The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2024)

system for the new muni- Mar. SI, '5 Mnlten Tmm dpallty, one tne oiaest settlements in the area. 1 Passes Her Danct" fuenfes files HeALLEN PATIENTS Patients admitted to the lfc- Allen Hospital Include: Earl H. meams ih La Grulla Expense Repo Kooeer. McAllen: Jeffrey S.

Weiss, McAllen, Cesario Montal-vn Kama: Mrs. VirtU. Wilson, Tests at Age or CHINGFORD, England (UPI)1 Light-hearted Mrs, Edith Mobbs has Just passed her final ballroom and La tin-American medal tests and now plans to become a professional dance teacher. She 72. the the my Martin Puentef wu la GROLLA The Cliv one of nve canauaies lor cuyT.

Grulla Nnran munldnal now. 230. Castillo and oils received 235 votes each and Lozano tad-dd 231. All three were unoppos McAllen; Joe J. Benson, MCAir ten: Mrs.

Leonard Mettlach, and a corporation fudge were postponed until the next meeV- Mayor Lozano said a meeting commission In the April election WASHINGTON (UFI- AaiaDa." fclsbama coneressman said Iadeeeat Exposure every campsite between Senna and Montgomery littered with whisky bottles, Deer cans and ation Tuesday afternoon, setting up a temporary city hall in an ed. "drunkenness and sex "UHnattaf ll the street was will be held at 7:30 p.m. Mon unnnisnea (weuing. used contraceptives. Last week, about so persons (rgiej were ine oraer a uw on un cumin oa aunng uramr Pharr; Glen J.

Willis, McAHen; Mrs. Jerry Luecke, Alamo; Harry G. Heaney, McAllen. Dismissed were: Hugh A. coni MrAnn: Jose IL- De La day at which time the commun It started off with a financial nrauons ana man uua am a day" during rtvfl rlfihts demon showed up at a enrumssionerr Court meeting but Judge Rodri lty action committee will dis these 'freedom marchers' Dickinson said the beatnik group, plus Alabama Negroes who bellevea in gome cuss proceeding with an applica arrested for Indecent exposure who has Incurred any expenses thus far.

This wu indicated in the reports filed by all the candidates this week. Fuentes filed a statement showing be has expended $79.13 thus far. AH fhecandidat filed reports In compliance with a new law which requires, city candi strations a senna, auu, ana the "march to Montgomery." lis said the entire situa Garza, Mission; Aivaro Domln-1 guez declined to canvass the results. Tuesday afternoon the tion for a grant under the Fed problem in fact no funds at an but arrangements for a $1,000 loan were made quickly. There was no collateral for the loan so 50 persons attending the initial in a duduc viace." cases Justifiably they have been denied their rights, and tion was a Communist plot eral ana-poverty program.

-The mayor noted that Starr Dickson described on faction. -the -demonstrators as courtroom was packed again. "Two ccnmlssioners, J. M. Longorla and Virgil Guerra, Ken.

William Dickinson. "misinformed and do-eooders" such as clergymen County, ranked as the 17th poor meeting of the board of alder -R'Alaln a speech prepared "human flotsam adventurers, men pledged $20 apiece to satis- and. other professionals, had were among the spectators. Also beatniks, prostitutes and slml- ry ue oanx. dates as weU as those running for more lucrative county and est tne nation, nas been designated for 100 per cent Federal assistance.

The Office of Economic Op present was Jim UcKetthan of fuel, Keynosa; ueorgo Pharrr- Mrs Vlctoriano Garcia, McAllen; Mrs. Enrique Villaxreai, Beynosa; Mrs. Er nesto Gomes, Reynosa; Mrs. Robert Batte, McAllen; Mrs. Antonio Vlllegas, Pharr; Mrs.

Leonard Keys, Edinburg; Mrs. Othal Brand, McAllen; Mrs. ayde Bartimus. McAllen; TMnrift izaeulrre. McAllen; been used by a fourth group.

"Who or what can weld this lar raboW He said they were tor House delivery, said "were were many, not just a few, instances of sexual Intercourse In public between Negro and Mission, attorney who repre recruited at til a day. free state offices to state money diverse group together into a formidable force that can and room and board "and all of the Hi! they have spent Hector Lozano. mayor, and Commissioners Jesus Castillo and Severo Soils got to work Immediately after being sworn in by County Clerk Jose Hinojosa portunity grant sought is scheduled to be used to establish a sented tnose ravoring incorporation in the recent election and in previous attempts to have an sex they want from the oppo has 'overcome'? Toe answer is Reporting no expenses yet reporters saw-this, law enforcement officials saw site members or eitoer race." were mcumrjent Mayor raui election caned. this: The Communist party," Dickinson said. Free love among this group Veale.

incumbent commission' ai us ftiarr uiunty courthouse. this, and Speaker, photo- Following the brief session at Tacts Are Here ers Rafael Flores, Jack Whet- Is not only condoned, it is be said. "It Is a fact and their way of life. Only The swearing In came after Dr. H.

J. Rodriguez, Stan- Denying that he was one who seL and Gamble Palmer, and Andle Stroud, who makes the fifth member of the incumbents' county ludge. canvassed the re by the ultimate sex act wun saw "a communist Denua every tree," Dickinson said: BEST ASSORTMENT BEST PRICES on GIFT ITEMS FOR ENTIRE FAMILY i i tne courtnouse, the board of aldermen and most of the spectators returned to La Grulla for the first council meeting. Noel Guerra was appointed city clerk. Appointment of a police chief one of another color can they "The tacts are oere tor anyone Omar Cases, McAllen; Rex, Rio Grande City; Gustavo Lopez, McAllen: Jill D.

Doss, Er. Jeffrey Weiss, McAUen; Mrs. Clyde Bartimus and twin girls, McAHen; Mrs. Eduardo fzaguirre and baby boy, McAl- 16 Visiting hours at McAllen Municipal Hospital are from I until mrt tram 7 until 8 p.m. dally.

turns of a March 28 incorporation election for the La Grulla community. The vote wu 250 to "team." grapns were taken or nus, i am told," Dickinson said. "Negro and white freedom marchers invaded a Negro church in Montgomery and engaged tat an all-night session of teoauchery within the church Itself," he said. rihe leadership of the church demonstrate they have no prej udice." who has eyes to see. The Communist party and the Communist apparatus is the underglrd- HOW NICE THEY 'Godless Riff 'This 1s no religious croup lng structure for all of the racial troubles in Alabama for the of sympathizers trying to help Bids Opened On Road Work tne Megro out or a sense-or Qift.O& past three months." ama There are no morning visiting to get neip to nave these freedom marcaers' put out of (heir church and even had to right and morality," ne said.

Dickinson a iso saia mere "this is a bunch of rodless hmtr are some in congress who IVIRY THURSDAY NIGHT ERIIIE-VAI-RAY TRIO The lest In Popular Musis TAR A 2 ft Miles South Depot Reed til Booth Mala McAIIea have the telephone disconnected riff-raff out for kicks and self- "don't want to believe It and oil dressed up for Easter we've a gala group of dress-es, as pretty and colorful) as a spring garden. Bring daughter in and choose now. THE CHILDREN'S SHOP1117 Highway. McAllen. Pretty little Susan McKeniie will be one of the models in the Spring Parade on April 2.

tecause of the kng distance1 gratification that have left MISSION PATIENTS Patients admitted to the Mission Hospital Include: Mrs. Can-delaria Flores Mission; Je- DeLeon. Weslaco; Poll- Several segments of state wont listen to the facts." He added that 13 of the 14 north ern members who went to Alabama earlier voted against funds DONT MISS THE highways and farm-to-market roads In Hidalgo County were included in a list destined for Improvements by the Texas carnte Hernandez. Mission; for the house committee on un American activities this year. Highway.

Deoartment at a bid Santos Gonzalez, Mission; Michael Mlchalk, McAUen; P. Joseph Olsen, Minn. Dismissed were: Ellas MacaL The Alabama congressman onenins last week. Dodds and Wedegartner of San Benito submitted the low SPECIAL RATES TO ALL SCOUTS Boys and Girls CALL MU6-3693 FIELDER'S SKATING RINK- listed rive persons as leaders of the civil rights movement in his state who ne said had Communist or Communist-front con San Isidro; Jesus DeLeon, Wes-iv Mrs. Clara Pitre.

Mc- ApiliL FoOlhH Salo Al THE RECORD SHOP bid of $237400 plus 10 per cent Alton: Henrv UhlandeT. McAl engineering and contingencies, March 26 for work on a group nections. len: Jadnto Deigaao, Mission, of Valley roads which included Rogello Saunas, Mission; bu: Lloyd McLaughlin, Mission; Mr. nana uarcia. uanw $1.00 Saturday Morning 10 cm.

and 12 Noon Sunday 1 Shew Only at 1 o'clock! villa. LARGE CROUP ALBUMS -J If in the Upper Valley, U.S. 281, SH 107, US 83 Expressway, FM 88, FM 1420, FM 1015, FM 490, FM 907. FM 2001, FM 2128, FM 1423 and FM 493. The following day Heldenfels Brothers of Corpus Chrlstl sub Visiting hours at Mission Mo-nirinai Hosoital are from 2 un til 4 and 7 to 8:30 P.m.

No WEED CONTROL IN CITRUS CLINIC TOWN: Me ALLEN PLACE: Foirwoy Motor Hotel (Tee Room) DAY: Thursday DATE: April 1965 TIME: 7:30 P.M. Specialists will discuss: latest methods of weed control herbicide application techniques Question and Answer Session following program Refreshments will he served Geigy Agricultural Chemicals Drviahm ot GeVar Chemical Cofporattoa Udall Receives Outdoor Award WASHINGTON (UPI) In-terior Secretary Stewart Wall was presented a custom-made, gold-inlaid, double-barreled shotgun by an arms Arm Monday as its "Outdoorsmsn of the Year." morning visiting hours. -EDINBURG PATIENTS 88c ALL TOP SINGLES Patient admitted to the mitted the low bid of 1497,700 including account work and contingencies for work In several South Texas Counties Including in Hidalgo County SH 107, Loop Grandvlew Hospital Include: Mrs. Mieuel Fuentes. Mission; Hilario Bocanegra, McAUen; Se- DIAMOND NEEDLES PRICE novio VUlarreal, EOinDurg; 374, FM 88, FM 1428, FM 1015, The Winchester comnanv sald Mn.

Zaraeosa Garcia, Earn- FM 807 and FM 2220. iM.n rw4 it. Ant. bunt: Mrs. Jose Anzaldua, 10 hv vnt.

Pharr; Mrs. Edward Thranth-doorsman for 19M by a vote of (jjnuurg; Charles Wayne about 4,000 outdoor writers. An We Edinbure: Gloria Olme- NOCHE DE FAMILIA 50 carro yimmuJQ WUC LLENO irf Ar-T I Martes MIercoles IPUOO ADEMAS I liiioSIiilV ix( VALLEY PRODUCE WESLACO (USDA Market News Service) F. O. B.

Ship ALL OTHER ALBUMS OFF At Kdlnbura: Nelda fraao, aide to the secretary said Udall ping point information lor ine Lower Rio Grande Valley: Edinburg; John Murray, Edinburg. There were no dismissals. tad hostWeH be glad to mo yoa! ACCESSORIES CASES, RACKS, BRUSHES, ETC. 15 likes hunting but doesn't do much of it. He predicted the gun would spend most of its time on a rack in Udall's den.

OFF visiting hours at Grandyiew Hospital are from 2 until 4 and Cabbage Demand fair, market about steady. Domestic nwnd type 50-pound sacks 1 bushel crates Top ice extra. Carrots Demand good, mar 7 until 8:30 p.m. No morning 4 ALL PHONOGRAPHS REDUCED One only $149.95 VM DEMONSTRATOR, Vi PRICE $75.00 visiting Congratufationi rnTNBURG To Mr. and ket firm.

Offerings light because of weather. Topped 48 1- Mn. Zarasosa Garcia on the nound film bags, mesh medium large 50 pound sacks large, loose, few Too Ice extra. There Are Many Reasons why you should buy your next Television black white or color or Stereos Hi-Fi from us I J.t.n ..3 Features Onions Offerings light be COME SOON FOR COMPLETE SELECTION (SALE APRIL 1st thru. 10th) THE RECORD SHOP 1 infri tSue 1:30.4:10 cause of weather and from stock in sheds.

Demand moderate, market about steady. Fifty- Adults 90c DC Cards 65c Kids 25e pound sacks Granex, medium, $1.75 large, $2 mostly V.M $2.25: granos, large, 1917 N. 10th McALLEN STARTS TODAY few $2.65 $2.75: wnites, medium, $1.75 $2, best mostly granos, large, few whites, medium, $1.75 $2, best meetly large, TEXAS BRING THE LITTLE PHARR OPENS AT 5:30 A FRELS FRIENDLY THEATRE birth of a son, March 30, in the Grandvlew Hospital PHARR To Mr. and Mrs. Jose D.

Basaldua on the birth ot a son, March 30, in the Grandvlew Hospital. EDINBURG TO Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trantham on the birth of a son, March 30, In the Grandvlew Hospital. MISSION To Mr.

and Mrs. Candelario Flores Jr. on the birth of a son, March 30, in the Mission Hospital. CHILDREN'S GALLERY SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -No adult artist need feel insulted If his painting or sculpture does not hang in a new art gallery in Ghlradelli Square. The International Child Art Center, featuring work from Tokyo, Jerusalem, Ethiopia and the San Francisco Bay area, is dedicated to art produced by child artists the world over.

MAYBE SHE'LL DIE LAUGHING IVAlTDISNEV-i rpi STOwer: Cabbage Too few Mies to Ve have over a hundred models in slock al all limesHJSually 15 color sels. Choose from such leading makes as- Zenitli-RCA Vfctor- Tfinnn quote. fOcfftcar1 if HELPFUL WASHINGTON" (UPI) -In buying children's clothing, look rwctmtcouur i for health and comfort features along with looks and price. Buy rr i the shoulders and chest for lt3agnavox comfort Necklines are best when low enough so they don't AO Oiudree MISSION'S SHOW SPOT a UYra.and mambimm DAY BORDER last IF DISNEY PRESENTS IT YOU KNOW ITS TOPS! i. strain against the throat or pull down on the back of the neck, said the U.S.

Department of Ag The children must be under 13 years of age. The center hopes to symbol I ,1 riculture. ize the Joy of childhood. THURSDAY STEAK SPECIAL pt BONELESS SIRLOIN STRIP U.S. Govt.

Credo Coed 2 Rooms in) nniirtn Your auararfee Is one year on all parts, plus one year FRff service. You gel Ike bigrexl Ircie-in for your old sef. Free delivery anywhere In Texas. One day service on any make. We repair Ihem all.

Comlnx Sat For Shows Only uj ii vvvii KeztSm. 1 -m. Served with, Tossed Green Soled Choice ef Dressing Boked Potato, Sour Cream, Chives and Butter ALL FOR ft LETS ALL CO TO THE CITRUS TONICHT PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE GORDON CARROLL BCHARQ QLC lEOOCr-wUiTED ASICTS 11:08 a.ra. to 1:01 p.nk-l:M u. to p.m.

SAMMY'S STEAK HOUSE 2122 Nr I Oth et Vista -MUM 011 DuU riT ST7-ma-Oa Hlxbway aat at nairOpeu Ve repair 8 ouf of 10 sels In the home- GARY mm COOPER I STARTS TODAY Successful men should your sel have lo come info our shop vc loan you one af no TV Repairs too expensive? Try Us next time. 10 Vears in McAllen. BSmfiTKEUmi LONDON LSCAaoaa tZXM.IUMSirU. from ell walks of Mi will tell yotf A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA IS Y0U.1 mum )KOSSM MANY COOD USED ALL MAKES, ALL PRICES, ALL GUARANTEED. til I MOST DEPENDABLE DOCUMENT Our speciel treliiing program con help qualified adults gat theirs within 15 weeks.

ENROLL NOW McALLEN BUSINESS COLLEGE ADULT PROGRAM Pre pares for High School Equivalency Diploma Tests ef the State vf Texas Carolyn ioncs TECHNICOLOR WfBURT LANCASTER McALLEN 213 S. Broadway BUSINESS COLLEGE McAllen MU6-1541 i iiuinr.iHf imp ki. i Vofume our business. saving money, is your bminess! No. 10th Shopping Village McALLEN MU6-554I JEflM prirnci 1.

The Monitor from McAllen, Texas (2024)


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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

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Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.