The McPherson Republican from McPherson, Kansas (2024)

Alex S. Hendry will write Insurance on Elerators, grain. Darns, farm residences, in fact anvthine insurable. McPheison EepaMicaii. One of the most remarkable cures of rheumatism on record is related bv Mr J- M- Thompson, postmaster at Decker's Point.

Pa- as follows; "While out driving one day last winter I was caught in a cold rain. The next I will pay the highest market prioe in cash for hiies and furs. J. Poixak. McPherson, Kansas.

Poultry Wanted. Will pay the highest price in cash for poultry delivered at Kansas Avenue, at the Old Vittum Stand, opposite court house; call and see us hAfnrct Sftllillfi'. H. FlSHBACK. A Verdict Getting Court.

Judge Simpson believes in juries finding verdicts. He kept the jury in the Hatch case, out for about fifty hours until they adjusted their differences of opinion and arrived at a verdict. The present panel of the district court, has no "eleven contrary men," and have no difficulty in getting together, when the baliff corals them in the spacious and sumptuously furnished ''jury room" of our elegant court house. But the baliff has no control over the minds of the jurymen, and sometimes, only solitude, seclusion, and additional instructions from the court, enables the authorities to get them of one mind. Well, CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS.

Senator Turpie Speaks on Cuba Report on the Free Homes BUI Presented in the House. Washington. Jan. 26. It was Sf p.

m. when Senator Turpie took the Boor to make his promised speech on our relations with Cuba. His remarks tvere chiefly historical. A commuica-tion from the attorney-general, which included a letter from President Cleveland, was laid before the senate in response to a resolution of Saturday last in relation to the foreclosure proceedings in the case of the L'nion Pacific Co. Mr.

Burrows presented petitions on the subject of the senatorial election in Delaware. Mr. Pettigrew offered a resolution for a special committee of five senators to inquire into the issue of land patents to the Pacific railroads, and the California and Oregon railroads and to the diversion from the reports of gross earnings of the sums paid to the Pacific Mail Steamship which was referred. The military academy appropriation bill was also taken up the pending question being-on the participation of the West Point sadets in the approaching inaugural ceremonies. The house began business to-day by passing the senate bill to provide for an examination and survey of a water route from the mouth of the jetties at the city of Galveston, through the ship canal and up Buffalo bayou to the city of Houston.

Mr. Danforth gave notice that on Wednesday next, after the reading of the journal, he would call up the conference report on the immigration bill. Delegate Flynn presented the report of the house committee on public lands on the Oklahoma free homes bill. It urges the passage of the bill as it went through the senate. in god companies, at the lowest rates.

DeWitt's Colic Cholera Cure, Pleasant, Quick Results, 5te to take. Money to Loan. I can place a few first mortgage real estate loaas on reasonable terms. Borrowers will do well to see me before securing a loan. Office with D.

P. Lindsay over First State Bank 75d6W4wlt C. H. Baumbacgh. Wall Paper.

New stock just received and you know the prices are the lowest at 86dtf 46wtf Heitheckeb's Ladies. If you want to use the cab to go calling, the rate will be S1.00 for first hour and 50 cents for each additsonal hour. A large Railway Map of United States, so arranged in sections as to be entirely praoticoble and convenient to passenger in any position, is contained in the Band-McNally Railway Guide. This will aid the most inexperienced traveler in tracing his route. Delivery.

C. Seely runs a ten cent delivery wagon. He may be found any time at corner by Vaniman's furniture store. Telephone slate at Entriken's meat market. VVriSoiTHOTEL FIRST CLASS HOTEL, LINDSBORG, KANSAS.

RATBS $2 PER DAY. Special rates to McPherson county people. One of the finest dining rooms tound in any hotel in Kansas. J. D.

NELSON, Proprietor. Our Combination. lof Wo9r God looks may be a temporary lot TlGul availment, bnt if good service be not with them they'll never make friends for us. 9nrJ CU A poor flttinsr shoe no matter how III good the material, should have no place ia an up to date shoe. Cfulfl A fiboe needs this to catch the eye OU OljIC and aid us in making the sale.

At I'O tlnitiag the foregoing elements fl II in shoos to sell at prices to suit the times is just exactly what wh're doing at LAWSON SHOE STORE, Union Hotel Building. McPherson, Kansas. DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. Will Sellers is making a special business of blacking and setting up stoves. Telephone No.

11. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. Santa Fe Route-California Limited. Leaves Chicago 6.00 p.

Wednesdays and Saturdays, Kansas City a. and Denver 5:30 p. m. Thursdays and Sundays, reaching Los Angeles in 72 hours and San Diego in 76 hours from Chicago. Connecting train from SanFrancisco, via Mojave.

Returns Mondays and Thursdays. Equipment of superb vpstibuled Pullman palace sleepers, buffet smoking car and dining car. Most luxurious service via any line. Another express train, carrying palace and tourist sleepers, leaves Chicago and Kansas City daily for California. Inquire of Local Agent, or G.

T. Nicholson, G. P. A A. S.

F. R'y. Chicago. 44w4t Vreeland Photos Are the Best. Special Prices on Family-Groups.

We are making a Specialty of Crayons, Water Colors, Pastels in all Sizes at very Low Prices. We can copy any old pictures and make something that will please you. MRS. VREELAND SON PLYMOTH ROCK Mr. Wesley Simpson, of Spring Valley, has a number of fine Plymoth Rock Chicken and Eggs in season for sale.

Chickens 50 cts each, Egge 50 cts for 15. Hides. Highest price paid for hides at Shirk's butchershop. Don't eell before you see him. 36wtf FOR SALE- Hens of Brown and White Leghorn and W.

F. JBlack Spanish. For Prices Write to E- W. BOWKER, McPherson. Kansas.

Golden Laced Wyandottes co*ckerels and Eggs in1 Season for sale by GEORGE W. SHELLEY, two miles east of McPherson. H3. W. HULSE, Heal Estate Broker Abstracter Transacts a general real estate business, irings buyer and seller together, rents prop.

rtj of all kinds. Examine my books, see bargains I have. Correspondence so.l-Vted. Office over First National bank. Mcpherson.

Kansas. New inula Camp Discov-eied. There is considerable excitement in California over rich discoveries of gold ore at Randsburg, California, miles from Kramer station on Atlantic faciflc division of the Santa Fe route. The new camp is a wonder. For full information respecting Randtburg and the cost of trip thither, inauire of local agent.

A- T. S. F. Popular Low -Price California Excursions. The Santa Fe Route personally conducted weekly excursions to California are deservedly popular.

About ane-third saved in price of railroad and sleeper tickets as compared with first-clas passage. The improved Pullmans occupied by these parties are of 1896 pattern and afford every necessary convenience. A porter goes with each car, and an experienced agent of the Company is in charge. The Santa Fe's California line is remarkably picturesque, and its middle course across the continent avoids the discomforts of extreme heat or cold. Daiiy service, same as above, except as regards agent in charge, For descriptive literature and other information, address G.

T. Nicholson, G. P. AS. F.


1897. KTERID IK in KHOma AT M'T KANSAS. AS BBOOND CLASS MA The New World and the Old. The continent ia in a tamolt. England is comparatively quite to far as ter home interests are concerned but she has the Indian question to manage and that will tax her utmost energies.

Famine prevails in India, and as oenal, the plague comes with it. Millions of people are suffering from want of food and enervated by hunger they fall an easy prey to disease. The New York Medical Record, of January 26, gives the following appalling picture: L. senior phyeician of the principal hotel in Bombay, died on January 5th, of the bubonic plague. The Indian government at Calcutta has sent Dr.

Ciegborn, the director-general of the medical service, to Bombay, to report upon the increase of the plague. The mill operatives and their families are quitting the city, thus adding a quarter of a million of unemployed to the country districts. It is now estimated that three hundred and twenty-five thousand persons have lied from the city as a rpsult of the spiead of the bubonic plague, scattering contagion in the villages up the country. The Times of India says that owing to the exodus on account of the plague the population of Bombay has been reduced by one-half. The weekly mortality is two thousand, and more shops are closed than open in the native quarter.

Despite panic, many victims of thu plague refuse to accept medical treatment, regarding the disease as a visitation of God. The plague is also reported to be raging with great violence at Kurra-chee, one of the chief seaports of India, at the extreme northern end of the west coast at a considerable dia tance from Bombay. The area of famine covers a very large extent of country inhabited by over ninety million people. In two-thirds of this district the distress is very acntf, and almost the entire pop ulation in some parts, cultivators and laborers, of high and low caste, are crowding to the relief works. In western China, also, a severe famine is reported, and the distress has now been aggravated by severe floods which havo destroyed the rice and other growing crops from which relief was exoected.

France has the Madagascar question which is a serious one and her othor colonies are giving her trouble also. Germany appears peaceful but she is rent with internal dissensions. Spain has an empty treasury and two rebellions, one in the Phipphine Islands and one in Cuba. Kussia is the bugaboo of all Europe and in in constant danger of attack from her neighbors. She is infringing in China and the Indies and is in perpetual turmoil.

Turkey has the Armenian trouble and the ill will of the whole civilized world. It is a relief to turn from all this to the American continent. Not a war nor rumor of war. Every nation is at peace with every other nation, Famine and pestilence are unknown. 1 Surely there is room for gratitude that we are so highly favored.

Why should not all America enter into an alliance of peace. Why should not we enter into a reciprocity treaty with these peaceful countries and leave the old world to fight out its quarrels. The Freemau editor's mental machinery is out of gear- It gobbles and jumps cogs at a fearful rate. He has got his imagination and his memory so mixed up that he cannot tell which is which. He is trying to make people believe that the paper which left its bid on file and furnished bond en time as required is acting in bad faith while the paper that withdrew ilh bid atid the next morning, three quarters of an hour after the time set by the commissioners, had not even put in an appearance is the paragon of honesty.

The aforesaid editor should take his head to some repair shop and have it mended. He can't do a good job with it in its present condition. The County Teachers Association held an interesting session this afternoon in the high school building. The meeting was pretty well attended by teachers from all over the county and the program as published was carried out. District Clerk McMurray has filed eighteen cases for the March term of court.

I morning I was unable to nioye my I head or arms, owing to an inflammatory rheumatism. attack of My clerk tplenhoned for a nhvsician but sug- i gested that I use Chaninenain's rain Balm, there being a bottle open on the i couuier ue ruuucu iuc auccicu thoroughly with Pain Balm and built up a hot hre. 1 dozed on to sleep and when I awoke aoout half an hour later the pain had gone entirely, and I have not been troubled siuce- People come here from miles around to buy Chamberlain's medicines For sale by Bixbr Lind sa. EDITORS OF KANSAS. Over Three Hundred Gathered to Listen to Addresses Young's BUI Opposed.

TorEKA, Jan. 26. The Kansas Editorial association convened here this afternoon with over 300 members present. Papers by the following editors were read: J. Gabel, of Holton; H.

J. Allen, of Ottawa; J. W. Conway, of Norton; H. W.

Young, of Independence: J. W. Myers, of Leavenworth; Gomer Davies, of Concordia and J. E. Junkin.

of Sterling. This evening Capt. J. G. Waters, of this eity, delivered the welcoming address and Tom McNeil responded.

To-morrow the editors will witness the senatorial election, and depart for Kansas City at two o'clock. The association is strenuously opposed to Senator Young's bill cutting down printing fees, and a legislative committee will be appointed to obstruct this and other bills to which there is objeetion. Be thev new or be they tough, ali bicyclists have broken skin enough to warrant a purchase of Biggs' German Salve, and he is wise as Solomon who trusts in healing power. Kept by Bix-by ft Lindsav, druggists. WILL FIGHT FUSION.

Senator Peffer Will Hereafter Advocate Straight MiiMIe-of-the-Road Doctrine. Topeka. Jan. 26. The turning down of United States Senator Peffer may be the beginning of a general break-up in the fusion forces in Kansas.

He has written his friends here that he will return to Topeka and continue to edit his populist newspaper, advocating straight populist doctrine. He says he will no longer support the fusion of democratic and populist forces, but will insist on going back to the first principles 'of his party, allowing the democracy to take care of itself. This has greatly disturbed the leaders of both parties, who want to maintain fusion relations in 1898 and secure control of the state government. One fashionable thing you do nt want is, La Grippe, the universal remedy for it is Beggs' Cherry Ccugh Syrup. Sold by Bixby Lindsay.

Perished on the Way. Hamilton. Jan. 36. Frozen stiff, the body of P.

K. Starling, a negro coal miner. wras found on the prairie one mile east of town yesterday morning. was a drinking man, and had been drinking Saturday night. In the evening he started to walk from this place to the Caldwell coal shaft, where he lived in a shanty.

The cold wave was too severe for him and he perished on the way. Sew hair, brilliant hair, hair on heads that have no hair at all, is seoured by the use of Begg's Hair Renewer. Sold by Bixby ft Lindsay. Union Pacific Affairs. Omaha.

Neb. Jan. 26. Gen. John C.

Cowan, who filed the government petition in foreclosure against the Union Pacific, said that many months must elapse before anything of a definite nature could be done. General Solicitor Kelly, of the Union Pacific, placed the time at eight months. It is generally antic ipated that some kind of obstructive tactics will be indulged in from one source and another. A torpid liver mearis a bad complexion, bad breath, indigestion and freqeunt headaches. To avoid such companions take DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills.

Bixby Lindsay. Shooting Affray Over a Small Sum. Ht'N'TiXGTON, Jan. 26. Ira Lan-dis, proprietor of a meat market, and Henry Kuester.

a switchman in the Erie yards, had a dispute over 25 cents in the settlement of a meat bill, and Landis shot Kuester. inflicting a dangerous wound. Landis was arrested and placed under SI. 000 bond. Soothing ior burns, scalds, chapped hands and lips.

Healing for cuts and sores. Instant relief for piles, stops pain at once. These are the virtues of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Bixby Lindsay. Fell Sixty Feet into a WeU.

Guthrie, Jan. 26. John Ferguson, living near Chandler, fell 60 feet into a well, crushing his skull and sustaining other injuries which will re-buit fatally. Wanted Agents, to sell in all parte of the United States, Toilet Articles cf thp. highest grade.

For farther particulars address Parisian Toilet Co. 120 Michigan Street, Chicago. largest Dairy in the World. Jeffeesox. Jan.

26. Hiram C. Wheeler, who was a republican nominee for governor in 1S91 and was defeated by Horace Boies, has sold his farm of 4.000 acres in Sac county and will remove to Texas where he has purchased more than 7.000 acres of land 50 miles northeast of Galveston and proposes to establish the largest dairy in the world. Blood is thicker than water Pure blood is the secret of health. There is no better preparation to improve the blood end prolono- life than BEGGS' BLOOD PURIFIER.

ASD BLOOD MAKER, Sold by Bixoy Lindsay. it is a great saving of court expenses, and probably comes as near to "equal an(j exact justice" as any other method, with falible jurymen. Inter or Herald, January 23. Peffer has at last found the way out. The Bubonic plague has reached Hamburg.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Miller a daughter.

Andrew Bullen has received an increase in his pension. J. M. Simpson resigns his place at once as railroad commissioner. The carpenters have finished their work on the Santa Fe depot.

Miss Eva May berry entertained a number of friends at her home Friday evening. "No admittance" is written on the door of the postoffice and may be taken to mean more especially the candidates for postoffice. "Ia fact" said a gentleman this week who had been warmed up con-sidei ably of late, Welle Fargo Company is not able to express my feelings on this subject. The snow has filled the ground with moisture and has put the ground in excellent condition for the wheat. The outlook for a good crop next year could hardly be better.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jud Joseph, of the second ward, a pair of twins. We will be a great city yet, but Mr. Besgrove and McMurray are talking about changing their residence to some other ward.

Concerning the robbery of several pair of pants from Mr. Israel there is no particular evidence as to the locality in which the robbery was effected. The valises had traveled over several lines but no trace of the goods or the robber has ben found on any road. It is not by any means certain that the robbery was done in this city. Prof.

Stryker has a text book bill that proposes to make the price of spelling books ten cents, first readers ten cents, recond readers fifteen cents third readers twenty cents, fourth readers thirty cents, fifth readers thirty-five cents, United States history forty-five cents, arithmetic forty-five cents, third arithmetic thirty-five cents. This is a fifty per cent cut in prices, and includes transportation to the district. There was a very enjoyable social party Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.

E. Louthan, in the third ward It was in the nature of a surprise in a most pronounced manner. The evening was a very Peasant one. The following were Prsent: Mr. and Mrs.

C. H. Hubbell, Mr. and Mrs. W.

J. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. F. D.

Entriken, Mr. and Mrs, ML A. B. Schwenson, Mr. and Mrs.

H. E. Louthan. Some of the boys say that on of our oitizens who attended the Mohawk medicine show so faithfully while it was here, attended the revival the other night, and while there fell asleep, and along towards the last of the" sermon when the preacher was pleading with the sinners to flee from the wrath to come, he awoke with a start and yelled out. "give me a bottle of the blood purifier." Canton Champion, January 22.

We are told by an itinerant pictnre peddler a few days ago that his firm employed l.iOO artists and that in Kansas alone they had two hundred agents who were taking from fifteen to sixteen orders a day for pictures at $1.98 each. This would make for this outfit alone near $6,000 a day drawn out of Kansas. Add to this the many hundred of other schemes, including medicine rhows, quack doctors traveling over the country guaranteeing a cure or no pay and always taking the patient's note" for a respectable amount and getting the same cashed at the nearest bank, letting the cure follow at its leisure afterwards. Is it any wonder the people are asking "where am I at?" Gypsum City News, January 15. Blood Is Life It is the medium which carries to every nerve, muscle, organ and fibre its nourishment and strength.

If the blood is pure rich and healthy jou will be well: if impure disease will sxm overtake you. Hood's Sarsapa-rilla has power to keep you in making your blood rich and pure. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate. Cur indigestion, biliousness. 25c.

Cura Far Htdtoti. Ab a remedy for all form of Headache Electric Bitters has proved to be the very best. It effect a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual tick headache yield to its influence. We urge all who are afhicted to procure a bottle and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving the needed tone to the bowels, and few cases loug resist the use of this medicine.

Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at BixbyX Lindsa3T's Drug store COLD ALL THIS WEEK. The Weather IJureau rredifts Low Temperatures for States East of the Rockies. Washington, Jan. 2t.

Advices received by the weather bureau indicate that the full force of the cold wave wiH not be felt in the middle and south Atlantic states until Tuesday morning, when the lowest temperatures of the season undoubtedly will be reached. The cold snap is technically explained to be due to an exceedingly high barometer from the Canadian northwest provinces pushing south and eastward and displacing a low barometer in those sections. Local snows are generally reported from Texas and from Mississippi valley regions. It is too early to predict how much damage will be done to Florida and the South Atlantic states by the cold snap, as the wave will not strike that section severely until to-night. The weather bureau expects that low temperatures will be general throughout the section east of the Rockies most of the week.

A weed in the garden can be easily destroyed when it first starts. Consumption can be nipped in the bud by One Minute Cough Cure. Bixby Lindsay. HOME AND LIBRA KT GONE. Charles J.

Barnes, of Chicago, Loses Heavily by Fire Rare Bookp Lost. Chicago. Jan. 20. The four-story residence of Charles J.

Barnes, 2888 Calumet avenue, was destroyed by fire at two o'clock this morning. Mr. Barnes is in New York and Barnes and four servants were asleep in the house when the fire broke out. With the mercury VJ degrees below zero they were forced to flee in scant attire to save their lives. A maid hamed Kitty was overcome by srnoke and was carried out by the firemen.

For years Mr. Barnes had been collecting rare and valuable books and his library is said to have been one of the finest in the United States. This was destroyed and, with the damage to the building and furnishings, will make the loss over Chicora. "Herald" Kichard Vensel reports One Minute Cough Cure the srreatest success of medical science. He told us that it enred his whole farnilv of terrible coughs and colds, after all other so called cures had failed entirely.

Mr. Vensel said it assisted his children through a very bad siege of measels. One Minute Cough Cure makes expeeforation very easy and rapid. Bixby ft Lind-say. Big Fire at Centropolis.

Mo. Kansas City. Jan. -Jo. The Missouri frog and crossing works at Centropolis.

were totally destroved by fire this morning. The loss is estimated between S30.000 and $40,000. with 15.000 insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. The tire throws about 50 men and boys out of employment.

Constipation in its worst forms, dvs-pepsia, sick headache, biliousness and derangement of the liver radilv cured by DeWitt's Little Early Risers These little pills never eripe. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Bixby Lindsay. "The Dachess" No More. Dcblix.

Jan. 26. Mrs. Hungerford, the novelist, known as "'The duch*ess' is dead. She first became widely known to readers of light literature by 'Molly Bawn" and pretty tales of the joys and trials of lovers, told in a light, chatty way.

In war, in peace, on land, or' sea' you will find Begg's German Salve the King. We keep it Bixby Lmd say. Invincible, Unsurpassable, Without a Peer," Writes a regular subscriber, who has read it for many years, of the Twice-a-week issue of the St. Louis Globe-Democrat and this is the unanimous verdict of iis more than half a million readers. It is beyond all comparison, the biggest, best and cheapest national news and family Journal published in America.

It is strictly Kepnblican in politics, but is above ail a newspaper, and gives all the news promptly. It is indespensable to farmer, Merchant or Professional man who desires to keep thoroughly posted, but has not the time to read a large Daily paper, while its great variety of well-selected reading matter makes it an invaluable Home and Family Paper. Two Papers Each Week. Eteht Pages Each Tuesday and Friday. One Dollar for One Year.

Sample Copies Free. GLOBE PRINTING St. Louis, Mo. i.

The McPherson Republican from McPherson, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.