Wausau Daily Herald from Wausau, Wisconsin (2024)

PAGE SIX WAUSAU DaIL? RECORD HERALD ii, iui OUTBURSTS, OF EVERETT TRUE1, ccndo WANT HIDDEN FJEPOfi STUDY OF LUMBER every public body, ndvanrlng the economic betterment of tho Mlate, and of promoting public welfare, ti. Out of the moneys appropriated I auHtive data on the meclmnli ii properties of wood evei collected i. any ageney In tbi, world, and (ready hm rHtilied In practical IOIT AND rOlHIl by Kcctlon there shall not be forms and big Havings to several m' the iniiiortaut wood-using Industr. s. GOMES TO LIGHT Br GOVERNMENT l.i is -i ana-I'l'i'-iia imrini ti'ii M.irl"ii'm'i' null hii'I Jurkmni M.

Ii-wmd. A. MU.ImII, 111 I.lST--liif. SiimlMy riitoniM.il. lilin-k lift Imir fur return M.

'i. lii'llm. l.i llm Until 1 SEVENTY-SEVEN ARE HELD expended for the purpose of this section greater sum than twenty thousand dollars annually. 7. The InvcHilgatlons of the matters here specifically mentioned shall be completed by September I.

1UI4, and the board report In the form of a printed bill or bills to the elected members of the legislature not later than Dec. ton. with specific printed recommendations giving In detail the. reasons therefor. In a typewritten introduction to Employee of Board of Public Affairs Recommended Central Education Board IN USE IN OTHER STATES FEMAI.K HELP WA1TKD WAXTKI) AT o.Xi'K girl l- -ri.

1 11 1 liiuiyw ofk with Now Going; on Conference to Be Held With Madison Officials This Week Washington, April 14. The nu-tlou wide study of the lumber industry, which Is being made Jointly by the department oi agriculture, and the department of commerce. ni fur iriXHte mimim-i ivmnt (, link tn rifchl rail). Write ti A. Lnvvltm, nt'M fini'i I.

Mu-h. Claim Made Tlmt Allen Contract u-lior l.a iv 1 1 mm Itecn Violated. New York, April 14. Seven! i seven men and women, virtually i. lie-entire force of steward's and Stewar esses aboard the American Hi Kroonland, have been placed uiwit arrest by the immigration olllc A warrant was served on tho tain charging the Ked Star J.in owners of the vessel, with vlolfie.n of the alien contract labor law.

It is charged that the en tiro plement of stewards and stewurjl. Mnily I WANT I i the report to the legislature the Stale tl St. OKI WAXTKI Cites Case of Iowa, Idaho and Kansas Report Kept From Legislature Hoard of Public Affairs says: "This report is intended to be en-! land the other Industrial and techni 111 Hole. SIX cal Investigations and experiments which have been carried on bv the Ifl Avi-. Smith.

AVANTKn fur K-inrtil wi.rk. Apply 4l7 iscll SI. lli.liyi'- tirely Impartial. Much additional material pertinent to this mib.lect will be found in the reports of the survey of the university and tho normal i Forest Service in the last two years, lu-lll lio il luelluudfl II a fvin ftirmiea nl tem.J I MntllKOn. April H.

aino id io plain nail All interest. IljJ puar tne I Forest Service oflicials at Madison, schools and In the report on nisn w'i'ih iiuinn, b'1-1 r'lartkliii Aim. jirtctiKsion of tlif central board of twhirnt j.in tihiii tuiu develnncd In the schools. This report, augmented bv 3t on April 14 to 17. "tSZTZJ? Capitol.

is the discovery in tne of- The Forest Service laboratory, the Washington office of industrial jiiiuKh, jus Si-ctt st. fires of the Hoard of Public Affairs were brought in as passengers the liner Finland last January ir.i.n England and It is chaiged tliatt arrival here the Ked line, ncrU'ding to a previous agreement, tnuihj. I them to the Kroonland, thus i muting the law; Conviction of the charge carries with it a file of 11,000 for each alien employed. uirffur y.i'cr.il Ik.iir.-w mk. of a report submitted by Walter Mim.

W. i siiv.iti...in. i nil 7 wno wax emp'oved bv the Ihe. other reports enumerated, present. It Is felt, all pertinent facts which may be of assistance to the legislature.

This board realizes that wise action must be based upon facts The Schatz report covers seventy-five typewritten pages and gives the A i.i:e. Hoard to investigate the feasibility oh, iwwe, ano Injurcb hy eye i kjHAV MP- JV AND HY I ii-: rs I of a central board of education. has WAXTKI In HlI. ntB W.mil ropoKit ion 1 xne Schatz report, winch 1 siilfiiy fur the naht m.in. ChII been ready for the printers several invef'tigatious, and each of the seven national forest districts will be represented at the conference by specialists.

Among the subjects for discussion are: Co-operation of the forest service with industries, lumber distribution in the United States, utilbation of low-grade lumber and mill waste, adaptation oi manufacturing and grading to apeeillc classes of consumers, unification and standardization of lumber grades, at 6: It Siith Av. plume a-i-t'J months at least, is emphatically In WOMAN lU ltVKIl TO IllJVJ)! Manawa, April llfrmaM Albenis was burned to deati whcii ItKI.I WASTED result of an investigation in several states where central boards have been established, including Idaho, Iowa and Kansas. It is interesting to note that the investigator found the tame problems in other states that ner clothes rauglit lire j-ln- was burning brush near this Her body was found by her sin favor of such an educational system. It has been brought to light now. not through the agency of employes of the Board of Public Affairs, but from a stray bit of information which came from a capitol employee who knew of its existence.

The report, with others, should have been mane to the legislature in printed form before this if the orders of the 1(113 are known in Wisconsin, study and development of general si.okhi ci.osiih luxiKKKKl'KU WAXTKI) For ft Kholi-HHle house, l'nti-r one who in ntK rnpher Mho. AUilriHs in own Imnilwi it inn. stetiru i xp ru n. imi.I milnry ti ll. 1'.

1- 'Jll liKAL I'Olt SAKK 7 lets on Hnrnlolnh St. lit liiiiKuin. Price $350. ill' down, bal time. Inn.

2i Unndoli St. 13-Jt markets for national forest limber, The report shows in the beginning that Wisconsin already has a nucleus for a central board of education in the control of the common schools and some other educational institu mill scale studies, including technical methods, tallying, lumber depreciation, and the collection and compilation of lumber price data. The information already collected by the forest service under some ft these headings includes the moat ex- Hy permission of the, city authorities, the Slough Bridge (bridge in--tween (racks V. )( i will be closed Thursday, April irith for team trafllo, while floor Is replanked. Advertisem*nt, i Foii SAl-K nil huV.

legislature had been carried out. Just rnei lot, ijiotKs rron: i. uii Whv the report was not prepared for l.uie. will m'll rensunn We. Ineuil tions.

After an exhausted study of the situation in Idaho the report says: the 1015 legislature has not been ex- j-nVron St. nt- phone plained except the statement that members of the Board of Public Affairs did not entirely agree with the investigator. The statute which provided for the report is found in chapter 72S of the session laws of 1J13, as follows: "The board cooperates with other state departments to enforce health laws, compulsory education, child labor and child conservation. It Is Planning an active campaign for public conservation of childhood." foil SAKK 1 nero nt l.md near th ecineterv. rv cheap.

Ailtlrews co Uerord-ilcraltl. KOI I SAI.K 8 room house; 3 lots in Kndlke Scholleld. lnquiri" 615 Hamilton "Wauimii. 12-st 1 I fiscal' "Tne board In Idaho has been es- states, was characterized by wasteful! of an opposite political faction, competition and harmful rivalry. Fre- Whether politics entered into the dis-ciuent special investigations of the! position of the Schatz report or not, Section 990-50.

1. In the miles i you FALK SO aereg nf In nil, 3 en st of Kindle. hiiikII DUllUinKS. ut tioedrt. It 1.

WatniiU. launsueu lur loo oner a nerioo to -8 room rt hard, house, n'so lot, at (ill' thii-niro 5-tf KOH SAI.l-i-harn and Ave. periods ending Julv 1, 1 9 1 4, and July V. 1. 1913.

it shall also investigate ge fairly of the results its work. Plication of work of public bodies, I T''e ni0st VTT TH' the efficiency of the organisation and is, administration of surh public bodies in being rtudled and administered as a unit in the mter- and shall formulate plans for the KOH SAIJ-: OR KE.VT li room house Ht tirunt St. All modern run-Vfnienucs. lnqulrn Ht Cnwley Kros. I'hono -'6-tf SXM SALE OR EXCHANGE Farms, and as a result education was in a public money and an utter disregard very unsettled and unsatisfactory for legislative action to pigeon hole state.

The faculties of the Institutions this report. were elected annually because the! It is a question even now whether idea was prominent that uncertainty the report will be printed In time of reelection increased efficiency. for its circulation among members One investigating committee appoint-! of the 1913 legislature. ed by Governor Stubbs had for its', purpose 'to investigate and deter-1 f) 1 CPflM CDCC? lADflWP 1J 1 tl mine the efficiency of every person 1 AnuUil lilLCO VV llUflU mAII greater coordination of such public bodies and the improvement of state Adoich Holub. 3o6 First Ave.

8. Phone administration in general 1146. 12-tf I-OK HE vi- ests of all the necessary kinds of education and in the interest of all communities and peoples alike, and tne large problems of education are given fundamental consideration. Artificial distinctions and local false pride and prejudices and selfish business interests are being discouraged." "There has been a very decided and definite increase in economy and FOR SCHOOL MISSES SPECIAL FITTINGS SATURDAY MORNINGS On a fill's first Colsef depend the beauty and ftrnre of ligun' in aftei years, anil the Corset NOW is very essential. Kor lliiw special iiirMse we have nil tiiitisiiiilly Hood Mi ii Id in thu lainoiis Gossard, Warner American Lady Front Laced Corsets at $1.00 to $3.50 iirlnuc your dainvliterM in mol'iiliio; anil receive the pci-sonnl pttenllon of our Oivpert 'oisetlere.

Let lis romiiience the niolilltig of their youthful llgtire.s Jiito lines of grace, beauty and healthful co intuit! from president to ian tor of each n-! in rally lost. rhim- roi. KKX'T 3 stall barn, eali-d. WaKhint Ion 1 iiSS. 2.

It shall investigate the feasibility of a central board of control for all public educational institutions. 3. The efficiency of the teaching and educational methods used in the high schools, the normal schools, the training schools for teachers, and the stltution. i Cleticnl Ili-ior Leaves Convict for Whom Mercy Was Intended in Jail Lets Namesake Out. Reasons for establishing the nrard are given by Ex-Governor Hoch as folio W8: vprcirv i nd 'efficiency in a number of lines "Because of a demand for closer Ottawa, Ontario, April II.

Through a clerical error the authorities of the penitentiary at Kingston, FOR HKXT The best looking house in Wbusuu. At 727 Warren St. Kin rooms. Kent JU.n". Pie no lefit or inquire xl'l Franklin St.

For: UKXT 5 ortlecs in lumbal- hloek. Hinijly, or in suites of or Kn-tire floor remodeled. Most mod in of-tifts in the city, steum hefit. Inquire O. K.

Dim-Kir Third St. FOR RK.VT Modern eight room house. K. JelTelson St. ln'l re H)i" Hrant St.

released from custody Thomas printing I administration of all the institu-i coordination of schools: to prevent 3. It may complete investigations tions without a ngle useless duplication; to unite them in not yet completed or in the judgment great e'cational family; to "The Idaho plan, it is said, is de- check Erowins? antagonism and for of the board investigate other mat-' diiu jor ters for the purpose of bringing about tot.Perm,t th to llam" "ore economic management." greater efficiency and economv in '9 etiucanonal problems in terms of) Scott Hopkins, -University or M. Riley, 'serving a term for man-1 slaughter, on a pardon intended for! Thomas Riley, also serving time fori manslaughter, it was announced here! on Monday night. The mistake was' iue uuif aiaic iuja auu rvti.i- iansas, is quotea as follows: i SITUATIONS WASTED FOIL KENT SO acre faim without ma-I iwnere. ine people or laano are now "To reduce expenses and to co- chinery, 5 miles est of oily.

Ad- wideawake and thinking about their I ordinate the work in our three when a clergyman at IfCwiftt i i.i) young man dc- 13 drcbH J. Itteord-He'-'ild. London, received a letter from schools. Teachers and school ad sires a poaitKn tannic cam or suir- Iniiuirj mer home at Ijik Address W. A.

('ow pasture -litz, KiekDU, FOU KKXT Kiehard It street. Niamey, lien. Oeiiver.v, Fity. Ki-ilt WlNKELMAN'l the freed Riley, now living in Kve.r-ton, thanking him for his efforts to secure the pardon. Tiie surprised clergyman had made no efforts to t-ecure Riley's release ministrators, as well as the general public, all over the state are giving the board generous support." In Iowa.

In beginning the report on tne io-wa rate state Institutions." As for results in Kansas the investigator says': "The board has favored permanency in position and therefore the members of the old faculties, as far WAXTEP l'usltion a ehauffeur, do repair work. Address A. 11., -ord-Hernld. WAXTEO TO Hrr FOlt HKXT Small saniep, electric HlL'hts. Storage tor gasolin-.

7ii) Warren St. 12-it iVAXTEh to hfva flat ton des't ihi miwusmui as tney were recommended by the uiuuiry which r- situation the investigator says: as they were recommended by the corner s. i on, i n.i i Iowa, like most other states, lack-! nrpsidenta u' rooi.eori soiartoa vealed that the pardon was lor 'Iowa, like most other states, lack- presidents, were reelected. Salaries fer.K-11 St. 1 I nnmt.i.oViunci,, or.

rlofini. Tl i.wiuiiiicuji,c oil" hki-u auvauceu according io tne mer-( line.1 oeivm -ecu va- ucational policy and centralized di-jit system rather than the old horl- term -or killing his wife nt Hamil- tvrrcu to iioiotow FOK REXT Modern (i room downstairs flat at 2i!) Short at. Inquire 15lii Third St. ili-n OFFICKS FOU ltKNT llest loention in city. Over Woolworth's and lee store.

Also the third f'umr and hase-meiit. Inquire of Heiiu maun. ijtnf FOR HKXT Modern flat, two blorks from street cur line. Inquire l'Tenzel St. i2-l-l rectlon for all educational activities, jzontal scale.

This has meant a great ton. and was granted on the THREE uOtiyx" DAYS WAXTED TO r.ORUOWSG.lMMi. It al state- security worth four tunes th-; ban. Address W. A.

Uecord-Hu-'d. Local interests and personal ambi-1 saving to the state money and in the tion rather than well defined policies services of capable and worthy men. ground of Riley's ill health. Instead, it freed Thomas M. Riley, serving a fifteen year term for manslaughter ror tne state as a whole naa aeter-ix0 exceptional man has been lost WAXTKD Write co lieo'idl mined the educational activities.

Thisj of a bartender in FOll HKXT Four room modern flat at urity from the faculty whose retention was lor the killin situation is not characteristic of Iowa i')H Prospect St. Inquire 1.1 1 4 Sixth Hcralu St. recommended by the said institution London, Out The National Annual Hosiery Event At Tl Hllllll FOll IIK.NT except where the person accepted a posftion which offered a higher salary. Investigation is being made oi AFCTIOX I will sell town of Flieth; tin 7F. elenred.

niy Hi rm in the S'j SVV hnlanee pa.stur,. WAUSAU MARKET rilK EI PAID PRODCCBIt. 5fi nounda 1-VJU P.KXT 5 room fiirnisliod ct.ttuit; for Ihe ainnnier or loriKer. lnquir 1 iiii' St. 11 it the economic needs of the people irv and timber.

niil'p lr-)iii 1.10 1.10 witn a view to adjusting the schools wis. winter wheat, tu. APRIL lOatB. 32 I lis. alone, but is likely to obtain in every state where the support of an institution depends upon a direct appust to the legislature." The investigator quotes the statement of the president of the finance committee of the state board of education in answer to the question 'why was the board as follows: "The board was organized by reason of the fact that in Iowa our edu- 45c to 60c 70c me cu oi ausan arm 2' miles w---t FOii RKNT lleautiful sutu if rur- of on Monday.

Anril 2'Uh niahed rooms; private tiled hath; It'll, at la o'elm-k A. M. I'( rms or sal--: test residenee district. Write K. Half cash.

Imlanc en time at ti per io Ri eonl-llernid. 11-Jt cent, interest, Sam Sw anson. tor. .1. 1.

c'liristie. Am-tione-r. FOK KF.XT Large, lurnislud front t4-4t i 17th Saturday 16th Friday 15th Thurtday Barley, 4 lbs MKAT. Hops, alive, per loo Hons, dressed. Inn-ISO Calves, alive, 100-150 Calves, dressed- Choice Spring l.nmba, alive Culls and Feeders to meet those needs.

The extension work of the various institutions has been reorganized and coordinated. A central purchasing department has been established which will mean a great financial saving. A study of the number and size of classes show- rooni wiin or wuiiout noani, at -i i 9. no .07 .10 .07 .05 MM Mil ITItV AMI 1 i S. 3d Ave.

Fat Kwea li'li urnisneu rooms wun n.i.- -ks v. i.no.i. lsiami rational institutions narticnlarlv the board at the Maples, cor. Fourth and Reds, prize stock. Oilcer Martin, US lnstuuuons, particularly me state university and state colleges of ed rivalry between departments andisheen.

old Pucks MiOlellan. Ave. .01 imn: ii v.viM; agriculture and mechanical arts, are organized as separate institutions Onyx" Hosiery Inquire classes. This has lead to the reorganization of the classes and the fix- FOR REXT Rooms upstairs. 101 Short St.

HOMK IIAKI.Xd loloEna nulla Ploik Hulls Fat Steers, nlive, 700 lbs Fat Steers, alive, l.noo .06 Fat Steers, alive, 1,100 .06 Va Ciiivh 111 of all kind.1: to order. Fackler, 211 1st St and are governed by separate boards. ing of a minimum number for classes For manv veara these -Institutions nrvanivaiinn tha monii n.nnt FOR RIOXT Front furnished down-: Mrs. Kniinn stairs room tor rent. Inquire ulil T'tione Jiffi'ison St.

tnrougn their executive officers came. er efficiencv. less exnense. a better canncrs IMIOW I I. I.

VMM. Spriner Chickens, alive HOI'UKTV before the legislature asking ior, spirit." IWAXTKll To do window eleaninu for At Special Prices on 'these Days Only large appropriations. Xot infrequent Spring Chickens, dressed ,17 Old Hens, alive .1 4 SELLING PRICKS IN STORES. i-'OK SAl-F Hnr.1 wag.n, sleigh, cut- ri-vate stores, saloons, te. ter und harness.

Cheap if taken at all for ir.d Cleaners nt phone Cost $50-1 The Schatz report cost the state $304.28. according to figures given 17:15. Phone 15.1:1. Corn 1 10 ly their financial requests were in excess of the money available and the legislature found it exceedingly p.ra l.M" SIO.VEV TO LOAN out by the Board of Public Affairs. FOR WOMEN difficult to satisfy itself through its Had the statute been followed it Vr'o'und' 14 Ait jn.n- "ONYX" Medium Weij1 Oround fiats 1.20 1.65 1.1 a S.fO 1.00 I .26 MONET TO I.OAM Clt or tarm bouKht.

tuM or exchanced. Wm. 4-lbrecht. N. G.

Hunk Kid. ti -it tfONKT TO 1JJAN On good real JT-tatr eeurity. Apply A. A. Bock SI0 aeott SL Rhone 17i4.

lS-lt FOU SALIC Driving hoi se, 25 pas-x-n- ger launch with 12 horse Krev mo-I ivX. I'ici'ee-Arrow aut'i, ii hunting dots. Xesch, S-iiofield. Wis. )( SAUK Tonne- Inquii A.

C. HfVf r. Kttst Frankliu street. T-l I FOlt SALIC Team draft horses. ihe, harnens and new waiion.

KivU-! ger's Chicken Farm, richofietd. Wis. H-Gt FOK SA1.K VounK tea'n. weight 24o. iood traveler.

1'hone lCso. 11-. 5SO SPr-Womo' "ON VX" Medium Light Weight Sltk Llsltt wlth Polntf Heei, Dub-l Top. eln hoy SpncnJ Heel and Toe; Bink ooif "ONYX'' DAY PRICE 3 paire foe- 1.00 6607: Womto'l 'ONYX Pure Thread Silk Bit will) Mile "Dub-l" Top; Reinlorred Heel, Soli iind Toe; Blaci, White end Tan. "ONYX" DAY PRICK 3 pairs for 1.00 Silr Lille, "Dub-l" Toe, Hl.i Splice4 Heel nn Double Sole; Bletk only "ONYX" DAY PRICK 3 pure for 91.00 141r Women'! "ONYX" Pure Threld Sik; Meoium Weieht: Lille Garter Top end Sole; Elba Double Heel and Toe; Black and While.

"ONYX" DAY PRICK 60 CU per pt.lt committee that it was acting justly in would have been in the hands of the the matter of the adjudication of legislature one month before the these rival planes." l913 session and would have proved Of the results in Iowa the investi- of inestimable value. It is common gator says: knowledge that Governor Philipp ad- "The Finance policy of the Board, vorated the central board of educa-according to reports, has effected a i tion idea as early as Julv 1914. It is Ttye. pounds Flour, per 100 pounds PKUI1UCB. Putter, dairy Putter, creamery Rntter, separator Fresh Eggs, per dozen Rotatoes.

per bu Cane Sutcar .33 I .171 .35 i WA1TKI TO HKVr 6.2 WW XT Room s. Co! rn conveniences, out board, r.ii- iTinri-ied X. cord-lleiald. it-ally With or with-r'ouple. 1 One of the mysteries that man has well known also that the personnel of the Board of Public Afffairs at so far failed to solve is the reason.

Woqn'l "ONYX" Pure ThreeiJ Silk; Fine Medium "Dub-l" Gerter Top of Silk or LUIe; High Spliced Heel vwl Double Sole of Bilk or Lille; Bl aud While. "ONYX" DAY PKICl general and decided improvement in the business administration of the Institutions under the control of the Board. More economical expenditure has been accompanied by great ma that time was made uP of members why a voman cries when she is l-Oii SALK Sound 7 year old driving horse. Weighs about 110 pounds. In-iiuire at 121.1 Sixth Av.

S. WAXTFI) To HKXT Suile of unfur-1 riishei rooms with nioiiern nmv m-es. he centrally located. Telephone 177s. 1 4 iWAXTKD TO RKNT Six I room house with modern conveniences Call or address W.

Ii. Office. terial development. Confidence the business ability and policy of the Board has been established and more funds have been granted for buildings and equipment and for addition. J-'OK SA1.F Indian twin motoroyi le, llit class coiidiiion.

Cheap. C. Lamb, 204 2d St Rhone 1J01. At 12 after p. m.

FOU A LF 1 lady's otcycle and 1 man's bicycle. Rhone 2112. F. 1:. JpuiJmer.

Sehotield. Wis Women's line gauze lisle double tc. high spliced heel and double sole lilnck and tan, Onyx" Hay price, a pair i Women's "Onyx lijilit vteifilit cotton 1oiillo top, hljsli splireil lieel anil double Itlitfk, white and tan, "Onyx" Day price, pair. tic root:) I to 7 Oiessel, jWAXTF.I) TO UKXT-I Apply J. K.

house. mrt al support than ever before. This sup WANTED Tt RENT. or room modern house on West Side. Tel 1121 or at Taege's llrujr store.

lo-'lt J'Ol! KAl.F CHKAP Automobile prest-ciit tank. O. S. llerklein, Iirkaw. Wi.r.

12-3t i FOR SALE Two ilrivintr horses. In-(tiiire F. J. Schaefer, Third Avenue South. i.i-",t port has been made permanent.

The i budget submitted to the legislature! by the board In 1911 was passed in i one hour without modification and without, the lobbvinp and lnp- rnliini? Our Large Vacuum Cleaner FT Has been overhauled and we are pJ ready to get the dirt. We charge 50c an hour and send out a man. lillSO We also have the small clean- Phone eis for sale Frantz Premiers. 1815 FOR MISSES 4: MineV "ONYX" Medium Welgth Tjl-1 Wear" LUIe; Fine feibbed; Black auB Tan; Slaee 5 to 10; Beet Mmei' Hole la Ameiica. 23 par pa FOR BOYS 1274r-Boyf "ONYX" Medina Welrh "Dub-l Wear" Ribbed Cotton In Binck only; Etee 6 to 10; BeU Boyi' Hoee of III kind la America, 25c par pair Raby buspy.

FOlt SARE-l-ott St. rVlinVst fa engaged in the previous S. u. A. Rank, phone 3i2.i.

iti-tr The financial policy of the board; Inquire furniture seems to have met with general ap-i FOR SALIC Poultry house, chicken STORACK WARFHOI wire. Brooder house, pmnll runway, i repaired and crated. Kiefer Furni- proval hopper, drinkinif fountain, oat ture Co. Phone 1331 514 Fulton St. tf In Kansas.

roc-Miier. iipjiiig erai.t.8. etc, at ti't Warren s-t. COAST I i In his report upon the situation in ti'Qncga 1 it vacl rri tnr WlNKELMAN'S iCUT RATE SH1PPINO Cut rate i household (foods to Pacific Coast and "The reasons for establishing the l.4tvs mow Kits 1.F.T 18 fHARPF.X your lawn Will call for thm and T-! J18L Frank Kultli, Hardware. points, superior aervn-e al re- hoard are rennrted ia o- ttioii lneed rates.

The Boyd Trnfr noarn are report as loilows: Mioo. er education in Kansas, like in most.

Wausau Daily Herald from Wausau, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

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Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.