Top 10 BI Tools for Data Visualization & Analysis (2024)

1. Power BI

Microsoft’s Power BI is a business intelligence tool whose main differentiator is the fact that it sits within the larger Microsoft ecosystem, integrating with Excel, Azure, Access, and more. While these integrations are a plus for many, Power BI has proven to be difficult for some to learn—and it has some unique quirks.

Who Is Power BI for?

Power BI is great for larger companies full of spreadsheet junkies that are already heavily invested in Microsoft’s ecosystem.

It’s not the easiest business intelligence tool to set up and maintain, so teams with little capacity to spare may want to look elsewhere. Once set up, it has a reputation for being more malleable than other massive business intelligence tools.One user on Quora used this comparison: Tableau is like iOS, while Power BI is like Android. The result is good modeling functionality that, again, requires some expertise to set up and utilize.

Unique features

  • Seamless integration with other Microsoft products.
  • DAX (Data Analysis Expressions), Power BI’s proprietary language for modeling data. It’s powerful but takes some getting used to.


  • If you’re fullyfluent in Excel, you won’t have to work too hard to understand Power BI. AsAlainia Conrad of SelectHubsays, “Users with experience in [Excel] will be able to adapt to [Power BI].”
  • Users of Power BI tend to praise its ability tohandle the flow of dataas well as its modeling capabilities. In their comparison between Power BI and Tableau,user Grovbolle on Redditsays, “Power BI is very strong on the data modeling and infrastructure, a bit less on visualization.”


Top 10 BI Tools for Data Visualization & Analysis (1)

2. Chartio

Chartio(Hey there! 👋) is a business intelligence tool focused on making data accessible to anyone. What sets it apart from the pack is how affordable it is and how easy it is to set up and use, even for people with no coding experience.

Who is Chartio for?

Chartio is for any company that needs an affordable yet powerful business intelligence tool that anyone can use.

The biggest, most complex companies, like New York Shipping Exchange (NYSHEX),find it “super easy to deploy”and assert that “the users get immediate value out of it.” At the same time, the scrappiest of startups,like a student-run content curation startup, can afford it and use it to improve their product.

Unique features

  • Visual SQL, a proprietary language that allows anyone to query data without knowing how to code in SQL.
  • The visual form of querying allows for an intuitivedrag-and-drop user interfaceused to build queries.
  • Dynamic dashboardsthat can automatically update based on your queries.
  • In-dashboard commentingfor collaboration and presentations.
  • Top-level security and HIPPA compliancefor the most sensitive data.


  • There’sno need for SQL knowledgeto dive into data, thanks to Visual SQL. The end business user with no coding knowledge can get the answers they need without going through the development, data, or IT teams.
  • Chartio has a reputation of having** simple, fast deployment**. While he was SVP of engineering at Chartio,Arjun Anandled the charge for setting up Chartio. About his experience, he says, “With Chartio, it only took a day to get everything going, and then a week to get the initial dashboards to show what we could accomplish.”
  • Because it’s so easy for end business users to set up and use, Chartiofrees up data and development teamsto do the work they should be doing. In hisG2 review, Dan D. says, “Chartio’s SQL GUI (graphical user interface) enables end users to help themselves, freeing up huge amounts of resources that can be redirected onto other projects.”


  • Chartioprioritizes end usability above most other things. This means that there are a few features it needs to develop in order to satisfy the most hardcore of data analysts.
  • Jason Harris at Panoplyexplains it this way: “While [Chartio] may not have all the functionality that your data analysts are looking for, it’s well suited to business users.” On G2,one executive in financial services says, “[Chartio] has relatively fewer features than the other primary tools out there, like Tableau. I think in part, that’s what enables it to be user-friendly,so it’s a trade-offrather than a downside.”

3. Looker

Looker is a powerful tool for modeling data using its proprietary language, LookerML, that has limited visualization capabilities and data inputs.Google Cloud Platform acquired it in 2019, moving it into the Googlewalled garden, which means it may get combined with Google Data Studio in the near future, as explained in-depth here.

Who is Looker for?

Looker is built for data teams that need powerful modeling capabilities above all else.

These teams also need the patience to learn Looker’s propriety language, LookerML. That said, Looker has a robust library of analytics code called Looker Blocks, which can speed up repetitive workflows once up and running.

Unique features

  • Looker Blocks®, pre-built analytics code that provides a jumping-off point for your own data modeling.
  • LookML, Looker’s proprietary data modeling language.


  • LookML providesa powerful modeling layerthat some veterans enjoy. On Reddit, user rlaxx1 says, “The modeling layer allows you to basically turn SQL into object-oriented code.”
  • Presets likeLooker Blocks®that can help your teamget off the ground quicker if they know SQLinside and out.


  • What Looker gains in modeling capabilities,it loses in its ability to manipulate and visualize data. On Quora,Bill Ulammandakh says, “Expect to be able to do maybe 1% of what you can do in Excel in terms of data manipulation.”
  • Also, despite its strengths in modeling, some find it time-consuming to prepare data for Looker. “You do need a preparation software before you use it, which meansyou’re not able to cleanse and prepare your data before connecting to a data source,” saysAmrita C. on G2.

More information

4. Google Data Studio

Google Data Studio is a data visualization tool from Google with easy integrations to the entire Google ecosystem, from Google Analytics to Google Sheets to BigQuery. The amount of integration and the fact that it’s free make it easier for more people to get into, but its visualizations and formatting are often lacking.

Also, Google’s acquisition of Looker makes some people wonder about the future of Google Data Studio.

Who is Google Data Studio for?

Google Data Studio is good for people who have bought in to the Google ecosystem and want to visualize data quickly.

Google Data Studio has perhaps the lowest bar of entry for the business intelligence tools listed here. But it lacks deeper data functionality, relying on other Google services like BigQuery to fill in the gaps.

Unique features

  • Seamless connection to Google products makes it easy to connect data across Google’s ecosystem.
  • A large library of reporting templates suited for many use cases.


  • If you have a Google account,you can start right away.
  • Because it’s easy to get Google Data Studio up and running, it has a large number of users, from students to hobbyists to companies alike. This user base providesgreat community support.


  • Google Data Studio is part of theGoogle walled garden, sothird-party integrations will always be an issuebecause Google wants you to only use Google products with Google Data Studio.
  • Also, even with its low bar of entry, Google Data Studio can make itdifficult to format reports.Matthew O. on G2 says, “I’d like to be able to use a highlight tool to mark important KPIs in my tables, but I’m not able to do that. Or… when I want to have bold text in certain places, there’s no way to do it.”

5. Tableau Desktop

Tableau Desktop is the standalone data visualization tool from Tableau, a legacy giant among other business intelligence tools. Tableau was one of the first BI tools to lower the bar for entry into data visualization but still remains out of reach for the average business user due to its older feature set designed for large, expert data teams.

Who is Tableau Desktop for?

Data scientists and analysts who need the power to create custom, dynamic charts and complex visualizations.

Tableau’s older feature set makes it robust, but not very agile. It’s often used as a base-level data tool that only a few people in the company know how to use well.

Unique features

  • Tableau allows teams tojoin data from multiple databases.
  • Its depth of features make it useful to data scientists, analysts, and developers alike, but not the average business user.


  • Tableau has a vast user base that providesa lot of community support.
  • It’s very flexible in how you manipulate and use data, making ita powerful data visualization tool.One Capterra reviewer says, “The quality and variety of graphics that can be created with Tableau is vast, and that’s the best part of it.”


  • Tableau isvery difficult to pick upfor most business users, which leads to situations as described byuser adventuringraw on Reddit: “The Tableau guy in my squad is in HIGH demand, there’s multiple teams fighting over him. God help him if he ever wants to do something other than Tableau, haha.”
  • While Tableau has some very good legacy BI features, like visualization,it lacks some important featuresother business intelligence tools have innovated that have become fairly commonplace.Tristan Handy, CEO & founder of Fishtown Analytics, puts it this way: “Tableau, for all its impressive visualization capabilities, can’t really deal with production data: its drag-and-drop capabilities just don’t allow users to express the complicated business logic that is required in real-world BI.”

6. Sisense for Cloud Data Teams (Previously Periscope Data)

Therecently renamedSisense for Cloud Data Teams is a business intelligence tool designed with SQL experts in mind. It can help your team move more efficiently—provided you have a deep knowledge of your data and SQL.

Who is Sisense for Cloud Data Teams for?

SQL veterans looking to speed up their data analysis workflow.

Sisense for Cloud Data Teams is an enterprise tool for companies with sophisticated data teams. It’s useful for teams that use SQL, Python, and R regularly to make sense of business data.

Unique features


  • It has macros that makeexploring your company’s data with SQL a little easier.Bala Parthasarathy, CEO and Co-founder of MoneyTap, says, “You can write regular SQL, of course, but these macros make it easier to turn marketing guys and product people into basic SQL programmers.”
  • Also, if you know SQL very well, it can speed up your workflow. “I like the speed and streamlined SQL language it enables. SQL knowledge is required, so this is not meant for the casual business user,” says onereviewer on Capterra.


  • If you don’t know SQL, Sisense for Cloud Data Teams is very limited. Areviewer on G2 says, “If you have a lot of people who do not know SQLbut want to explore the tabular data themselves,this is probably not the tool for youbecause the ‘Data Discovery’ tool is very basic.”
  • It’s not well suited to companies just starting to get a handle on their data.“If your volume of reporting and metrics is not at [10,000 clients with an average of a couple hundred data points per client] yet, it may not be as useful (or, rather, may overload you with information that distracts from your specifics),” says areviewer on TrustRadius.

7. Domo

Domo is a business intelligence tool that made waves early on in its life when it wasawarded unicorn status. As it grew into a BI industry giant, it attracted its fair share of fans and detractors.

Who is Domo for?

Enterprise businesses looking to get a handle on what’s happening with their data day-to-day.

In particular, Domo targets the busy executive with its mobile-first philosophy and its segmentation tools by team. It’s good for large companies looking for data distribution over data analysis that can afford the sticker price and the time spent to get Domo’s system fully up and running.

Unique features

  • Domo’s mobile-first philosophy connects all BI data to your phone, providing alerts based on what’s most important to you.
  • Features are split out into modules for each team into what Domo calls the “Business Cloud.”


  • Domo’s integration game is strong as oneG2 reviewersays, “It hasa huge range of pluginsthat we can connect quickly.”
  • Its module system allows many different teams to access the data. “It is a very flexible platform where we cansee everything that happens in [each department],” saysproject analyst Isabella on Trustradius.


  • As of late, Domo’s customer service has not received good reviews. User GeneralDouglasMacon Reddit says, “I would NOT suggest DOMO.** It has fallen by the wayside in support, feature matching, and costs** compared to every other tool out there.”
  • Domo has also gained a reputation for leaving new users high and dry once they’re on board.One Capterra reviewersays, “As soon as you sign that contract they wash their hands of you… so unless you have a team of SQL coders to build everything by hand, or are prepared to pay Domo’s extortionate professional services fees (which you’ll need to book weeks in advance), you should avoid this product.”

8. Mode Analytics

Mode Analytics is a data science platform with some business intelligence capabilities designed for large enterprise companies. Its main target users are data scientists and analysts with a lesser emphasis on the end business user.

Who is Mode for?

Data scientists looking to make their analysis and models more accessible to the larger organization.

And by larger, we do meanlarger.Mode is not a small BI tool, and according to some clients we’ve talked to, it’s really gunning for the Fortune 500 crowd.

Unique features

  • Notebooks, which allow you to use R and Python to do data science.
  • Helix data engine, which allows you to use SQL, R, Python, HTML, and CSS to develop reports.


  • If you have SQL knowledge, Mode canprovide access to deep data science capabilities.
  • Thanks to its Python capabilities, data scientiststend to find it very versatile.On the r/datascience subreddit,user JoyousTourist says, “I really enjoy using Mode Analytics because I can query data directly from multiple MySQL databases and then merge them into a Python notebook and display visualizations in a report.”


  • Mode is for data scientists and high-level data analysts first (to the detriment of the end business user) and even some lower-level analysts. On Capterra,Ifabiyi A. says, “For someone less technical,** it isn’t the easiest to build dashboards** with inputs and make my queries more user-friendly for my teammates.”
  • Data visualization is limitedif you don’t want to custom code each report. “You cannot easily change legend color without either rewriting your SQL code or using HTML. You cannot change the x / y axis of the data without advanced manipulations,” saysSteven M. on G2.

9. Klipfolio

Klipfolio is a business intelligence tool best suited for dashboard data visualization. It focuses solely on making dashboards easy to create and maintain (to the point where some peopledon’t consider it a full business intelligence tool).

Who is Klipfolio for?

End business users looking to quickly build dashboard reports.

Its laser focus on dashboard tools makes it a lifesaver for some, but a major pain for those looking to dive deep into data. For companies with a solid data infrastructure already in place, it may be a good fit to help business users visualize data, but it’s not for those who need a tool dedicated to data.

Unique features


  • Klipfolio is good for displaying live data. Areviewer on TrustRadius says, “Klipfolio is an excellent tool for basic to intermediate data visualization / dashboarding.It is best used for live display of datafrom various sources in a consistent interface.”
  • Its library of Klips makes it flexible enough to fit most companies’ specific goals. “There are many different charts, tables, and other views to show your KPIs, andit is a great tool to share with your team and keep them motivatedto achieve the objectives,” saysErika A. on G2.


  • Klipfolio is a dashboarding tool, first and foremost.It’s not a robust, fully-featured BI tool.
  • Despite its user-friendly look, it’s not easy to set up. Reddit user MephiXanadu complains that“It looks like it could theoretically be useful, butit’s IMPOSSIBLE to set up if you don’t have an extensive background in coding/Excel.

10. Metabase

Metabase is a free, open source BI tool focused on analytics and answering day-to-day business questions. It’s bare-bones, and even though it’s fairly intuitive once up and running, it can still leave SQL veterans behind.

Who is Metabase for?

Companies that need an affordable tool their data analysts can use to answer common business questions.

Metabase is best suited for teams that know exactly what they want and how to get it. Because it’s open source, Metabase has little-to-no customer support, so it’s up to you to get it right.

Unique features

  • Metabase is free, offering many powerful capabilities for, well, free.
  • It’s open source, andyou can host it yourself, meaning it’s fully under your control.


  • If you really know what you’re doing,you can make Metabase just about as powerful as any of the business intelligence tools on this list.
  • Its open source and self-hosted nature makes itvery secure, highly customizable, and completely under your control.


  • Metabase’s bare-bones quality makes it difficult for non-technical users to get up and running.Even technical users can have trouble.
  • It can also leave behind power users, asPeter Weinberg of Panoplysays: “Advanced SQL users may find it trickyto learn the SQL-but-not-quite style data interface, but it’s not designed for them.”

Choosing the business intelligence tool to meet your needs

All the business intelligence tools listed here have some form of a free trial, so it’s easy to dive in and try them out. Each has its strengths and weaknesses, but we encourage you to try out as many as you can. We guarantee one will feel much more natural to your business than the others.

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How to create real-time SQL dashboards
Top 10 BI Tools for Data Visualization & Analysis (2024)


What are the top best data visualization tools? ›

  • The Best Data Visualization Software of 2024.
  • Microsoft Power BI.
  • Tableau.
  • Qlik Sense.
  • Klipfolio.
  • Looker.
  • Zoho Analytics.
  • Domo.
Mar 21, 2024

Which BI tool will be most useful? ›

Top Business Intelligence Tools for Beginners
  1. Microsoft Power BI. Power BI is a powerful BI tool that offers both a desktop application (which is free) and a cloud-based platform for sharing reports and dashboards. ...
  2. Tableau. ...
  3. Looker Studio (Formerly Google Data Studio) ...
  4. Domo. ...
  5. Zoho Analytics. ...
  6. Sisense.

What is the number one BI tool in the world? ›

1. Power BI. Microsoft's Power BI is a business intelligence tool whose main differentiator is the fact that it sits within the larger Microsoft ecosystem, integrating with Excel, Azure, Access, and more.

What is BI visualization tool? ›

The ability to visualize and analyze complex information has become a cornerstone of effective decision-making. Business Intelligence (BI) visualization tools are the key to unlocking these insights, offering a blend of advanced analytics and user-friendly interfaces.

Is SQL a data visualization tool? ›

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a popular programming language used to interact with relational data in domains such as business analytics. SQL is widely used by professionals for tasks such as data manipulation, data analysis, and data visualization.

Which BI tool is in demand in 2024? ›

SAS Business Intelligence provides a comprehensive suite of BI tools that support data mining, predictive analytics, and advanced reporting. Known for its robust analytics capabilities, SAS is ideal for organizations that require deep data analysis and statistical insights.

Which is better Power BI or Tableau? ›

Power BI is a strong choice for companies already leveraging Microsoft solutions, while Tableau could work better in Salesforce environments. Power BI has a reduced learning curve, but Tableau has more visualization options. Ultimately, companies need to evaluate their unique needs and preferences.

What is better than Power BI? ›

Top 10 Alternatives to Microsoft Power BI Recently Reviewed By G2 Community
  • Tableau. (2,074)4.4 out of 5.
  • Looker. (1,342)4.4 out of 5.
  • Sisense. (998)4.2 out of 5.
  • Domo. (757)4.4 out of 5.
  • Qlik Sense. (667)4.5 out of 5.
  • Alteryx. (619)4.6 out of 5.
  • Posit. (552)4.5 out of 5.
  • MicroStrategy. (538)4.2 out of 5.

What are examples of BI tools? ›

These five BI tools are not ranked in any particular order.
  • Microsoft Power BI. One of the most popular BI tools is Power BI, offered by leading software giant Microsoft. ...
  • Tableau. Tableau is known for its user-friendly data visualization capabilities, but it can do more than make pretty charts. ...
  • QlikSense. ...
  • Dundas BI. ...
  • Sisense.
May 14, 2024

Which visualization tool is in demand? ›

Tableau. Tableau is a highly popular tool for visualizing data for two main reasons: it's easy to use and very powerful.

Is SQL a BI tool? ›

SQL can be used for various applications in BI, such as data extraction, transformation, analysis, and visualization. For data extraction, SQL can be used to filter, sort, group, and join data from different sources.

What is the best type of data visualization? ›

A line chart, area chart, and column chart are the most common chart types used to visualize change over time. In most cases, they can be used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences between them. Line charts and area charts are the best tools to visualize data that goes up and down from day to day.

Which visualization tool is the biggest competitor to Tableau? ›

Competitors and Alternatives to Tableau
  • Microsoft Power BI.
  • Qlik Sense.
  • SAP BusinessObjects BI Suite.
  • Sisense Fusion Analytics.
  • MicroStrategy.
  • Looker.
  • Amazon QuickSight.
  • Domo.

Which AI tool is best for data visualization? ›

Top 5 AI tools for data visualization to consider in 2024
  • ThoughtSpot.
  • Polymer.
  • Domo.
  • Explo.
  • Google Sheets.
May 17, 2024

How to choose the right tools for data visualization? ›

Below are the five factors you should consider, followed by a list of many of the top solutions grouped into categories.
  1. (1) Flexibility vs. ...
  2. (2) Visual Analytics/Exploration vs. ...
  3. (3) Independent Visualizations vs. ...
  4. (4) Broad Data Platforms vs. ...
  5. (5) Cost to Get Started. ...
  6. What are your data visualization tool options?


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