Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (2024)

If you want to get your kids more involved in the kitchen, then we have all the top tips for cooking with kids. Including age appropriate tasks that your little ones can help with and some of our favourite kid friendly recipes that are easy for your mini chefs to get stuck in with.

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (1)

Avery (our 3 year old) loves helping out in the kitchen, and having got my older niece involved in the kitchen too, I have some experience in cooking with kids of different ages. It can be hard to know where to start, when your child has never stepped foot in the kitchen apart from to bang on some pots and pans. So, I thought I would share some easy ways to get them more involved and part of the process.

Jump to:
  • The benefits of kids cooking
  • Teaching kids to cook - Getting started
  • When can kids start helping in the kitchen?
  • Kids cooking tasks by age
  • Clean up
  • Kids recipes
  • Feedback

The benefits of kids cooking

Sure, it is easier and quicker to do everything yourself when it comes to preparing meals, but I think it is so important to get kids involved in the kitchen from a young age. Spending an extra 10 minutes in the kitchen each meal time (when you have the time of course) will have huge benefits to your child's attitude towards food.

I find that the more part of the process a child is, the less likely they are to fear it. We apply that to things like when our daughter doesn't want to get changed, so we let her choose her outfit. The same thing applies to food - let your kids be part of the measuring, mixing and sprinkling and they are more likely to try new ingredients.

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (2)

Plus, it's fun! What kid doesn't love getting messy with things like flour, mashed avocado and oats? All easy things for kids to handle, stir, mash and pour. If you are at a loss with what to do with your kids when you can stand another soft play date, then cooking is some great messy fun.

Avery is a great eater, always willing to try new foods at least once (of course there are lots she doesn't like) and I put that down to developing a positive connection with food. She doesn't see vegetables as something she is forced to eat, she seems them as colourful things she picked at the market and what she helped to prepare before dinner time.

Children learn by touching, smelling, tasting and listening, so when they get involved in the kitchen they can use all of their senses. It will help them to develop those fine motor skills, hand eye coordination and even help with early maths and reading if they are reading instructions and helping to measure and weigh. You can even throw a bit of science in there too.

For us, and this is probably the most important thing, it's time spent as a family doing something productive that we all enjoy. We all love food, a lot, so it makes sense for us to make it fun and part of our routine.

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (3)

Teaching kids to cook - Getting started

It's never too early to teach children to cook - once they have some fine motor skills of course. It is amazing how many people leave home without the ability to do the simplest things in the kitchen like make an omelette or make a pasta dish. Setting your kids up with those skills from an early age will be so beneficially in terms of them being able to make delicious and nutritious meals themselves.

  • The first thing you want to do is get a sturdy stool or step that they can stand on. This is the kitchen step we have and it folds flat so it can be put away easily when not in use.
  • Make it even more fun by getting them a little chefs hat and apron set. What kid doesn't love dressing up?
  • You can even get them their own cooking set with spoons and whisks, so they feel like they have their own special chefs tools. It's all about making it fun for them.
  • Get them their very own kid friendly knife set and chopping board, that they can use from about age 3. The plastic knives have a blunt tip and serrated edges so they can't cut themselves. Great from practising chopping.
Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (4)

When can kids start helping in the kitchen?

This is a hard question to ask, because it really does depend on the age. Some kid's fine motor skills develop far earlier than others, some kids are more stable on their feet so can stand on the stool better. Obviously use your own judgement based on your own child's ability.

However, as a general rule I would say that around 18 months is a good time to start getting them involved in the easier kitchen tasks. That's not to say that they can't get involved before then, as from birth they can observe what is going on and learn lots just by looking.

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (5)

Before you get in the kitchen

There is lots that your little ones can do before you even start cooking. It all starts with picking the ingredients. Take your kids to the supermarket with you and let them choose the fruit and vegetables that they want to cook with - they will feel part of the meal planning. Even better, get them to help grow your own. They will love seeing the process from start to finish.

Once you get home from the shop, see if they want to help you put everything away. They can take things out of bags and put them in the fridge, or just rattle things around if they get bored.

Kids cooking tasks by age

0-18 months:

Whilst there are not many hands-on tasks that little kids can do before 18 months, that doesn't mean that you can't get them involved. Put them in a high chair and let them watch everything you do. Talk to them as you go and explain what you are doing.

Once they are of weaning age, you can pass them some of the ingredients to explore with their hands and mouth. Give them a wooden spoon and a pan and they will enjoy bashing it whilst you are making the meal.

At any age they can start stirring, obviously not a hot pan though.

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (6)

18 months - 3 years:

  • Measuring - Whilst they can't measure and weigh things exactly, if you are making something using cup measurements then they can fill the cups up to the top.
  • Rinsing - Kids love splashing around in water, so they love washing fruit and veg. Just tell them it's the vegetables bath time.
  • Pouring - Once everything is measured out and weighed, let them pour it all in to a bowl or in to a pan.
  • Mashing - this is basically just bashing food about and what kid isn't going to love that? They can mash avocado, potatoes or anything else that needs mashing.
  • Putting things on a tray - Making your own chips (fries) or roasting some vegetables? Let them put everything on the tray.
  • Cracking eggs - it might not result in the most professional egg crack and you might have to fish out some of the shell, but kids will have so much fun cracking them.
  • Shaking - If you are making a salad dressing, then put it all in to a small jar, put the lid on and then let them shake it to mix it.
  • Toppings - If you are making your own pizzas, let them scatter the toppings. Pancakes on a Sunday morning? They can help with the toppings there too.
  • Brushing - If you have something that needs to be brushed with oil or butter, hand them a pastry brush and let them go wild.
  • Breaking things up - Toddlers love breaking things up, so why not encourage it - but only in the kitchen! They can tear up bread to make breadcrumbs, break up broccoli and cauliflower, shred lettuce for a salad or a chocolate bar for baking.
  • Sprinkling - Kids love baking and what cake is complete without sprinkles? Hand them over and let them go wild. It might not look Pinterest worthy, but they sure will have fun.
  • Taste testing - the best part of cooking is getting to eat it, so let them test it before serving up to get their opinion. Ask them to describe the texture and flavour.
Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (7)

4 - 6 Years Old:

  • Cutting - At this age kids can start to cut soft fruit and vegetables with a plastic knife. Don't expect it to be too precise though.
  • Whisking - Now they are a bit stronger, they should be able to whisk eggs or salad dressings.
  • Rolling out dough - Again, it might not be very neat, but it's a fun task for kids and great for homemade pizzas.
  • Spreading - give them a plastic knife and they can spread bread with some butter to make sandwiches.
  • Juicing - They will find juicing lemon and limes really fun.
  • Peeling eggs - They will enjoy cracking the shell first and then carefully peeling them.
  • Using an icing bag - Now they have helped to make the cake by stirring the ingredients, they can help to decorate it with a piping bag.
Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (8)

7 Years+:

At this age kids will start to be able to do more complicated tasks, but still with supervision. But as I mentioned before, it really does depend on the kid and only you will know when they are ready to use the oven/stove and sharp knives.

  • Reading recipes out - around this age your child will be getting much better at reading, so get them to read out the instructions of a new recipe. It's a good opportunity to learn some new food related words.
  • Use a small knife - this really does depend on the child, but with some supervision they might be able to start doing some proper chopping.
  • Peeling - Give them a vegetable peeler and they can peel some potatoes and carrots.
  • Grate cheese - everything is better topped with cheese, right? Give them a box grater and a block of cheese and let them grate away.
  • Dividing batter - Give them and ice cream scoop and let them divide the batter between muffin cases. This can be done at an earlier age, but it will be a lot messier.
  • Crushing garlic - Now they are stronger, they can use a garlic crusher to add some garlicy flavour to your meals.
  • Forming patties and meatballs - Anything that needs forming in to a shape like a burger, fishcake or meatball is great for little hands.
  • Threading - If you are making skewers, let them carefully thread everything on to them.
Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (9)

Clean up

Cooking and eating with kids almost always ends with a fair bit of mess - it's all part of the fun. So, if they helped to make the mess why not get them involved with cleaning it up too? Our toddler loves to help load the dishwasher. Obviously nothing sharp or heavy, but she helps load her cups and plates.

Give them a cloth and they can help to wipe down the counter tops and the table after all the plates are put away. If your kids are anything like mine, then they will have dropped half the contents of their plate on the floor during meal time. So grab a dustpan and brush and let them hold the pan whilst you brush all the crumbs in.

Kids recipes

Here are some of our favourite fun things to cook with kids. Some are more complicated than others, so it will depend on what stage they are and how capable they are. But there will always be something for them to do, even if it's just stirring or putting something in a pan. These are also tried and testing on our family who love them.

Hidden Vegetable Beef Burgers

TheseHidden Vegetable Beef Burgers are great for fussy eaters that would rather eat burgers than vegetables, because this recipe is both, and they will never know!

Check out this Hidden Vegetable Beef Burgers recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (10)

Honey and Mustard Sausage Traybake

If you are looking for some family friendly comfort food that can all be done in one pan, then give this Sausage and Potato Traybake a try. It’s bursting with vegetables too.

Check out this Honey and Mustard Sausage Traybake recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (11)

Triple Berry Oat Smoothie

This Triple Berry Oat Smoothie will definitely add some colour to your morning.Also, a smoothie is a great way to boost your fruit intake.

Check out this Triple Berry Oat Smoothie recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (12)

Vegetable Mash

Anything goes with this Vegetable Mash and not only does it add lot of extra vitamins, but flavour and colour too. A great addition to any main meal!

Check out this Vegetable Mash recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (13)

Creamy Mushroom Pasta

The quicker a meal can be prepared, made and put on the table, the better! ThisCreamy Garlic Mushroom Pasta is exactly that.

Check out this Creamy Mushroom Pasta recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (14)

Sausage Pasta Bake

This sausage pasta bake is a delicious and comforting dish that's easy to adapt. It's a simple weeknight dinner that the whole family will love.

Check out this Sausage Pasta Bake recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (15)

Easy Naan Pizza

Make pizza in 15 minutes with ready made naan bread - add your favourite sauces, cheeses, and vegetables for a personal mini pizza!

Check out this Easy Naan Pizza recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (16)

Nutella Waffles

These Nutella Waffles use homemade Nutella and oat flour to make the waffles a perfect Sunday morning breakfast that tastes more indulgent than it is.

Check out this Nutella Waffles recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (17)

Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken

Just 2 ingredients go in to making this Slow Cooked BBQ Chicken. It really is that simple, but it is too good not to share.

Check out this Slow Cooker BBQ Chicken recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (18)

Cheesy Baked Broccoli Bites

We could all do with finding ways to get more vegetables in to our diet and these little cheesy baked broccoli bites (broccoli tots) are a great way.

Check out this Cheesy Baked Broccoli Bites recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (19)

Breakfast Egg Muffins

These Feta, Bacon and Tomato Breakfast Egg Muffinsare the ideal time saving breakfast. You can make them ahead of time, and with endless flavour combinations, there is something for everyone.

Check out this Breakfast Egg Muffins recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (20)

Vegetable and Halloumi Kebabs

No BBQ or summer party should be complete without some kind of halloumi dish and these Vegetable and Halloumi Kebabs are our favourite way to serve them.

Check out this Vegetable and Halloumi Kebabs recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (21)

Grilled Chicken Tacos

These Grilled Chicken Tacos are healthy and light, and the perfect base to add on loads of extra toppings to create a taco that will suit everyone's taste!

Check out this Grilled Chicken Tacos recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (22)

Healthy Nutella Smoothie

There is just something about starting your day off with chocolate that makes the rest of the day better. You can do that and keep it healthy with this Healthy Nutella Smoothie.

Check out this Healthy Nutella Smoothie recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (23)

French Bread Pizzas

For those moments when a pizza craving hits and you want something quick and easy, without having to call out for one to be delivered, we give you French Bread Pizza.

Check out this French Bread Pizzas recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (24)

Creamy Tomato and Chicken Pasta Bake

It doesn't get much more comforting than a creamy pasta bake and thisCreamy Tomato and Chicken Pasta Bake is an easy weeknight meal that will feed a hungry family.

Check out this Creamy Tomato and Chicken Pasta Bake recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (25)

Baking With Kids

Baking is probably the best place to start when it comes to getting kids involved in the kitchen. There are lots of simple recipes that involve lots of pouring and stirring, and what kid doesn't like cake? Here are our favourite kid friendly bakes.

Banana Oat Muffins

These light and moist Banana Oat Muffins are a hit with kids of all ages, and you can use any toppings you like.

Check out this Banana Oat Muffins recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (26)

Healthy Banana Oat Cookies

Not only will kids love eating these banana oat cookies, but they will have so much fun making them as well. Try making a batch this week!

Check out this Healthy Banana Oat Cookies recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (27)

Easy 5 Minute Healthy Frozen Yogurt

Keep yourself cool this summer by making some easy Healthy Frozen Yogurt. Just 4 ingredients and its ready in 5 minutes!

Check out this Easy 5 Minute Healthy Frozen Yogurt recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (28)

Coconut Rice Pudding

This super creamy Coconut Rice Pudding, that happens to be vegan too, is total comfort food with a tropical twist.

Check out this Coconut Rice Pudding recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (29)

Apple Hand Pies

These Apple Hand Pies are the perfect little grab and eat on the go dessert and great for little hands to hold.

Check out this Apple Hand Pies recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (30)

Christmas Rice Krispie Treats

These Christmas Rice Krispie Bars make the perfect festive treat, and they are so much fun to make with kids.

Check out this Christmas Rice Krispie Treats recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (31)

Watermelon Fruit Pizza

This watermelon fruit pizza is a giant slice of summer! Loaded with berries, some creamy yoghurt, crunchy nuts and a drizzle of chocolate.

Check out this Watermelon Fruit Pizza recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (32)

Healthy Chocolate Raspberry Brownies

Chocolate brownies have been given a healthier twist and some added fruit and they couldn't be easier to make! TheseHealthy Chocolate Raspberry Brownies take just 5 minutes to prepare.

Check out this Healthy Chocolate Raspberry Brownies recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (33)

Chocolate and Banana Puff Pastry Pinwheels

These chocolate and banana pinwheels are easy to bake with kids. They use a lighter chocolate spread, so less sugar, but all the taste.

Check out this Chocolate and Banana Puff Pastry Pinwheels recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (34)

No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Squares

Just 4 ingredients go into making these No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Squares. They are a little treat that kids, and adults, are going to love!

Check out this No-Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Oat Squares recipe

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (35)

If you’ve enjoyed this post, or any of the recipes on the blog, then let us know in the comments below, we love hearing from you!
Tag us in your creations on Instagram @hungryhealthyhappy - we love sharing photos when people make our recipes. You can use the hashtag #hungryhealthyhappy too.

Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age) (2024)


Cooking With Kids (Tips, Recipes and Tasks by Age)? ›

Your child can start cooking as early as 18 months or 2 years old. Real cooking skills can be taught to toddlers, depending on the child's maturity and the parent's supervision. At Kids Cook Real Food, we teach bananas and butter knives, starting officially at age 2.

At what age should kids learn how do you cook? ›

Your child can start cooking as early as 18 months or 2 years old. Real cooking skills can be taught to toddlers, depending on the child's maturity and the parent's supervision. At Kids Cook Real Food, we teach bananas and butter knives, starting officially at age 2.

How do you organize a cooking activity for kids? ›

Organise the children into small groups and ask them to plan any changes they will make to the recipe to make it suitable, e.g. changes to ingredients, portion size. Provide the children with copies of the Recipe planning sheet to write or illustrate their adapted recipe.

How do I teach my child cooking skills? ›

Teach them the basics of using a stove (with your supervision always). Practice turning the stove off and on. A great first "recipe" is scrambled eggs. You can crack an egg or two (always fun), beat them together and cook them over medium heat slowly without much to-do, which is perfect for kids.

How do I teach my 10 year old to cook? ›

With an adult supervising, a 10-year old should be able to scramble eggs, stir fry vegetables or flip a pancake on an electric stovetop (you may want to wait longer if you have a gas range). Safety tip: Be sure to teach them to tie back long hair and never wear loose clothing around the stove. Prepare a sandwich.

How should recipes be organized? ›

Here are a few tips to help you effectively organize your recipes by category:
  1. Create broad categories. ...
  2. Subdivide into subcategories. ...
  3. Utilize digital tools. ...
  4. Label physical recipe cards or folders. ...
  5. Keep a master index or table of contents.

How do you involve kids in the kitchen? ›

4 Ways to Get Kids Involved in the Kitchen
  1. Talk About Food and Nutrition as a Family.
  2. Pick Kid-Friendly Cookbooks and Recipes Together.
  3. Find Tasks for Everyone.
  4. Let Young People Lead.
Feb 24, 2023

What is the best way to organize recipes? ›

Create a Filing System

If you tend to save recipes from magazines as well as handwritten recipe cards, sort them into a three-ring binder. Use tab dividers and plastic page protectors for both full sheets (for pages from a magazine) and divided sheets (for 3-by-5-inch recipe cards).

How do I teach my 7 year old to cook? ›

Cooking Tasks for 6-7 Year Olds

Some of the things you can teach them to do at this age are: Dicing and mincing vegetables (use a pairing knife and start with soft foods like strawberries) Peeling raw potatoes with a peeler. Slicing and scooping avocados.

What foods can a 7 year old cook? ›

Kids' cooking recipes
  • Pizza with homemade sauce. A star rating of 4.5 out of 5. ...
  • Lemon & yogurt chicken flatbreads. A star rating of 4.5 out of 5. ...
  • Rice paper rolls. ...
  • Family breakfast station. ...
  • Salmon & spaghetti supper in a parcel. ...
  • Sloppy joes with brussels sprout slaw. ...
  • Salted caramel crispy Rudolphs. ...
  • Easy kids' omelette.

What to cook for 4 year olds? ›

When you're cooking with preschoolers, begin with simple-assembly recipes, such as smoothies, sandwiches, or a salad or taco bar. Dump-and-mix dishes that are forgiving if handled too much, like muffins (as long as they're not overmixed in the final stages), are also a good choice for this age group.

Should a 13 year old know how do you cook? ›

Cooking is an Essential Life Skill

There are many benefits for teens who know how to cook. They eat fewer fast food meals and eat more vegetables. Studies have shown that adolescents that cook have fewer incidences of depression. Preparing meals for themselves and their families also boosts their self-esteem.

Should children learn to cook at an early age? ›

Cooking can help young kids learn and practice some basic math concepts and build language skills. And reating meals with you can help build their self-confidence and lay the foundation for healthy eating habits.

Should a 9 year old be able to cook? ›

8-9 year olds and up

Some 8 year olds are not mature enough to work at the stove. Others have the focus and diligence of an adult. You'll have to decide if they should continue with the 6-7 year old tasks or if they are responsible enough to do more.

Should a 17 year old know how do you cook? ›

As a teenager, learning to cook is such an important life skill! Before you know it, you'll be out on your own and will need to be able to prepare your own meals. Plus, cooking can also be a really fun hobby and is something you'll be able to continue doing for the rest of your life.


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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.