 93 962 45! 2,542 49 414 57 49 50 6 75 tre, fa. 1st WdCatasauuua O.

B. Svheekler 11 1,054 75 2,759 19 83 251 205 CO 11301 15 201 man several small sacks of rags, bnt he does not 2d do i do do 13 25: 10 50; 5 50 49 50 15 50 14 5i 7 75; 8 75! 4 00 79 75! 30 00: S3 25 3 00 do do do do do do do 2000; 1st W. Betul'ni Levi Schunu di ten. 1,144 74 46003 684 74 2d do 1,254 42 104 4: do do do do 621 24 On the 28th in this city. Daniel Edleman, aged 80 () 8 4 00 29 5000 12 47 75 A.

H. Behler John Schuler Hiram Knerr William Bear 13.00 30.00 40.50 34.50 121 24 279 81 "'55 25 232 09 years. 3 months and 25 days. On the 27th at Catasauqna. Wm.

J. C. Eselbet, aged 39 years, 7 months and 27 days. On the 28th in this city. Amilinda.

wife of Benjamin Frite. aged 58 years, 11 months and 13 days. On the2Sth in this citv. suddenlv. Ralph Rf.kd.

1,150 00 500 00 2,758 18 830 98 1,482 68 1,582 36 1,93190 2,314 19 2,011 80 3,308 26 "Til 3,037 99 849 26 1,537 93 1,697 2,163 99 2,474 S9 2,045 62 J. H. M. Kiedy 0. T.

Schauta 3d do Lynn Lowhill Heidelberg WeiNenbiirg Washington Upper Milford Lower do Hanover. Upper Lower do North 54 25 3000 83 00 71 50l 48 25) perct. do 22 00 Henry H. Bover S38.00 3000 34 50 13519 38 00 24209 9176 101 20 55 00 aged 22 years, months and 12 days. Interment at ieugler 3,464 41 do 73 25 7o 225 2 50 1 25 II 00 2 25 2 IU) 1 25 150 $45.00 29 251 54 27 75j.

61001 69 00:. 47 64 75j. "752i. H4 71 5 6S501 97 50 4S00i un the 30th in this city, Mrs. Mabt MCAlubtkr.

252 48 m. reyman T. B. Nuss 3,005 89 3,878 12 2,913 77 3,787 11 12 59 520 14 18 7 67 426 aged 4(1 years, 7 months and 29 days. 7084 9 391 100 12 5 160 36! 4 50 2 1 25 2K 4 00 3 8 25 IK do do Levi Haiisnian berg township.

Feb. 27 Farm stock, at A. H. Bortz's Eagle Hotel, in Meidersvillle. March 15 and 16 Farm stock, to, of Henry Colt, adjoining the Almshouse property, iu South Whitehall tsp.

March lfi Farm stock, to. of R. L. Kramllch near Fogels-ville. March 16 Faun stock, etc of Alfred Keck, on Moses Keek's farm, in western Salisbury.

March 16 Farm stock, of Benj. Derr, on the farm of Morgan Mohry. near Lanark. Upper Saucon. March 17 Farm stock, to, of Adam J.

Schumaker, near Zicgle Church, Weisenburg tp. Mar. 18 Sale of the farm stock, to of Francis Deroner. at Chapman's Station, Upper Macungie. March 20 Farm stock, of David Kuhus, near tbeZie- gel's church, iu Weiseubnrg township.

March 20 Farm stock of A. C. Steckel, near Ruchsville. Mar. 23 Sale of the farm stock, to.

of Daniel Ziegler, at Snydersville, South Whitehall tsp. March 25 Farm stock of Charles A. Eiseuhard, at Jesse Graver's old hotel staud in Salisbury tsp. Josiah Algert. auctioneer.

March 29 Personal proerty of W. E. Steiumetz, near Rising Sun, in North Whitehall township. April 9 Farm stock, of R. F.

Deischer, near Shamrock. Walter Snyder, Auctioneer. Feb. 22 -Personal property of Joshua Kohler. at Egypt.

Whitehall tsp. Feb. 27 Farni stock of Albert Schncck, on Osville Bear's farm, at Neffsville. North Whitehall tap. March 5 and 6 Farm stock, etc of John Schneck.

near Scheidy's. North Whitehall tsp. March 9 Farm stock of Charles Sieger, on the John Sieger farm, in Siegersville. North Whitehall tsp. March 11 Farm stock of Hiram Schneck.

near Balllets-ville. North Whitehall tsp. March 12 Farm stock of A. M. Schaffer.

in Macungie borough. March 12 and 26 Farm and household goods of Ephraim Peter, dee'd. on Samuel Lewis' farm, near Orefield. March 15 Farm stocVof Lewis Kohler. at Egypt, Whitehall Up.

March 16 Farm stock of Mrs. John Bertsch. near Moyer's tavern, in South Whitehall. March 18 Farm stock of Alfred Ritter. near Egypt.

March 19-Farm stock of Abraham Schadt, deceased, at Ruchsville. March 2u Farm stock of D. M. Landis. between Macungie aud sh*tuersville, in I'pper Milford tsp.

On the 30th in this citv. Maroaret. widow of South do T. T. Keichard $55.00 31 25! 77 25 86 75 72 50 83 75: 900i 82 2,981 71 3,503 44 4,372 78j 3,750 89 lontl ehgenl hut.

VB so izeila won wiauer venders dert, un wos war'n oils frolica hn schledtle! Ki's niocht'm ollaweil noch gons orillich wouimer drah denkt. Dcrt Is oils ir'donlzt warra os der schnioke d'fiiu g'ttohva is. aw wer ollaweil sin die rrollcs kch patch inert tzu sella tzelt. Won ehner hie kuiuma is os net meli it' wist but fum duiiBa os wie'n kuh fum Sundag don but sell oil nix ousg'mocbt. Glei hut'n elinie om rliegel grickt un hut'n nous ull der floor g'rissa, un Ivverdem war's "bands-all-round," un'r war evva drin d'for, un hut paar mohl mil g'dontzt, un ehm beh, d'noh hul'r die Izweh beh ir'lendert, un d'noh is's gonga os wle wou'sg'schmlert wer mlt'raschpeck-schwort.

Ich mehii aw die ir'schpass wer irohr nimmie so grohs wle sle nils g'west war. Wotn'r now a'bissel loud wcrt hehst glei "hush, hush," tin'n kerl derf even nlnimle draua for ehn'ra en buss tzu gevva os lAud os won aryelsen glotihord olig'rissadeht werra acbunsrht schwetzt die gons g'tnch d'I'tin, un even die ainda beck hen's nodewennit'h. Es deht. bel heiik node die liuhva dein'ti sicli won sie os-culala wulla mil de mail! so ossie gohr keh tzucht mocha, udder yu cl*t nouner schlecka bund's fash-In ir. Uerolt Rtiniperuickel but ollaweil en g'schwerra grawd wuh mer sicb hie sitzt, un'r schteht'n gonser dag, even tint dish.

Mer war'n hinncr'm now wer set Izeil for mohl mlt geh on's Kiehline's, drunna on der wire nitiehl. iu der schtadt, for schkiela. Dert graechter'n nllg niocht noch olla bleasler. -wer woinnier'm olta ketzer gute will nob inehnt'r mer wiii'n inn fernorra halta. Dert on's Kichlines Is ollawell foil, un wommer aw gohr net schkieta kon, won mer sich mil tzweh hend haebt don is's en blessler der on'ra izu tztigucka.

Der waig wle die Ivvernonuer nei folia tin sell I reck a die beh in die heh Is grohsortich, un is men wcrt wie'n show. Dehl kenua gulp schkiela. un die tliega ynsciit druff rum, awwer noh hut's wldderdehl die laemea sel lehva net. file kenna sich shier net grawd hall a won sie yusuht so labia, un schlulhera un scbtartza Ivver ilirHalgna tiehs, un wos wert don nohsoepper schkiela kenua. awwer wommer sie noh oils hehrt sin sic dip beschta uffin Ice.

F)s geht ihnasohoiit wie in Danny Seiscnhltile. Der Danny war aw im grlek, un'r grickt aw pension, ocht dahler der moh-net, awwcr'r sehot'1 scliiin lonir for'n Increase Izu Izwella. Er sevht er wcr'n generalil tidder'n kor-perHhl uiltlcr so eppes g'tvesl, un wie sie drunna on Hiclimond, Verginny, g't'ucl*ta het'n umier'm Grant wcr'n die rebels moiil eh dag shier gohr maesrhter warra. Sie het'n miser soldahla shier g'leddert 2,874 09 3,448 18 3,749 78 3,692 74 5,222 43 Charles L. Berahard.

aged 72 yean. 9 months and 6 days. On the 1st in this city. Sarah wife of Franklin Hersh. aged 64 years and 3 months.

On the 1st in this citv. Clara daughter of Salisbury James Barner Upper Saucou F. Fluck Wliitehall 'Daniel Wright do do do 623 00 54545 15 25 34 25 5.767 88 Charles and Ellen M. Heiney, aged 6 years, 8 months and 93,745 9l 327 77i 1,332 601 216 79 11 aays. 82,995 07l 9,529 23! 1,165 25 31001 928 75! preponderance of the testimony was that plaintiff was in the wrong as to all the material points.

Had the verdict been for the defendant no plausible argument for a new trial could have been presented. Regarding the verdict as one iu defendant's favor substantially the application of plaintiff for a new trial ought to be refused. Defendant acquiesces in tbe result. Defendant's counsel argni that it can be said that the verdict rests on logical and defensible grounds; that the jury may have fouud that defendant was not unlawfully ejected, but that more force was used than necessary, and yet that the serious injury sustained was not the result of the force used iu ejection him; that it could lie fouud that the breaking of plaintiff's leg was not caused by the manuer in which lie was put off. hut by the fact that after he was off the car he continued to hold fast to the railing of the car and thus twisted around and sat down on his leg.

There is some cogency in this argument, but the court prefers to rest its decision on the ground first stated. The rule for a new trial is discharged. New trials were refused in the following cases James 8. Lutz vs. the Metropolitan Life Insurance (leorce Mosser vs.

William Bachman; Charles Matten. receiver, vs. A. C. F.

Lichtenwalner; R. K. Bachman (L Bro. vs. .1.

Clyde Miller, and Dr. A. M. Oery vs. Cooperaburg Lodce of Odd Fellows.

Mary Bachman vs the P. R. R. Co. Plaintiffs husband, Henry Bachman, was killed by a train August 3Ut, 1894.

and suit was not brought until March 18th. 186. A demurrer was entered accordingly, which the court sustained, entering judgment in favor of defendant. Chester Slate Co. vs.

Mrs. Schweyer. Motion to take off non suit overruled. Alexander Mease vs. rteorge Johnson.

Libel. Motien to take off compulsory non suit overruled. Nadig Bros. vs. the county of Lehigh.

Action to recover taxes paid twice. Motion to take off compulsory unu suit overruled. Bill sealed for plaintiffs. Laura Oernerd vs. C.

A. Oernerd. Plaintiff recovered verdict of from defendant, her father-in-law. for alienation of her busbaud's affections. Court considered I'JOIK) a sufficient verdict, and, in an opinion tiled, directed that if plaintiff remits $100 of the verdict within fifteen days the rule for a new trial is to staud discharged: otherwise a new trial will be granted.

Rev. Henry Wentz et. al. vs. Rev.

J. K. Seyfrit et. al. The Milford Church case.

Decree in favor of plaintiffs, aH prayed for hy them, but the plaintiffs get the costs. As the Church is not incorjioraled. if a motion is made to pjy them out of the chnrch fund it will be considered. Amanda Manning et. al.

vs. Caroline Shoemaker et. al. The court is of the opinion that the bill must be dismiss. at costs of plaintiffs because the plaintiff Society (the Salem's Aid Society of the Evangelical Church) is not the society that accumulated the nroDertv sought to be re On tbe 1st in this citv.

Winnie daughter of John and Winnie Scott, aged 1 year, 9 months and 12 days. STATEMENT OF STATE TAXES FOR 1896. On the 31st in this citv. of diDhtheria. Hcbi.inoton Amount Losses and Am't son of Frank and Rosa A.

B. Zeppenfelt, aged 2 years. District. Collectors. of Additional Taxes.

Cash Paid. iu monms ana 24 days. On the 2nd in this city. Susannah, widow of Jonathan Heilnian, aged years. On the 1st on the Lehigh Mountain, in Salisbury.

Peter Andres. Ed. Zimmerman. $224 55 5.008 06 2,80002 Viewing body of Minnie Berger John W. Brown Clara J.

Infant, J. Funuansky Kline Frederick Reuben Segel Annie Zimmerman Tillie Fatinger Majorca Durnin Edna M. Schmoyer Thomas Hartnian Harvey T. Weaver Peter Deishott Infant Jennie Nathan MUlhouse John Ziner Joseph Roberts Tilghman 8. William Mastiar William,lu George son of Edgar C.

T. and Maggie M. Ueberroth, aged 6 months and 19 days. On the in Salisbury, Barbara, widow of the late Paul Fetter, aed t4 years. 1(1 months and 9 days.

On the 23rd in Salisbury, Marie, wife of Carl Pmckle. aged 43 years. 3 months and 26 days. On the 1st at Fnllerton, Annie F. daughter of Robert and Elemina Newhard.

aged 7 months. On the '271 at Conlav! Amelia danehter of 1,448 15 1,584 95 619 82 $30 00 304 16 97 25 97 15 60 523 44101 499 $224 55 5,038 06 2,803 06 1,465 12 1,610 92 619 82 1,852 88 213 43 2,106 20 37795 453 08 77 62 570 82 Wm. H. Balliet. Frank D.

Fried. I Alex. Fatzinger. Patrick McCloskey. W.

J. Eberherd. Fred. Lembach. Joseph Mover.

John M. Schoudt. jjolin Sclinioyer. I A. P.

Bartholomew. 1,837 28 208 20 remember now many pounds there were. Jtie can recall, however, that the woman lived on Kidge Avenue, and that he did not have enough money in bis pockets to pay for the rugs, and told the woman to go to the jail to get the balance due her. Mr. Diehl says the rags did not weigh 250 pounds, and that he never signed a receipt for their payment.

The auditors' opinion is that the receipt was signed by Warden Desbler. Mr. Diehl Baid that he bad never brought any other rags to the Jail except for custom work. Asked about the sideboard, Mr. Diehl said be knows nothing about the transaction.

He was also ignorant of the fact, be said, that delicacies were purchased and charged to meats. The board of Auditors yesterday gave a paper to Mr. A. J. Trump, the clerk of the prition hoard, certifying that the examination of the Warden's account, as far as the investigation has gone, does not show anything that would implicate him with the mismanagement of Mr.

Deshler in the discharge of his ofticial duties, and they freely and fully exonerate him from the charges that were made against him by the daily papers of this city in publishing the reports of (lie investigation, such as altering receipts, bills. An. HIS EIGHTY BIUTHDAY. Mr. Hnrry Reiser, a retired farmer of great wealth residing at Allinrtis, on Sunday, 24th, passed the 871 milestone in his life's Journey, anil surrounded by his children, grand children, relatives and frit nds to the number cf about thirty, duly celebrated the event, the visitors having come as a surprise party, and we need scarcely say Hint the surprise was a doliithtful one to him.

This is the happiest day of my life!" exclaimed the aged man in the exuberance of his Joy. He was one of the merriest of the party notwithstanding bis great agi, and cracked Jokes ami told stories with the vim of the youngest of the party. A grand tapper was partaken of, and a pleasant evening enjoyed by all. Mr. Reiser is still hale and hearty, be being noted for his vigorous constitution and general heartiness at an age way beyond the number of yeats the Psalmist said we are ordained to live.

He still in the summer Beaton at times is to be Been engaged in timber and wood cutting, and in fact all kinds of other woik, and he does it too without becoming fatigued. He is never idle can't stand it. He is indeed a well preserved man, more like one of 70 than an octogenarian. His sight is still good, ami he is a grent reader, being well posted in all that is going on. In politics he is a Democrat, one of the true and unswerving kind, having never through bis life missed an election, and always voted his tickets withont a scratch.

We congratulate him on the long and useful life he has been permitted to enjoy, ami hope its close may still he way off, and that hit last days may be his best dar, his most peaceful and happy days; that as the shadows lengthen, and the evening comes -on apace his pathway may have continual sunlight upon it, and that if there shonld be any clouds they may he the clouds with the silver lining." 1,665 19 372 96 Mr. aud Mrs. David P. Roth, aged 25 years, 11 months aud 12 days. March 22 Farm stock of George Sieger, on F.

G. Hen- 453 08 2 75 3 77 2 99 2 87 4 2 ST 2 2 87 2 87 3 4T 2 2 75 3 2 87 3 33 .2 75 2 87 3 71 .1 2 75 2 75 2 87 2 87 2 75 2 75 2 99 2 87 2 87 3 23 2 75 3 05 2 75 4 07 2 75 2 75 uiuger's larm, in North Whitehall tsp. March 23 Farm stock of Tilghman Weaver, near Levi B. Mohr. 77 62 570 82 1 mm g'hot.

awwer noh wer'r d'tzu nei un het mohl ehner un tne zth in South Whitehall, William Weeshe, aged 59 years. On the 25th nit. near Egypt. Elemina wife of Tiios. Bemaley, aged 44 years.

5 months and 12 days. On the 2(ith near F.evnt. Ralph infant son of W'illiam Smith March 25 Personal property of Joel Reber, near A. B. Sehafter.

Wm. H. Morey, Martin A. Heller. 388 39 Rising Sun.

North Whitehall tsp. 626 71 March 27 Personal property of John Croll, at Schnecks- Charles E. Scheckler $14 00 Franklin 0. D. and Lillie M.

Schaffer. aged 6 months and 6 days. 607 97! 1.33259 1st Ward, 2d do 3d do 4th do 5th do 6th do 7th do 8th do 9th do 10th do Emails Coplay Macungie Cooperaburg Slatington Fountain Hill 1st Ward, Catasauqua 2d do 1st Ward, W. 2d do 3d do Lynn Lowhill Heidelberg Weisenburg Washington Upper Milford Lower do Hanover I'pper Lower do North Whitehall South do Upper Saucon Whitehall Salisbury S. A.

B. Seifert Bernard Chensser Henry Gross Mary Kearns Jonathan Miller Charles Gehringer James Surney vuie. Elias Werley, Auctioneer. 94 76 covered, aud for the further reason that the society is Feb. It and 12 Farm stock of Peter Strauss, near dorrich rent mil sei'm dehya, un het'n noh um der dehya rum it relit wie mer'n schleif-schteh dreht, un wie die on'ra noh dea ding g'sehna het'n wer ihna so'n orriger grinsel ous gonga os sle wen-nlch g'schtutzt het'n.

un sell het der dag tzu uns'ra leit g'schlt. ITnser soldahta wer'n frish d'tzu nei wie'n bull nll'n hoyscbtiick, un het'n die rebels g'hiidda os wie Texas. li'shure so leit siH'n aw pension hovva. un des'n gtitie. Der key Ummner war miff ufTm Riimpernickel sel house g'groddell for's ice ous'm kondle mocba.

un'r hut i welt hunna ir'honka os evva vebders 1,114 04 1 388 39 596 71 62197 1,032 59 94 76 20900 120 12 85116 199 83 558 95 494 88 73068 84053 20900 12012 851 16 199 83 March 2 Farm stock of John Koch's estate, near Siegers ORPHANS' COURT SALE OF Valuable Real Estate. do do Levi Sclinpp. do do do do A. H. Behler.

John Schuler. Hiram Knerr. William Bear. J. H.

M. Kiedv. C. T. Schantz.

Henry H. Boyer. ville. unaries Groman William Fried Infant, Maria Solomon March 12 Farm stock of Edmund Hoffman, near Ruchs 558 95 494 88 73068 composed of the persons who remained after some of tue plaintiffs left, and had the right to dispose of tbe money as they saw fit. and of course to retain it, as well as the quilting frame and book.

L. F. Walters vs. John F. Stowe.

Plaintiff did not appear when case was called for trial, and was nou-suited. He now petitions to remove non suit. Rule granted on defendant to show cause why same should not be allowed. Sheriff Schweyer acknowledged deeds as follows To David Sterner, for property of Louisa and David Sterner: to Moses Deptie. for property of James McBride and Elias ville.

John Gaekcnbaeh, Auctioneer, Scherersville. I g'denkt hut bls's ferdich wer deht'r noch runner BY VIRTUE and in pursuance of an order of sale issuing out of the Orphans' Court of Lehigh county. John bchneck Andrew Yingling 84053! Feb. 16 Farm and household goods of Alfred Resh, in 764 18 folia un der hals una paar rlbba ferhrccha, un sich niH-h schiinscht weh duh. un weibsleit un kinner un olles is evva hunnaVruin ir lutfa.

noh ruhl't der Weisenburg. 764 18 1,227 84 482 97 1.227 84 there will lie sold at public sale, on the premises, hereinafter described, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6th. 1897. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, the following (escribed valuable luiwin Prison vouchers March 10 and 24 Farm stock, smithery, to. of Charles 554 23 7,639 60 Lvl Hpangler.

Wm. reyman. P. B. Nuss.

Levi Hausman. Jakey mohl runner, Now hleiht week doll hunna; 482 97 633 71 Rinker. in Scherersville. 633 71 real estato, to wit J. Falk: to Agnes Kemmerer, for property of Daniel Geh- March 11 Farm stock of Horace Kuhns.

in Scherersviile. March 17 Farm stock of Preston Mickley. near Mickley'a rlnger: to Theodore Trexler. for property of Josiah Clader; All that certain valuable and desirable house, lot or won ich ntnincr toll uti cIiiibiIoii wut g'wlsses wer week g'bllwa." In der RChladt sin die Keiiublicans ollaweil so uff- Thomas T. Reichard to Jonathan Ziegler.

for projierty of Henry L. Ebert: to 62012 832 02 1,098 76 574 36 668 69 62012 832 02 1,098 76 658 36 668 69! $141,162 42 Audited and approved this th day of 1897. FRANK J. FAUST.) W. H.

KNAUSS. I Auditors. B. r. Fluck.

Daniel Wrigl.t. 1 averu. J. W. Ilumpertier, Auctioneer.

H.wst'iVc. lietzlch for die Demokrata tzu hiela, un's is oil nenry t. kram. tor property ot orimtu k. auu nooen l.

Davies; to Sarah Weidner. for property of A. W. Root: to 84 00 James Barner. Feb.

C. Real estate of Wm. Walbert, in Fogels- Jane C. Boas, for property of Milton P. Haas, M.

J. Stil wehga der puschl-nttis. Sie hen'n grohs g'grish wehgader Demokrata, awwer'a g'mobnt'm yuscht bout ns won'n eclioie ull Bhindteschpout, sogeht's en eldruck. Htji.wEi.r. Files.

ville. Upper Macungie tsp. ler aud Frank c. scbaener; to Amandus sieger, tor prop $32,169 77 I $414 00' $14 00 $32,026 96 1 $542 81 March 3 Farm stock of John Albright, near Trexlertown. Prison Inspectors' Statement, 1896.

piece of ground situate in the township of Upper Macungie, said county, on the public road leading from Schantz's Mill to Trexlertown, described as follows, to wit Beginning at a point the intersection of the middle line of the public road leading from Allentown to Trexlertown and another public road, thence extending in Baid first mentioned pnblic road south 71 degrees west 8 8-10 perches to a point, thence by other lands of the said Levi A. Marck north 21 degrees west 13 perches to a point, thence by the same north 71 degrees east 8 8-10 perches to a point in the middle of the said other public road, thence in the same south 21 degrees east 13 perches to the place of beginning. erty of Charles H. Sieger, et. to J.

H. Shelly, H. Watson, Charles H. Johnson and M. B.

Fellraan. troetees under the will of Charles Fellman, for property of Willi un Upper Macungie tsp. March 6 Farm stock, of Peter Ritter, near East Ma COPMTT ASD STATE TAXES FOR 1895 COLLECTED IS 1896. It. eager, ot Bingen.

Mary Wenner vs. Theodore Schaadt. Continued at costs PETER GR033, Joseph Kuhns, Phaon Diehl, James F. Jordan and Milton Kurtz. Prison Inspectors of Lehigh county, in account with the Commissioners oi said countv, for the vear ending December 31, 1896.

cungie. March 9 Farm stock of Frank Knittle, near Scherersville, in South Whitehall township. of defendant. March 18 Farm stock of Clinton Keck, near the Lehigh Alfred Diehl vs. Thomas Ruhf.

Trespass. Compulsory non suit entered. Motion entered by plaintiff to take off County Poor House. DE. Balance ontstand- Losses and Commissions Cash mg Dec, 31, 1895.

Exonerations. Paid. Paid. County $3,608 06 $549 68 $2,093 82 $962 56 State. 396 97 76 63 320 3t Dog 104 22 75 iiBo $4,10728 I 864906 $2,088 82 $L364 40 containing in perches or land.

The improve March 19 Farm stock of Chas. Miller, on the Jonas Hartz- same. To cash as per Commissioners' state ell farm, near Miuesite. ments inereon consist or a two story FR1ME HOUSE. 24 by 26 feet, kitcheu.

10 bv 14 feet, porch. 6 bv John Uberroth vs. the Beneficial Society of South Allentown. Jury trial waived, and case to be heard before GREAT HOG RILLING MATCH AT COP-LAY. Always on the lookout to make the Demo out complete iu every department we this week have for our sporting friends the information that on Thursday, Feb.

IStb, a great hog guessing, ralrls and sbootiug match is to come off at the Columbia hotel iu Coplny, Mr. Pius Kliugler. proprietor. He has a porker weighing abont (MO ponntls, and which is to be slaughtered at 1 p. m.

of said day, and weighed at 5 in the afternoon. A prize box is now open, and all good judges of weight are invited to go for" the contents by trying their luck at guessing the weight of the hog. March 24 aud 25 Farm stock of Alexander Henninger. ment 60 CR. court March 3rd.

dec Hear Albright's Hotel, South Whitehall. i ieei, aua irom porcn. 2t Dy leet. a frame barn, 24 by 20 feet, pig sty. 20 bv 10 feet, and other necessarv build By cash paid sundry persons An attachment was issued against Mrs.

William Conlin ITEMS FROM FOGELSVILLE AND VICINI of Water street,, a witness wbo failed to appear. Salaries Insnectors Commissioner Statement, 1896. Prothonotary's office 21977 TAMES F. JORDAN. Phaon Diehl and Milton offlce 15 00 Joseph" Kuhns 00 ings.

The improvements are new, in a good state of preservation and is a first-class country home. The same being the real estate of Tilghman H. Marck, deceased and will be sold under said order of Court. pnaon Diehl 50 00 Kegister's oflice 9 90 Recorder's offlce 201 82 Orphans' Court office 63 95 James F. Jordan 50 00 The carcass is to he disposed of by a shoot TY.

Mr. Frank Haas is not, as appeared in a recent if sue of the Democrat, a candidate for school director on the Democratic ticket. Mr. George F. Haas, secretary of the present board of directors, is the gentleman who should have been named.

The Fogelsville Sextette acknowledge their thanks to landlord Moatz, "of said place, who re John welbel was appointed inspector or tne luiuaie District of Whitehall township, in place of Leonard Schock. who has removed from the district. A compulsory non suit was entered in the case of Wm. Wingert and Jacob Laros, partners, trading as Wingert Laros, vs. Edward Edelman.

Anna Kellaher, administratrix of Bridget McOinley. vs. Patrick Herrity. Non suit entered. Plaintiff asks to conditions made known on day of sale by WILLIAM F.

8CHM0YER. Administrator of Tilghman H. Marck, dee'd. January 13. Aw Kurtz 50 00 Peter Gross 16 is A.

F. Creitz 4 17 ing malob and raffle. The balf of it is to be shot for at a mark, and the other half rallied for. quarter Session's office 23 80 District Attorney's offlce 16 00 Sheriffsofflce 799s County Auditpre' office 8 90 Physician the highest throw to take all except the head and pluck, which goes to the lowest turn nn of spots Dr. T.

T. Martin, (4 Dr. J. F. Huebner.

(8 monthsl cently presented the organization with a fine over- have it taken off. Repairs and Imnrovementa fJ Kurtz, Commissioners of Lehigh county, in account with said county for the year ending December 31st, 1896. RECEIPTS. To balance in County Treasury, as per auditors' report of 1895. $12,753 90 County taxes outstanding iu 1895 and collected iu 1896 3,606 06 State taxes outstanding in 1895 and collected in 1896 396 97 Dog taxes outstanding in 1895 and collected in 1896 104 25 County taxes collected in 1896..

82.995 07 Dog taxes collected in 1896 928 75 Amount of State taxes due county for 1896 23,886 07 on the ivories. The event ib looked forward to Clerk, A. J. Trump tore. William Applegate vs.

Berkemeyer, Bechtel Co. Suit PUBLIC SALE OF Valuable Personal Property. Mr. Frank H. Kuder intends entering the Key with a great deal of interest by sportsmen, and from present indications there will be a big gath Sheriff's office 41 00 Recorder's office 11 50 Court House 2,232 81 Register's offlce 2 60 ponciior, j.

j. rarumau Warden, T. J. Deshler Deputy Warden, DanielScheetz to recover on three notes amounting together to $200 given May 1. 18114.

against which defendants claimed a set-off. The notes had been made payable to Thomas stone Normal School, at Kntztown, next summer. with a view of taking the regular Normal course ering on the grounds on the day named. The general public is invited to be present on the day of the match, wiiether as participants or WILL be sold at public sale. WEDNESDAY.

MARCH 3rd. 1897. at 12 o'clock noon, on the farm late the Poor House 93 25 in addition to his musical studies. He has at present quite a number of piano and organ pnpils Orphans' Court office 3 15 property of the undersigned, at Trexlertown, Lower Macungie township, Lehigh county, the following valuable Mitman, and were assigned by him to Mr. Applegate.

The verdict was in favor of plaintiff for $169 8. Celinda Hausman vs. Charles Rinker. Plaintiff sued for $10110 damages for loss of the services of her daughter. Lizzie V.

Peters, whom it was alleged defendant had debauched, causing her to become a mother April 13. 189G. Refunding county taxes 2.384 21 1100' 20 30- wbo are masmg rapid ana satisfactory progress. His intention is to return home every Friday even personal property, to wit Mrs. x.

j. Desliler Servants Watchman-Edwin Diehl, (12 mo. at Nathan Snyder, (12 mo. at $40) Attending tires.Daniel Scheetz For delivering Groceries Zeilner Bros. Scraping streets and bridges Four horses, all good work- F'ol ing, aud he will therefore, with the assistance of Commonwealth costs, including fine Received from other sources.

Licenses of all kinds 3,093 69 2.499 72 9.696 02 ooiaiers' uunai ana Tombstones-Tombstone. David B. Berkenstock $15 00 The verdict was for $100 damages. i. single and double, a lot Alle schuetzen weit undbreit Hind eingeladen zu der zeit Hlch etnztifliideti wohlhedacht, der den bestnn drclfschuss niacht Der grickt ein dallies schwein, grohs uml schwer, I'ud was will ein gulerschuelz mehr A ass chickens and ducks, two Jacob bis father, be enabled to retain all bis pupils.

Mr. Wilson Shankweiler, proprietor of the American Hotel at this place, will the coming four-horse wagons with iron 15 00 15 00 15 00 $139,960 $0 Temporary loans 30,00000 Tilghman Weil Jeremiah Beidelman. John Houser. axles, a two-horse wagon with body, a double wood sled, a Johnson self-hinder, a Johnson mower, a Missouri grain drill with fertilizer attachment, a Fremont cultivator, a Jacob Scholl 15 00 April take tbe Kailroad House at Trexlertown. He is an active, accommodating business man, and hia ever cheerful wife most certainly knows TRIBUTE OF RESPECT.

At a late meetiug C. W. of the members of Central Lodge, I. O. O.

Gideon Frederick Sarah Bittner, wife of Wilson Bittner, willoupuby Blose, Man tana Hauser, wife of Oscar Hauser, Luella E. Rockel, wife of Jeremiah Rockel, Irwin E. Kistler, Johu Weiss, guardian of Minnie A. Kistler and Stanley A. Kistler.

and Joseph Kiefer, guardian of Aleda S. Kistler. vs. Caroline Blose. litis was a second action in ejectment to recover a farm of 311 acres and 152 perches iu Heidelberg.

Verdict for plaintiffs. John E. Welle vs. Cbas. R.

Tossear and wife. Judgment was confessed for $125 with stay of thirty days, the plaintiff to file no bill ot costs. Lillieuthal Brothers vs. John Birkenstock. Settled de land roller, spring harrow, 2 wing barrows, 2 Gale chilled ploughs, a stump pulling chain, log, cow and other chains.

flu. two, of Pleasant (Jjrner, the deatb of Sylvester Moyer. a fellow member, was announced, and sets of heavy harness, a light harness, and many other how to prepare good and substantial meals. Whilst Fogelsville people will regret Mr. Shank weiler's removal.

Trexlertown folks will be sure Total $169,960 50 LIABILITIES. By amount of orders issued for county purposes $78,272 82 By amount of orders issued for poor purposes 25,250 00 By amount of orders issued for prison purposes 7,639 60 articles, too numerous to mention. the following preamble and resolutions unanimously adopted, to wit to accord him a hearty welcome. Conditions made known on day of sale by J. J.

ALBRIGHT. Agent. James Hunsberceb, Auctioneer. Feb. 3-4w unite a number of removulH will occur here the Whfheah, It has pleased Almighty Uod in His coming spring, bnt present indications make it ap allwise Providence lo visit our lodge and remove fendant confessed judgment for all the costs in Lehigh county except Justice's costs and attorney fees.

our beloved brother. Sylvester O. Moyer, from our Net am't of orders redeemable. till. 162 42 Temporary loans paid 30,00000 pear that tbere will be no vacant dwellings in our village tbe coming summer.

Messrs. Wenner Klotz, chop millers and ci PUBLIC SALE OF VAUABLE Household Goods, Stocks, miiisi ny tne nana ot aeatn. tuereiore ne it limited. That while we deeply mourn the loss of our brother we how In humble submission to the Harrison Miller William J. Frantz Jeremiah B.

Geieer. Ferdinand A. J. Fisher. James A.

Oeidner Harrison Wieand David Shaffer Ed. Hunsicker W. H. Spears James Landis John Mullock Christian Smith Philip Weaver Hugh Trine Joel Laudenslager Solomon W. Harrison Simons David Sehuove Robert Robfritch.

42 AWFUL ACCIDENT AT THE WIRE MILL. A disaster involving instant death and terrible mutilation to ne man, and wounds to Another, occurred on Thursday last at the mill of the Consolidated Steel and Wire Company in South Al-leotown. The dead man, Kalph Reed, of Pleasant Hill, oppoaita Catasauqna, was engaged in oiling the belt of a large fly wheel, when the wheel burst. Beed's head was cut off diagonally in a line from above the chin to the ears. The head was carried out of a window twenty feet from the engine, and the body was thrown against a door some distance from the engine.

Some of lteed'a brains were scattered on the windows. William Lembach, of Sonth Allentown. was injured by the explosion, tie was struck by flying pieces of the bursting wheel. His injuries, however, are not serious. His knee was cut, and he has a number of skin bruises and superficial wounds.

lieed hail a wife and adopted child. The accident left the mill in darkness. It caused intense excitement among the employees for a time. The hotly of the dead man was carried into the office, and Coroner Yost was summoned, who empaneled this Jury: John F.Haines, liny Drown, A. J.

Trump, Edward Glaze, Quinine Houerwine and D. A. Miller. They viewed the remains, saw the place of accident and then adjourned to meet at the wire mill in the. evening, lteed'a brother is also employed in the wire mill, and was in the mill at the time of the accident.

Accidents of this kind are not very common. The wheel that exploded was only abont six feet in diameter, and was running at about 150 revolutions to the minute, not an unusual speed for wheels of that size. The building was considerably damaged. A CHURCH WITH POOR HEATING APPLIANCES. The Salisbury Church, in western Salisbury, is not a very pleasant place to go to on a cold day for attending services, as the great majority of the congregations worshipping there not only admit but openly state.

The trouble is in the beating apparatus. Years ago two large stoves supplied the beat. Those who happened to be seated near them then almost got a taste of the worst hereafter, and the others almost froze to death, so that between the two it wasHobson'i choice. Finally it was decided to place furnaces in the basem*nt for trying the hot Air mttbod of heating. It gave satisfaction for Awhile, probably more on account of its novelty than by reason of its intrinsic valne as a bent iroducer.

For the past few years it has howevt leen rare during the winter that the auditorium was nicely and comfortably warmed. And what is quite as bad, when there is no heat there's sure to be a sulphurous odor which almost suffocates the worshippers. Recently a large stove was again put iu to assist the beaters, hut with all this the church remains chilly and cold, and the disgust with the heating arraugemeut has now almost reached a point where forbearance ceases to be a virtue. There is now strong talk of putting in a steam heating plant, and 'doubtless by next winter this will have been done. It is not only tlucoinfnttable and nnhealthfnl to sit in a cold hkreb, bnt also conducive to an early visit to the cemetery withont returning to a host of sorrowful Oienita And relatives.

Divine will of Him wbo does all lliings well, and we fondly cherish the hope that our loss will be the der-makers at this place, are putting up a new steam engine to rnn their establishment Mr. A. C. Hittle, school teacher, is superintending the 16 00 16 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 110 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 16 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 15 00 16 00 15 00 15 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 MarySteiningervs. 'J ilgnman Krammes.

Settled. Judgment tor defendant. Annie Stanffer vs. F. T.

Ernst. Continued for settlement. The liquor license of A. M. Hottenstein, at Xewt nvn, was transferred to E.

C. Deily. Hannah Keenly and Amanda Oruber vs. Washington Council, No, 12. Daughters of Liberty of the United States.

These were suits to recover sick benefits. $J4 in the cae of Mrs. Keenly and $12 in tbecaseof Mrs. Gruber. WILL be sold at public sale, on FRIDAY.

FEBRUARY 6th. 1W. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at Egypt. brother's gain, as we believe he bas gone to tbe lodge above there to receive higher degrees of honor i han we mortals can confer. in Whitehall township, Lehigh county, the following val- work.

The council of Junior American Mechanics at uaoie personal property, to wit Jtrmiiel, That we extend our heartfelt sympathy Two beds and bedding, sideboard, lot of chairs, this place recently ehcted the following officers, viz Councilor, Oliver Smith; Vice Councilor, Balance in County Treasury Jan. 4. 1897.. $28,798 08 Amount of outstanding taxes $10,281 28 Valuation of real restate belonging to the county $990,00000 Commissioners' Salaries James F. Jordan, 3U6 days at $3.50 per day $1,071 00 Expenses 42 25 $1,113 65 Phaon Diehl.

297 days at $3.50 per day $1,039 50 Expenses 25 27 rocking chair, lot of carpets, looking glass, clock The suits were brought before Alderman Jones, who en 2 stoves with pipe, a lot of queensware. an old. family bible, and many other articles, too nu John A. Mobr; Assistant Keoording Secretary, Edgar G. Held; Warden.

James Fritztuyer; Con Burial of Ferdinand H. lo the family and friends in Ibis sad hour of atliic Hon, and thruutrb his death we recognize a meaaage from our merciful Father bidding us to hold ourselves in readiness for the day that awaits us all. HesolceJ, That as a token of love of our departed brother our charter be draped in mourning for Hie merous to mention. Also Seveen Shares of the Capi ductor, F. T.

E. Heh); Inside Sentinel, Benj. F. tal Stock of the Second National Bank op Allen Becker: Outside Sentinel, Frank knhus, and James Landis Edwin Hunsicker Jacob A. Stull P.

R. Palm William W. town. Chaplains, S. F.

Gehringer and Edgar G. Held. Being the personal property of Euahemie Kohler. de period or tnirty nays. HeMitmt, That a cony of these resolutions be nre- 1.064 77 ceased, late or wnitenaii township.

Milton Kurtz. 298 days at senled to the family of the deceased, and that 1 hey Conrad W. Krueger Ibe installation of tbe foregoiug named otncinls by District State Deputy John Uhoads took place the following Monday evening. conditions made Known on day or sale by Jan. 20-4w G.

P. KOHLER. Administrator. Harrison Simons 35 00 $3.50 per day $1,043 00 Expenses 26 51 Robert Robfritch. ne entered upon tne minutes or tne lodge, and ne printed In the ali.entown Democrat.

Conitnil tee George Krauss, M. Joseph H. Scheirer and Lewis U. Werley. 1.069 St 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 $3,247 93 Evan Strauss Philip H.

Darnel D. Christian 1.20000 PUBUC SALE. OF Valuable Personal Property. H. W.

Fusselnian. Commissioners' Tihthmau Buskirk, Court House Erdman Diefenderfer. Solicitors 35 00 480 00 450 00 HOUSEHOLD few farmers and trnck growers now come to our city luarktt Hugh Trine 35 00 Tilghman 8. Frederick. 3500 John K.

Oossler, County Treasurer 1,000 00 owing to their supplies having been wholly or WILL be sold at public sale, on FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 6th, 1WI, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at Scherers Joel Laudenslager 35 00 John L. Schwartz, Inst. Attoraey.f2.027 00 Jas. L.

Schaadt, do ei-otticio 68 00 Baladon Diehl. i 50 00 100 00 72 00 25 00 901) 00 600 00 2O0 00 208 00 480 00 4S0 00 90 CO 120 141 40 100 41 10 74 57 53 47 48 11 39 27 38 58 39 27 24 27 25 06 27 15 23 13 10 98 10 65 16 52 15 38 4 20 2 70 3 fit 5 55 4 68 1 20 2 85 4 18 6 30 7-0" 5 20 '5 00 4 SO 50 10 08 1 01 S44 28 166 74 155 21 6 80 7 12 5 32 2 70 1 SO 37 17 IS 4:1 69 51 42 23 1 44 56 12 45 10 50 356 SO 313 27 9 SS 12 00 8 20 7 50 7 50 7 50 -S 75 7 50 7 50 7 50 6 25 15 75 2 00 2 13 2 70 3 50 2 25 1 SO 1 50 2 10 1 40 1 75 8 50 2 2 33 27 68 37 77 28 53 111 02 41 38 16 80 05 21 85 19 80 ville. South Whitehall Lehigh county, tbe following nearly sow out. Prices yesterday ruled as fol lows: Butter, 'iitit'id cents nnr pound: eggs. 18 2,095 00 vaiuauie pemouai properly, to wit 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 2,092 00 cents per dozen; chickens, I cents per pound; A plow, feed cutter, potato and ma-' E.

L. Newhard, Clerk of Quarter Sessions. Frank C.H. Schweyer. Sheriff $829 09 Franklin Bower, ex-Sheriff 57 65 Nathan Gaumer Henry French Solomon W.

Griffith A. Scholl Nathan Troiell Dennis Miller Henry W. Good nure forks, picks, 2 wheelbarrows, mine shafting utensils, all kinds of carpenter's tools, also bedsteads, lot 886 74 35 00 35 00 35 00 35 00 Rufiu T. Erdman, Prothonotary 1,109 40 of chairs, a stove with drum, corner cuDboard. 2 tables, a DESTRUCTIVE FIRE The brick bnilding of Ritter Say lor at Nos.

333 and 335 North Front street, occupied by the Lehigh Valley China Dec-ocrating Company, was burned down last Friday night, and a large lot of dishes destroyed. Short ly after 10 o'clock tbe uigbt watchman smelied smoke in the building, hut thought it came from one of the ovens. Not finding it there he went back. When be reached tbe steps of tbe second story he fonnd it impossible to 6nter on account of the smoke. He then sent ont the alarm.

It was soon seen that tbe building could not be saved, so tbe firemen confined their efforts to prevent tbe fire from spreadiug. Between thirty and forty people were employed for decorating china anil porcelain ware. It is fortunate that tbe tire did not occur several da)s before while high winds prevailed. The flames would easily have consumed an acre or two of the surrounding bnild-ings. The bnilding was a three story brick structure, Ql by CO feet.

The loss may reach $4000. It is partly covered by insurance in various companies. The total insurance amounts to $2300, of which $1000 is on the building jtnd $1300 on stock. E. K.

Benner, Recorder of Deeds, 156 40 Morris J. Stephen, 7085 sink, look ng glasses, lot of smoked meats, lard by tbe cau. apples, cabbage, sourkrout, red beets, and a lot of William B. Fried 35 00 tered judgment for the plaintiffs, whereupon deftndaut appealed. The defense contended that the Danghtrsof Liberty not being an incorporated body cannot be sued as a body, and that the plaintiffs had failed to exhaust the means provided for redress by the body iu their failure to hriug their appeal to the Grand Lodge instead of troiug to law at once.

The verdict was in favor of the defendant. The plaintiffs ask for new trials. In the assigned estate of E. W. S.

Bear, the bond of assignee Francis Kleckner. Mrs. Agnes Kemmerer and (i. W. Kleckner for $23,571.40 was approved.

W. Mathias Bitter vs. the Preferred Masonic Mutual Accident Association of North America. Mr. Hitter, who is a Master Mason, was insuri'd in the company March 1H.

1893. under a policy which assured $25 a week for a period of not more than 52 weeks in case of disability "immediately" following ace'deut. July 5. 1891, Mr. Ritter, in drawing a wagou uuder a tree from which be wanted to pick cherries, fell heavily, injnriug his spine and causing total paralysis of the legs, a Visible blue mark being made on the spine.

On the third day after the accident he took to his bed, aud is uow in a pitiably helpless condition. The company refused to pay him benefits for the accident, claiming that the disability was not immediate, that Mr. Hitter was not wholly and continuously disabled from transacting his business, that he had not submitted fully to the by-laws and calling iuto question his negative answer to the query whether the weekly indemnity wonld exceed his weekly income. The jury found iu favor of Mr. Ritter for the full amount of his claim with interest.

A compulsory non suit was entered iu the case of William J. Hoffman, of Mulberry street, vs. th.i Central Railroad Company of New Jersey. This was a suit to recover damages for injuries sustained by being run into by a train at Siegfried's. Tbe plaintiff's witnesses showed that plaintiff had failed to obey the rule to stop, look and listen.

He had stopped, looked and listened, but not at a place where he had the best view of the tracks. A motion was made to take off the non suit. Sheriff Schweyer acknowledged a deed to Nathan Trotter. James B. Thomas aud Richard H.

Downing for property of the Catasauqna Manufacturing Company. The triennial account of A. P. Zelluer and A P. Bachman, trustees of the old Allentown cemetery, was presented and counrnied nisi.

Iu the uiatterof the as-igned estate of Francis S. Swartz the return to order of sale was continued nisi. William F. Yeager vs. Wilson Krum.

defendant, and Allentown National Bank, garnishee. Jury trial waived, case to be heard before the Judge. 227 25 1,265 00 other bousehoid goods, too numerous to mention. School Abatement. 1895 items the personal property of Josian Lentz, deceased.

Conditions made known on day of sala by Feb. 3-lw MRS. M1RINDA LEHTZ. 3187 206 83 109 35 100 73 60 73 First Second Ward Third Ward Fourth Ward Fifth Ward young pigeons, 40 cents per pair; cabbage, 4((8j. per head; red betti, 5 cents per '4 peck cider, l-ie.

per gallon; turnips. 10 cents per peck; rad'hes, (cC'A cents a piece; egg plant, 8( l.r cents piece; cranberries, 10 cents per quart; celery 30 cuts per bunch; lettuce, fwt lO cents per bead; sarrots, 15 cents per half peck; lima beans, Sceuf per ponud; apples, cents per bushel; hrjey, 15 cents per ponud; potables, 25 cents per ousliel; ducks, 12 cents per ponud; oyster plaut, 5 cents a bnncb; sweet potitoes, 8cents per 10 cents per '4 peck; squash, 5( 10 cents apiece; pumpkins, 2 ceuls per pound; turkeys, 15(id6 cents per pound; spinach, 20 cents per peck; oysters. 60c to $1.20 per hundred; beef 5 to 14c. per pound; veal, 10 to 18c. pork, 8 to sausages, pudding, scrapple, 3c bologna, corned beef, 12 cents; spare rib', 8 smoked tongue, apiece.

County Auditors ChaB. H. Krauilich. 50 days at $3.. $250 00 Frank J.

Faust, 50 days at 250 00 F. L. Roth, 51 days at $5 256 00 Jury Commissioners Jacob B. Waidelieh 1156 46 George B. Roth 167 15 it John lowen Knerr Wolle Wenner W.

R. Lawfer Co Hausman Rockel Butz Co John Rothrock Schafer ALaRoehe William George H. G. Kramlich F.O. J.

S. Lentz. Levi F.Kalb Adam Gensler William James Werley C. Hartnian Henry Solomon Klotz Gackenbach Strause H. E.

E. Roeder. Gomerv Bros Adam B. Miller James Calvin Fries. Milton Heintzleman C.

B. Roeder. Taylor Son Ruppt Strauss Meat E. J. Miller 1L M.

Erb E. John J. Miller Chickens-Joseph Kuhns H.E.E. Roeder John Stoudt, Aaron Eisenhart William Bleiler. Lard and Ham T.

J. Deshler William Keck Eggs H. .1. Wieand Milk-Frank Diehl Coffee Grand Union Tea Co Atlantic aud Pacific Tea China Tea Co Bread-Mealy Remhard Joseph Leidner Potatoes-Oliver Hoffman Frank J. Faust William George Menno Klotz Menno Huusmun Edwin R.

Kuerr George Klotz Solomon Haas Oscar Hausman James Freas John Haas Alfred Miller Phaon Diehl Frank Hensinger William Krause Clinton Keck Charles Alfred Miller Charles George Frank P. Beck Allen Produce Co E. H. Hollenbach Apples-James Freas John Moll Phaon F. Diehl Dry Goods Bittuer Hunsicker H.

A. Stillwasten W. R. Lawfer Co Medicine-Harvey L. Keiper Good Bros.

0. B. J. Haines Shoes and Slippers-Miller Schaffer Laros Muschlitz G. F.

Wolf Tilghman Schaffer Solomon Sterner John J. Hauser Soap H. G. Kramlich Lasking Manufacturing Co B. F.

Krieblc Publishing and Printing-Welt Bote Publishing Co Haines Worman Light Allentown Gas Co Electric Lightand Power Pennsylvania Telegraph THE FAMOUS" Seventh Ward. 11317 Ninth Ward 47 73 Tenth Ward 21 16 323 61 Whitehall 23 44 Hokendauqua Ind. School Dist. 7 32 Grim's Independent District 10 07 Macungie 36 14 Upper Macungie 103 31 Hanover 22 57 DEATH OP MRS. FRANRLIN HERSH, Louisa, wife of Franklin Hersh, died nn Montlay morning between I ami 2 o'clock at the residence of her husband.

No. North Eighth I rest, after an illness of three months with a complication of disease-), aged 61 years. The deceased was born in this city Nov. 18112, anil was a daughter of tjoorge Stein, watchmaker anil jew-t-ler in the long ago on the site now occupied hy Jtiun Itros's. confectionery store, No.

6(K) Hamilton street. (In Oct. 18. 18.13. she was married to Salisbury 100 15 Slatington 32 71 Fountain mil lo Weisenburg 60 35 Lower Milford 92 22 North Whitehall 82 87 South Whitehall 157 96 Justice Inquisitions Inquisition on tbe body of Sylves- ster Fritz $11 37 Inquisition on tbe body of John Kromohoaky 10 63 Inquisition on the body of John D.Betz 10 62 Inqiusitiou on tbe body of Joseph Uerber 12 84 Inquisition on the body of Sarab Reilz 10 12 Inquisition on the body of John Griffith 11 12 Inquisition on the body of Clinton F.

Strasser 10 37 Election Expenses Election blanks 221 25 Election officers 3,18516 Room rents 1.632 00 Constables attending election 690 80 Computing returns 102 16 Registration of voters 3.530 45 Registration of books 73 uo Erecting election booths 23 00 Official and specimen ballots and assorting and packing 678 10 Honesty and Virtue. There is nnuv honesty anil virtue contained in a buttle tif Salvation Oil, than in any other liniment known. Mrs. A. riotlkr, 2864 Paletliorp Philadelphia, confirms this truth: She found Salvation Oil to he an excellent remedy for rheumatism, stiff joints, bruises-, and thinks it should always be kept in the Don't listen lo the dealer's arguments in favor of a substitute.

Insist on getting Salvation Oil, it costs only 25 cts. Tbecaseof Barney Sweeney and Hannah Sweeney, his Upper Saucou 183 16 Washington 4210 Heidelberg 48 74 Lynn 149 97 Upper Milford 33 50 Coplay 3 67 Catasauqua 25 75 LIME AS A FERTILIZER. -Now that the roads are covered with snow tbe farmers of Lynn, Heidelberg ami Washington townships have commenced the hauling of lime npon their lands for fertilizing purposes. In Lynn they apply abont 50 bushels to tbe acre. The Berks aud Lehigh railrond company has been kept very busy transporting lime to tlie section named for some time, almost every station having received large supplies from kilns in Maidencreek Berks Co.

The price ranges from i to 7 cents per bushel of 80 pounds, with an additional cost of 2 ceuts for freight. In the region around Steinsville, Jacksonville and Lynnport more lime will be used this season than ever before. The lime is piled up on the lands in heaps of hundreds of bushels, and allowed to remain until spring, when it is spread out and plongbed under with the Burface soil. ICE HOUSING. Great quantities of ice were housed lust week, aud we presume that by this wite.

in ngm oi saia itanuan Sweeney, vs. the Allentown and Bethlehem Rapid Transit Compauy, the Allentown and Lehigh Valley Tractiou Company, and the Lehigh Valley Traction Compauy. was continued on account of the illness of Mrs. Sweeney. Lower Macungie 32 Emaus 13 41 William Muthard was appointed Inspector of the First 2,014 95 The Only Button-Hole Attachment FOR both family and manufacturing nee.

Better but-ton-holes can not be made. Works on any kind and thickness of goods and any part of garment. Simple, substantial and never out of order. Any one can nae it, and every oue having a sewing machine has good use for one. Instantly converted into a fine pocket tacker.

We can supply them for any lock-atitch sewing machine. Address or call on us at the factory or let ua know where to call on you. Agents wanted everywhere. LENOX MANUFACTURING Tihhman and Meadow Allentown, Pa. Feb.

3-lm Bridge Account Spring creek 2 39 Slatington and Walnutport. 319 94 uistrici oi siatiugton. vice Joseph Jones, disqualified. Reuben J. Butz, Esq is appointed Judge of Election of the Second District.

Third Ward. Allentown, iu place of E. 'L. Scherer, removed from district. ORPHANS OODBT.

10,035 92 Annual Assessment Widows' inventories in the estates of F. Z. Heebuer and Sold by H. L. KEtPER, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, East Texas a2 Hosensack 97 34 Rex's 2 00 Vera Cruz 24 63 East Catasauqua 458 21 Trout creek.

Slatington 107 83 Wesley J. Itojer, who died. She was married to her onrviving busbaud on Dec. 27, 18WJ. Besides her husband the following sisters and brother survive Mrs.

Owen Under and lSeujamiu Stein, of Philadelphia, Mrs. Solomon Blank and Misses Carrie ami Aggie Stein, of this city. The funeral will fake place to-morrow, Thursday, afternoon. Services at the home. Interment iu West Eud cemetery.

The deceased was a faithful member of the Linden Street M. E. Church. (CHANCE DRAWING FOR A LARGE MUSIC JtOX AT J. P.

S. Fenster-piacber, the probable postmaster. of Kutztown under McRiuley, Hanna riuds that there's musio enough for him iu the existing party squabbles over the distribution of the loaves and fishes, and for this reason be recently put up his fine, large runsic box for a chance drawing, and the tickets having all, or nearly all, been sold, the drawing of the lucky number will take place in a day or two. The lucky winner will hud all the tunes gold-lined. Mr.

FenBtermacher is the conductor of the Kutztown train on the East Peuu. U. and a very active anil thorough business man, as well as one of the leading citizens of the towu, and as the high staiidtr.i of the post office under the present efficient incumbent would, in case of his appointment, be sure to be maintained, we fur this reason, and this alone, trust he may succeed iu making the Bppoiiitu eut. Thomas Mohr were confirmed. itn KAiientown, ra.

Iu the estate of E. C. Jacoby, deceased, the exceptions were dismissed and the supplemental auditor's report confirmed. The court complimented auditor James L. ON COMMITTEES Our Senator and mem- Marsteller as follows The modest compensation claimed by the learned auditor deserves notice and approval.

berg of the House at Harrisburg have been designated to serve on tbe following Standing Com' mittees time all who have ice honses have had them stor ed to their fullest capacity. The present crop is of a quality vastly superior to that taken up several weeks ago, in that it is of a thickness of from 11 to 11 inches, and clear, pure and solid as crystal. As ice is now both a lnxury and a necessity everybody should be thankful for the tine crop This My Agent HAS come telling you that the City and Whitehall Nurseries offer for sale this spring a very large stock of well grown Fruit and Oruarueutal trees, evergreens, shrubbery, grape vines, rosea, at extremely low prices Choice an! 4 year apple trees, 7 to 9 feet high one year Pay of Assessors 2,159 60 Entering judgments aud mortgages, and making copies for Assessors 38000 Assessment books and tax duplicates 190 00 Calculating taxes and making duplicates. State tax returns and adding assessment books 758 00 Military enrollment by tbe Assessors 396 42 Registration of births aud deaths, and making copies of school children 544 25 Knerr's 3J 12 Hamilton street 208 18 Lower Catasauqua 93 80 Bcbreiber's 3165 Hokendauqua 199 34 Main street, Bethlehem 181 60 Coplay 18 72 Lebigh street, Allentown 988 43 it is commenaea as an example to an concerned. M.

C. Henninger. was appointed auditor iu the es Senate Senator Stiles Appropriations, Judi tate of Aaron Balliet, dee'd. The estate shows -assets of $81,687.91, and a balance left for distribution of 11522 46. ciary tueneral, Kailroails, Street rassenger Kail- ways, Congressional Apportionment, Education, tops, at 25 cents each, lighter grades, 15 ana cents.

1'ulilKi Health, Sanitation. Liaw auu Order. House liepresentative Lennon, on Appropria 4 55 310 1 25 103 79 15 25 35 67 2S94 29 00 ruiui trees, a years old. no better grown, 3U cents. To obtain these prices, must he taken away at tbe Nursery.

Baling, boxiug and delivery extra. A discount on sales of and upwards. 10.000 peach we ai present nave for narvestiug. We are apt to forget how greatly tbe comfort of families and tbe preservation of perishable articles of food depend in tbe summer upon an ample supply of ice. and what a difference it makes in tbe general cost of living when tbe element of cheapness enters tions.

Counties and Townships, Kules, Uailroads, 4,428 25 Court Expenses- Legislative Apportionment; Representative Kram licli. on Banks. Insurauce, Law and Order, Iron. Lynnport Bear's 19 37 Paint Mill. Bethlehem 14 14 East Penn Junction 87 42 Scbmoyer'a 106 20 Daub's 16 02 Broad street, Bethlehem 417 51 Union street, Bethlehem 5 00 Cherry Ford 379 03 Canal St, Bethlehem, new bridge.

4,929 39 Shereaville 23 25 Grand jurors 842 36 Petit jurors, Quarter 2.141 48 Petit jurors. Common Pleas 3.242 84 into me supply. Coal; Representative Kern, on Elections, Fish, Game, Public Health, Legislative Apportionment trees, y-iu men calibre aud up. budded on natural Tennessee seedings. Select your own trees, save agents commission and other expenses.

Send for a discriptive circular. W. B. K. JOHNSON.

Feb. 3-tf Allentown, Pa. 6.226 68 There are properties and mortgages unsold that are inventoried at $15,650. The Lehigh Valley Trust and Safe Deposit Co. was appointed guardian of Katie It.

Alice F. aud F.iuma M. Reitnauer. An order of sale was awarded in the estate of L. A.

Koch The administrators of John Schucck are permitted to bid aud purchase at the sale of the real estate. The return to older of sale in the estate of August Weid ner was confined nisi. The sale of the J. F. Hensingcr property to George ft.

Griess was set aside and a new order of sale awarded. Hon. J. S. Biery was appointed auditor in the estate of Jonas Feustermacher.

S. A. Butz, Esq was appointed auditor in the estate of Ellen Keiper, and W. L. Gillette, in the estate of A.

B. Bonneville. The return to order of sale In the estate of W. F. Orner 9f.

43 67 SO A Valuable I'rencriptioii. Editor Morrison, of the Worthington. Ind STUDENTS LOCKED students of Jurors paid by order 6 08 Constables' returns to Court 460 56 Tipstaves 406 00 Court stenographer 482 00 Court crier. Dallas Dillinger. 440 nu Dissolution of Partnership.

Sun," writes You have a valuable Drescrio- THE partnership heretofore existing between H. A. Stillwaeen and C. F. Ritter.

under the firm name of tbe Lebigh University, at South Bethlehem, were arrested on Friday eveniDg while drank in this city, and locked np in tbe police station in separate cells. Une of them managed to get ont of hia cell and escaped. The other waa fined $10 by tbe mayor. The oue who bad taken French leave tion in Electric Bitters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for Constipation and Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic it has no qnal." M. A.

Htiuwagen Co tbe Dry uoods business, at tne Fell's creek 9 00 Walnut street, Allentown 81 70 Peter's 5 50 Keek's 424 44 Werley 's 8 50 Haas' 45 41 Lyon Valley 96 00 Lehigh street. Bethlehem 10 47 fonthwest corner of Seventh and Hamilton Allen town, has been dissolved by mutual consent, Mr. C. F. Hitter withdrawing from the firm.

The business will be Mrs. Annie stelile, 2025 Cottage Grove Chicago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, had a backache which never left her. and felt tired also turned up on Monday and paid a fine of $10. continued at the old plice by H. A.

Stillwagen. and weary, but six bottles of Electric Bitters re THEY'LL GET MIGHTY NEAR IT. A week ago W. R. Lawfer A Co.

announced their iuteution of selling $100,000 worth of goods before tbe 22d of February. That meant the selling of one hundred thousand dollars of dry goods, carpets, bouse furnishing goods, groceries and anything in a big department store in one month. They began by cutting prices. On Tuesday of last week they put on sale two carloads of agate ware, aud Saturday they bad already sold over 13,000 pieces. Two wagon loads were delivered to the Betbleheuis and up tbe Lehigh Valley Saturday.

In connection with the other car load of agateware the firm will begin slaughtering dry goods in the fullest sense of the word with the addition of 8,000 square feet more of floor space they now own and ocenpy the largest store in this State outside of Philadelphia. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS IN WASH Kistlers valley wo uu KernsviUe 36 22 a. A. C. F.

RtTTER. THE BENEFITS OF THE snow stored her health and renewed her strength. N. B. The books will remain at the office of k.

Still Price 50cents and $1.00. Get a bottle at Augustns storm serves a wholesome purpose in many ways. Gordon street 10 00 Luckenbach's 49 61 Grieaemer's 151 01 was extended to the next term. Thomas Schadt was appoiuted guardian of A D. Biery aud Flora M.

Biery, aud David M. rkel of Harry G. Biery and Harry G. Kahu. In the estate of C.

F. Losch. Cbarles Losch accepted the Hill street property at $7un, aud an order of sale was awarded for the remainder. The return to inquest iu the estate of Catharine Stuber was confirmed. The property at Penn and Walnut streets wagen to which all parties who have open accounts are resnrctfiillv ren listed to call and make settlement by Weber s.

B17 Hamilton and Weber Good s. Interpreter 15 00 Commonwealth costs, including costs of Justices, Constables and 7,012 43 Insolvent debtors list 10 00 Costs on appeal by County Commissioners' and Auditors' report 510 Transcripts of evidence 641 84 Habeas corpus hearings 97 09 Serving meals to jurors 19 50 Lunacy commissions 26 45 Costs. Sepp vs. Lehigh county 4 54 Costs, Sarab A. Miller vs.

Lehigh 12 00 Appeal vs. Nadig Bros 4 20 Damages to loss of sheep Amount appropriated for the support of the poor 125,250 00 Lone's 3-i67 211 Hamilton street, Allentown, Drug Stores. It sweeps the skies of clouds of impurities, it fertilizes the earth, it protects the wiuter grains in the fields, it prevents the frosts from penetrat tbe 1st day of April. 1897, after that date the books will be banaea over for collection. i en.

3 aw Frantz's 6 00 10 00 LATE PENSIONS. Soldiers' pensions have 9,964 86 ing too deeply and thus doing damage, and it sometimes makes good sleighing, and improves was appraised at liifHi ny ewis Christ, Henry Miller, J. Administrators' Notice. just been granted to the following named persons business. Ixirash.

1 nomas Miller. V. K. Artier and G. Lutz.

In the estate of A. B. Bouneville. S. A.

was in this ami neighboring counties under tbe fol $132,968 59 9.631 79 88 no NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed administrators of the eBtate of Sylvester lowing headings, to wit SCHOOL OF MUSIC. At the Musical Colleire Original Lewis I rumbower. Allentown: Josh Coroner's Account, 1896. O. Moyer.

deceased, late of the township of Lynn, county appointed auditor in place of W. L. Gillette. Eq. S.

A. Butz, having declined to act as auditor in the estute of Ellen J. deceased, W. Gillette, Freeborn. Snvder county.

none but the best INGTON TSP. The Democrats of Washington Lamps T. P. Wenner A Co 2 )0 03 Oil Merkle Co 26 76 Allentown Crockery Co 5 49 Lime John Bierv 50 Alfred J. Clader 1 00 Postage Stamps A.

T. Frederick 9 00 Grinding Shears-Frank Kappler 1 30 Frank Kappler (razor) 2 50 Prison Suits H. M. Leh Co 43 90 Dresher Stephen 27 Tailoring for Prison-Oscar Weidner 55 79 Sallie Smith 7 -M Hardware-Frank Hersh Sons, knives and forks 8 SS H. F.

Baker, cartridges 1 13 Zeph. Bernhard Jt ai 14 Brushes-David Widman 16.18 Straw-Alexander Guth 12 (hairs Helfrich, Weaver Co 3 65 Water Rent-City of Allentown 19) 50 Queensware F. W. Wool worth Co 6 15 Repairing Belt C. B.

Wanamaker 21 Tinware-George Wieand 12 50 Disinfectant Robacher's Disinfectant 7 50 Ice Allentown Ice Co 15 80 Washer- ua K. Hess, Bethlehem; Joel Baner, Eastou; of Lehigh, therefore all persons who know them methods are used, so that to-iiay It is recognized as THE account of Dr. Alfred J. Yost, Coroner of Lehigh county, for the year ending December tsp. have placed in the field tbe following ticket r.sq., was appointed in his stead.

FranciB Schaffer. Kreidersville. NorthauiDton selves to oe indented to said estate are requested to mane payment within six weeks from the date hereof, and such the executor and trustee in the estate of Amanda Fretz oneol theloremostscnooisor musicin tnecountry. (33 will oav for a lermof six weeks, instruction and 31st, 1896. Jonas K.

Ristler, Snyder, Schuylkill Thomas 91 00 4,349 75 wno nave any legal claims against said estate will preseni lor support ai me renruary eiecimn: nuper-fisor, Peter Kern; school directors, John Bauer, 1. I I l. ThnmDJ, fa ilA DR. -board. Spring term will begin May 3.

For cata cenner, lieltilubem. them well authenticated for settlement within the above was authorized to barrow 500 upon mortgage of tht real estate at the south-west corner of Filth and Turner streets. Allentown. To cash received from tbe County Treas logues address (4i) Hbnhy B. Moykr, Director Restoration and Iucrease SteDhen Fraver.

Am $554 23 specified time. MMES A. MILLER. 1.,. 418 91 bler, Montgomery, Co.

School for feeble-minded children at Elwyn Maintaining Lehigh's insane at Norristowu Maintaining Lehigh's insane at Wernersville Removal of insane to the Norris-town Hospital Pennsylvania Industrial Reformatory, support of insane, 1896. Easterp State Penitentiary Removal to Eastern State urer as per vouchers CH. rtJier IBWII'ltli; BUUlUa, VIIUIOI i. iector, Charles D. Thomas.

Western District-Judge, Lafayette German; inspector, Harry J. German; registration assessor, John H. Moyer. RAILROADERS TO BE MEASURED FOR Additional Henry C. Johnson, Allentown.

Weakness After Ike drip. 22195 NEW UNIFORMS The contractors to furnish Bv inquest held on the bodies of Eastern District Judge. Weston H. Kern; in Allentown. Jan.

6. Several vears mm Thomas Walker OFFICERS FXECTED. At the annual election tbe Philadelphia and Reading Railway employees with new summer uniforms, Messrs. M. F.

Lewis spector, Evan R. Hughes; registration assessor, 1,905 00 94 04 of the stockholders of the Wahneta Silk Mill, at Unknown man Charles Koch my wife was taken down wiib the (trip. After this disease left her she waa very weak. 1 procured six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. and wbeu she had Thomas F.

Iwltz Southern District Judge, it. Son. Philadelphia, will be in this section on Catasauqna, held one day lu-t week, tbe follow February 8th to take the measures of the men. 35 77 Jaines.S. Peters; inspector, Ellas Best; registrar tion assessor, William 11.

Smith. ing named gentlemen were elected as directors taken it sue was sound and well. We always keep $11 11 10 62 10 88 12 07 1146 10 86 11 11 10 86 13 38 Harry Weiss Daniel Billig Roland Lees 32.365 82 Hoods barsaparilla in the house, and use it as a James Thonins, Samuel Thomas, Edwin Thomas, W-LLI4M H. HOFFMAN. I M.

C. L. Kline. Attorney. Feb.

S-6w Executor's Notice. VTOTIOE is hereby given that the nndersigned has beaa 1 appointed executor in the last will and testanteml of Wm. Helfrich. deceased, late of North Whitehall lap Lehigh county, therefore all persons who are Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof, and such who have any legal claims against said estate will present them well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time to LEWIS D. RITTER, Executor.

Qiith a Station, Fa. Edwin H. Htine, Attorney. Feb. S-6w School appropriation for Teach family medicine and blood ounfler." T.

hirur. CHILD SEKIOUSLY are we. in Charles Beradt ONCE STEWARD OF THE BUCKS COUNTY care oi urunu central note). deed, to learn of tbe serious illness of the child POOR HOUSE. NOW AN INMATE.

H. E. of our young farmer friend, Mr. George Gense- Annie Lessig Mr. and Mrs.

Tritchler Frauk Yokass David Sieel Hnod'N PIIIm are easy lo buy, easy to lake, easy Daniel Milson, Dr. L. A. Salade and W. W.

Mc-Kee, of Catasanqua; F. H. Drake and Fletcher W. Knight, of Eailon, and George 11. Meyers, of lietbleheui.

WKU, FIXED FOU NEXT HUMMEH. Mr. Weidner, of Trntnbaneraville, once a prominent 1610 1160 III ClltHII. leiter, of western halishnry. All acquaintances of the family share iu the anxiety regarding the resident of lincks county, was on Saturday com Sarah Sourwine 1137 initted to tbe hospital connected with the county little oue, and hope for lU speedy recovery.

HAD TOtJO TOJAIL-Wiliiiiin Newhard. of Bridget McCoe 11 36 almshouse to spend tbe remainder of bis days Henry W. Peter, tbe popnlnr botelkeeper at Joseph 1160 Jacob Dull 1186 Sieitfrieds, was on Monday committed to the county prison at Easton to serve ont tbe entence of Clant-aviUe, Lowtnll during tbe late cold MARRIAGE LICENSES The following mar there, lie was tbe under steward of tbe insti tntion for a long time. Wayne Holhen 8 00 Extracting Teeth F. A.

Rabenold 2 50 Whiskey-John F. Weiler, (3 years) 35 uo 1185 Buap embraced the opportunity to fill his ice riage licenses were last week issued by tbe Clerk twenty days in jail and pay a boe of $1 kj imposed hy Judge Scott last spring. The defendant had bouse, and be uow has a sunicieiicy of the frigid of tbe Orphans Court, to wit: Hirry 1j. Gro Nlipcrtliioua Hair. 10 25 10 37 1123 1134 luxury to fully aatisry next summer demands.

John Hassen John Htivensky Unknown man Charles Brensinger Frank allien John Walla been convicted of selling liquor to minors. Tbe For Sale. rllHIC iiuderfligned offers for sale on his farm, adjoining 1 the Poor House property, in South Whitehall township. Lehigh county. 10 tons of first crop meadow hay, 8 tons second crop meadow hay.

ft tons of clover bay, and 10 tons com fodder. Will be sold low for cash. Feb. H. COLT.

man, of Salisbury, and Emma L. Stump, of It it-tern tl I Harry Ginkinger and Annie L. Kratzer, The ice stored waa of a thickness of from 8 to 10 Executors Notice. Hair on the chin or upper Up, and In warls or mnlea. are nermaneiillv deal royeil by Electrolysis hy inches, and clear and solid.

both of Allentown. 1210 1210 fOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned have been case was taken to the superior court, which tribunal has sustained the decision of the court below. HEALTH OFFICER'S REPORT Health ofli Madam Dlefenderfer, IIKO Hamilton who Cyrus Mosser ers' lustituto 200 00 Lehigh County Law Library, and half of Hues, less commission. 210 CO Premiums on foxes and 74 60 Printing and publishing 2.763 19 Allentown Steam Heating and Power Company, steam heat for 1895 and 1896 1 ,470 23 GasCo 129 44 Prison expeuses 2,122 45 Ice at Court Hotiae 27 25 Difference in State tax account. 320 55 Telephone rental.

Court House and Poor House 330 00 Temporary loans 30.000 00 Discount on loans 624 51 Extinguishing mountain tires, H. W. Blose 54 90 Premiums on Court House and Prison insurance 289 on Miscellaneous cash paid out 28 07 Sprinkling streets. Rescue Hook and Ladder Co 62 00 Shoveling snow on Lehigh county properly 31 26 Postage, stamps, envelopes. Sic.

44 50 Auditiug CourtHonse 5000 Water rent. Court House 66 60 Miscellaneous horse hire 162 75 Stationery and Dockets-Commissioners' office $472 83 beraeir was cured by Philadelphia specialists over eight years ami. Trial silling free. Satisfaction KICKED BY A HORSE. Adam Musselman A 1 appiuuieil Biwmw iu lucxasv will aim lestauicut of Lydia E.

Hunts, deceased, late of Washington T.eliit'h therefore all uersonn whn AN OKGANIST Alfred H. F.ttinger hns tendered his resignation as organist of St. John's Reformed Chnrch. He served in John Burger 1138 Arthur P. Cane 11 98 JosephBarner 1136 Philip Mertz 12 36 Israel Walter H6U cer Dickenshied nt Monday evening's meetin? of tbe board of health presented this report for Jan- teamster in tbe employ of Mr.

Applegate, of Bethlehem, wns painfully injured on one of his legs on Thursday eveniug by being kicked by a horse. FOR SALE. ABOUT TWO ACRES OF LAND, together with a limine and stable erected thereon, situated at Wennersville. South Wliitehall townshin. Lehigh Co.

guaranteed. IDec. Ki-'ain NEW TRACTION ORDINANCE AT' SOUTH BETHLEHEM. -The South Bethlehem town a nary Deaths, 58 diphtheria, typhoid, that capacity for the past twenty-three years Prior to that he was the organist of the Preshy. terian Church.

Modest Fedock 1134 houses in atiarautiue during month. 22: houses Inquire of .1. K. DESCH, at Wennersville, Bridget Tainan 2J selves to be indebted to said estate are requested to uiake payment within six weeks from the date hereof, and such who have any legal claims against said estate' wilt present them well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. JOHN LEH.

1 THOMAS E. MILLER, Executors. F. T. L.

Ketteb, Attorney. Dec. 9-6w 12 30 quarantined in January, 15 diphtheria, 11! scarlet fever, 8 diphtheria ca9es reported, scarlet Feb. a Jonathan conncil last week passed a new Traction ordinance enforcing a twenty minute through service, allows the police to dead head on cars, and requires a ILL WITH John Miller, of west- LAID UP UNDER AN ATTACK OF George Hinkle, one of the section hands on the East Penn Railroad, ia laid up at his home near Macungie under an attack of grip. fever, A typhoid, 1 1.

ern Salisbury, is at present confined to her bed under a severe Bttack of influenza, or grip, as bond of before it becomes operative. Wanted. A OOOD experienced ami reliable man with a family to IMPROVING AN EMAUS commonly called. 10 61 1135 11 38 10 63 10 63 12 47 1210 20 50 Charles Wood Daniel Steward William tDiellhammer. Gottlieb Plies Preston T.

Snyder Alfred Stuber Vinoesco Frizolo Lawrence G. Ware take charge of an excellent larm. Apply to Enos Heist, of Emails, is tilling np the yard of CHM. LOSCH, 626 Linden Allentown, Pa. SALE BILLS AND ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING executed neatly aud expeditously at this ottice, nil druggists sell I)r.

Miles' UaKPHIs. Feb. 3-lw THE Hl'KINO ELECTION TICKETS. The contract for printing the ballots for the February ksctioD has been awarded to the Welt-Bote Publishing Company at $180. SHERIFF'S SALE.

At the sheriff's sale of tbe clothing Btore of Max Keis, in Catasaunna, on A ROBBERY AT W. Olierdoerster, who conducts a grocery store near the Idlewild hotel, Mountainville, was robbed of $12 on Friday night. nis tenant house, occupied by Lewis staiiBer, to effect a perfect drainage of the water from the Monthly Paius cured by Or. Miles' Pain PUla. ot last week, tbe stock brought MS, premises..

The Allentown Democrat from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

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Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.