10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (2024)

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10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (6)

March 17, 2014

March is National Nutrition Month. Last week, I introduced you to my friend Kyle Pfaffenbach, a performance nutrition consultant for the Brooks Beasts Track Club, who shared lots of guidance on how we can use nutrition to help our running performance. Today, Kyle is helping us take those learnings one step further by sharing his thoughts on the 10 best foods for runners … and challenging us to make recipes using these ingredients. I’ve been in the kitchen this month testing out some run happy recipes, and I’m sharing 2 today that use some of these ingredients.

The 10 Best Foods for Runners

Sweet Potatoes

Whole Wheat Pasta




Mixed Nuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios)




Mixed Greens (spinach, spring mix, arugula)

Why should we eat these 10 foods for runners?

According to Kyle, sweet potatoes, whole wheat pasta and quinoa are high in complex carbohydrates and help runners by filling our muscle glycogen stores, which is a major energy source during high intensity workouts and races. Kyle recommends a higher percentage of complex carbs in the days leading up to a race (aka carb loading), which can maximize glycogen stores and contribute to improved performance.

Salmon, eggs and mixed nuts provide quality protein, which is critical for recovery and providing our muscles with what they need to recover from and adapt to training stress. Kyle says that salmon and eggs represent complete high quality proteins, meaning they contain all 9 essential amino acids in ample amounts.

Finally, radishes, tomatoes, apples and mixed greens provide the vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients to keep our immune systems strong and metabolic processes optimized. Kyle says that while there is nothing performance enhancing about these foods, every balanced diet requires a lot of fruits and vegetables and are an important part to every runner’s diet.

Run Happy Recipes

I don’t know about you, but eating a plain bowl of quinoa or a whole tomato on its own isn’t all that appetizing. So, I took the Brooks Running team’s challenge to come up with a few recipes using some of Kyle’s 10 foods for runners. I’m no chef, but I’m pretty happy with 2 recipes I created.

Grilled Apple, Fig & Goat Cheese Sandwich with Balsamic Mixed Greens
Run Happy ingredients featured: Apple, mixed greens, radishes

Servings: Makes 1 sandwich


  • 1 apple (Choose your favorite kind. I use a gala apple.)
  • 3-4 dried figs, finely chopped
  • 1 ounce goat cheese
  • Honey (enough for drizzling)
  • 2 slices of cinnamon raisin bread (I use the flourless sprouted grain cinnamon raisin Ezekiel bread)
  • 1-2 cups mixed greens (spinach, spring mix, etc.)
  • Sliced cucumber
  • Sliced radish
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Extra virgin olive oil (optional)


  • Peel the apple using a vegetable peeler. Slice half of the apple very thinly into large, circular pieces. You will only need half of the apple for 1 sandwich. Reserve the other half for later (squeeze a little lemon juice on it before storing to prevent it from turning brown), or simply double the recipe and make 2 sandwiches.
  • Spread a half ounce of goat cheese onto each slice of cinnamon raisin bread. Drizzle the goat cheese with honey.
  • Place the sliced apple onto both pieces of bread (the honey will help keep them in place). Drizzle one side with a little more honey, and place the chopped figs onto that slice.
  • Press both pieces of bread together so that the apples and figs touch. Place the sandwich onto a non-stick skillet that has been heated to medium/medium-low. Toast on each side for 90 seconds each, watching carefully not to burn the raisins on the outside of the bread.
  • While the sandwich is heating, place 1 to 2 cups of mixed greens on a plate. Toss with the cucumbers, radishes and balsamic vinegar.
  • When the sandwich is done grilling, cut it in half with a large knife and serve with the mixed green salad on the side.

Nutrition Information (Sandwich only): 420 calories, 6 grams fat, 11.5 grams fiber, 70 grams carbs, 12 grams protein, 46 grams sugar, 572 mg potassium

Quinoa-Stuffed Tomatoes
Run Happy ingredients featured: Tomatoes, quinoa, mixed greens (spinach)

Serves 4


  • 1 cup whole grain quinoa uncooked (I use Eden Organic)
  • 1 and ¼ cup chicken stock (I use Kitchen Basics unsalted)
  • 4 large firm, ripe tomatoes
  • 4 slices nitrite/nitrate-free all natural bacon (such as Applegate)
  • ½ cup onion finely chopped
  • ½ cup zucchini finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • ½ cup Portobello or baby bella mushrooms, stems and gills removed, finely chopped
  • 2 cups spinach
  • ¼ cup scallions, green part only, chopped
  • ½ tablespoon fresh thyme
  • ½ cup + 2 tablespoons grated parmesan (use freshly grated or Sartori brand … I LOVE Sartori)
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Preheat oven to 500 degrees (or broil setting).
  • Prepare the quinoa according to package directions, using chicken stock instead of water. Omit any salt if package directions call for it. Set aside.
  • Slice the stem/top off each tomato using a paring knife. Carefully hollow out each tomato using the paring knife to cut a circle around the pulp and seeds and using a spoon to scoop out the pulp and seeds. The tomatoes should look like tiny cups or bowls. Place the tomatoes cut-side down on paper towels to let drain.
  • Meanwhile, cook the bacon according to package directions on a skillet over medium heat (this should take about 6 to 8 minutes, turning once). Once cooled, finely chop the bacon.
  • In the same skillet, use the bacon fat to sauté the onion, garlic, mushrooms, zucchini and thyme until soft and tender, about 5-6 minutes. Add the spinach, green onion and bacon and cook until the spinach is wilted. (For a lighter version, cook in a different skillet with just 2 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil.)
  • Add the quinoa to the vegetable and bacon mixture and stir until combined. Stir in ½ cup of Parmesan cheese. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Remove the tomatoes from the paper towels and place them cut-side up on a baking sheet that is lightly oiled (to prevent sticking). Sprinkle them with salt and pepper. Scoop the quinoa mixture evenly into each tomato cup. Sprinkle the top of each stuffed tomato with the remaining Parmesan cheese.
  • Broil the stuffed tomatoes for 30 seconds or until the cheese is melted. Remove and serve immediately.

If you are someone like me who enjoys tomatoes in recipes but not eating whole tomatoes, an easy spin on this recipe is to chop up 2 tomatoes (pulp and seeds removed) and sauté them with the other vegetables above, creating a quinoa and vegetable side dish instead of the quinoa inside the tomatoes. Or, you can follow the instructions above but use a red bell pepper instead of a tomato for the “cup.” Roast the pepper for 10 minutes cut-side down on 400 before stuffing it with the quinoa.

Note: You will likely have extra quinoa mixture left over. Store the leftovers in the refrigerator and eat for lunch with grilled chicken the next day or serve as a side dish with another meal.

Are these 10 foods for runners part of your diet? Do you have any recipes you love that use some of the 10 foods for runners featured here? If so, share your recipes in the comments.

Related posts:

  1. My Perfect Breakfast
  2. The World’s Best Pumpkin Bread Recipe
  3. Rockin’ Recipes for Runners
  • rUnladylike
  • March 17, 2014
  • health benefits, Nutrition, Recipe, running, Training tips, Triathlon
  • Permalink
10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (19)

Jojo @ RunFastEatLots

I eat salmon, nuts, mixed greens, and eggs quite often (wait, that sounds like a great salad). Don’t usually eat tomatoes unless they’re in season, and then I eat A LOT.

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (20)

Runner Girl Eats

I eat 9 of these regularly (honestly never even thing to eat radishes!). And I can def eat a sliced tomato on its own, no prob.

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (21)

Samantha @ The Faithful Runner

You’ve summed up most of my diet! (Minus the quinoa and radishes) Thanks for sharing the recipes. I love having new things to add to the recipe book.

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (22)


I eat most of these foods a lot, and I love them all! My dinner the night before a race is always salmon, sweet potato, and a spinach salad, and breakfast the day of is always scrambled eggs with a piece of toast and some type of fruit. I had no idea most of these foods made the top 10 list! yay! 🙂

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (23)


These all look deeeelicious! Thanks for the list. I eat most of these but I’m trying to up my veggies.

BTW, I saw your article in the Florida Running magazine thing. Did you know it was in there? SOOOOO COOL!

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (24)


Hi Beth! Yes I knew the article was being published! Thanks so much for reading it chica!!! xo

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (26)

Ange @ Cowgirl Runs

That grilled sandwich sounds amazing! I’m definitely going to have to make that!!

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (27)

Rachel @ Undercover Diva: A Sitcom

Yes to both of these. I eat mostly everything on that list except for eggs, salmon, and I don’t really buy radishes too often but I do like to eat them. Everything else is pretty much a staple in my diet!

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (29)

Lacy @ Running Limit-less

These all look delicious Jesica! I am so bad about taking the time to plan my meals and eat healthy. The extra 5 pounds I have put on is starting to show – Eek! Love all those foods except the Tomatoes. I can’t quite take the texture and the flavor of a fresh tomato is not my favorite. I usually replace a tomato with Red Peppers.

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (30)


Lacy, I don’t love uncooked tomatoes either. You can easily make the quinoa recipe with a hollowed out, roasted red pepper. I totally know how you feel about those extra few pounds. I struggle with those myself from time to time. xoxo

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (31)

Janelle @ Run With No Regrets

YUM…everything looks absolutely delicious! I really like quinoa and need to make it more often! I’ve never had radishes…maybe I’ll pick some up this week! And sweet potatoes! Thanks for the inspiration!

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (32)


I was on a quinoa hiatus for a long time too. Sometimes it can be hard to make really flavorful, which is why I like to boil it in chicken or vegetable stock, and then add fresh herbs and even some feta or other flavorful addition sometimes. I have another recipe for quinoa stuffed portabello mushrooms (actually a Pampered Chef recipe) that is so delicious and includes artichokes. Regarding radishes, Kyle also recommends throwing some into smoothies as well. You can’t even taste them when they’re mixed in with everything else 🙂 Let me know if you try any recipes to share what you think. Happy running and eating!

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (33)

Gabrielle from Austria

Wonderful recipes, your blog is giving me such a boost, Jesica!
I love all of those super foods, but I seldom have salmon.

I’d like to share one of my favorite recipes from Italy:

Maccheroni ai sapori d’estate / Maccheroni with the taste of summer

200g (two generous servings) of whole wheat maccheroni
4 ripe tomatoes
1 small onion or shallot
1 glove of garlic
3 tablespoons extra vergine olive oil
100g mozzarella (use the authentic italian mozzarella, if you can’t get it
you could use feta cheese)
1 hard boiled egg
salt, pepper
mixed greens to sprinkle e.g. basil, rucola, parsley
good parmesan

Saute the minced onion, garlic and diced tomatoes in a little olive oil over gentle heat, set aside.
Cut the egg and the mozzarella into small pieces, season with salt and pepper (I also love rosmary!)
Roughly chop the greens.
Toss the hot, freshly “al dente” cooked pasta with the sauteed tomatoe-onion-galic-mixture, add the cut up egg and mozzarella and maybe some more olive oil.
Before serving, sprinkle with parmesan and the greens.

This is great on a hot summer day and especially after a long run. The original recipe calls for white maccheroni (Italians aren’t very fond of whole wheat pasta, but I think it’s more nutritious and still delicious!)

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (34)


I’m so glad you are enjoying runladylike.com!!! Thank you for reading and sharing! I am loving this recipe and can’t wait to try your favorite! It looks delish! Yum!!!

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (35)

Leslie @ Triathlete Treats

I eat 8 of these foods very regularly. I don’t eat salmon because I am a vegetarian. I don’t eat radishes unless I put them in salsa which I do occasionally in the summer!!
That grilled cheese looks great. I just had my first fig a couple of years ago! The stuffed tomatoes look great too. I like to make stuffed peppers so I might try this one too!!!

5 For Friday

[…] 10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes from rUnladylike […]

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (36)

Laura Edwards

Thanks for the tips! I incorporated some of these into my race week diet for this morning’s 10-miler. I shaved more than two minutes off my PR and placed second in my age group. I don’t know how much of it had to do with food, but I’ll take it!

[…] we’re on the subject of RUnladylike’s blog… the grilled apple, fig and goat’s cheese sandwich sounds INCREDIBLE – I need to eat this […]

10 Best Foods for Runners & Run Happy Recipes - rUnladylike (2024)


What are the 10 best foods for runners? ›

Foods for Runners and Joggers
  • Fruit and vegetables for vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
  • Lean protein such as fish, poultry, beans, lentils and tofu.
  • Healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado and nuts.
  • Healthy carbohydrates such as rice, whole grain breads/pastas and oatmeal.

What is the best meat for runners to eat? ›

Dark chicken meat

To balance those 'extras' you get more flavour, immune-boosting zinc to keep you up and running, and iron to keep your oxygen- supplying bloodstream on top form. The bottom line is that dark meat is a healthy way to add variety to your diet, says sports dietician Molly Kimball.

What are high carb foods for runners? ›

Choose easy carbohydrate options at each meal:
  • Grains such as rice, oatmeal, quinoa, pasta.
  • Baked and roasted potatoes and sweet potatoes.
  • Bread/buns/toast.
  • Pancakes.
  • Bagels.
  • Tortillas.
  • Yogurt.
  • Juice/sports drinks.
Aug 25, 2023

What foods to avoid while running? ›

Beans, broccoli, and berries: remember those three B's as you don't want to eat them just before a run or a workout. The same goes for apples, lentils, anything whole grain, and other brassica vegetables (Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, and kale). These are some of the top foods that runners should avoid.

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RDN's Picks for Recovery Mixes
  • Gu Recovery Mix.
  • Tailwind Recovery Mix.
  • Klean Athlete Recovery Mix.
  • Skratch Labs Recovery Mix (also available in plant-based options)
  • Hammer Nutrition Recoverite Mixes (also available in plant-based options)
Jan 24, 2024

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Tuna, salmon or chicken. If you're ready for a substantial post-run meal, tuna, salmon or chicken are all protein-rich options to help your muscles repair.

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Ditch the sports drinks, grab the bananas

A 2018 study published in PLOS One found bananas to be a better choice than sports drinks for post-run recovery. Researchers compared the effects of bananas and sports drinks and found that the fruit provided equal or greater anti-inflammatory benefits for exercisers.

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Our favorite snacks for runners:
  • Greek yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit (and granola if desired)
  • Cut vegetables and pita chips with hummus.
  • Cheese stick, vegetables, and pretzels or multi-grain crackers.
  • Banana or apple with peanut butter.
  • Toast with peanut butter, hummus, or avocado.

What is the best meat protein for runners? ›

Chicken has more protein per ounce than beef, turkey, or pork. Older runners, or those with certain health conditions, should cut back on red meat. Fish: Another excellent source of protein. Fish and shellfish also contain fatty acids crucial to cognitive function.

Are burgers good for runners? ›

Written by sportsmed Nutritionist, Amanda Maiorano.

A homemade beef and veg burger is a great pre-race meal option. One of the most important aspects of preparing for a race is fuelling your body for what's to come.

Is rice or pasta better for runners? ›

Rice: With 28g of carbs per portion, rice is your jet fuel. Plus, wild rice contains magnesium, which helps your body to create ATP energy, staving off fatigue during your HIIT class. Pasta: Although it has fewer carbs, pasta is quickly digested, so feasting on a bowl two hours before training offers plenty of energy.

What are the best carbs before a run? ›

So, before you head out on a particularly long run, eat 50 to 60 grams of complex carbohydrates, like oatmeal and a banana. "This tops off glycogen stores," said Pfaffenbach. "Eat early and often for a regular flow of nutrients."

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'Protein, found in tuna, is essential for muscle repair and growth and helps to retain muscle mass, which is also important if you're running regularly or training for a long-distance event,' says Rob.

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Bananas are one of the most popular pre-workout snacks. They're not only portable, versatile, and delicious but also rich in carbohydrates and easy to digest. Plus, they're highly nutritious and may offer other added benefits for exercise performance due to their content of important nutrients like potassium.

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Overall, an Olympic diet is a generally healthy diet featuring a mixture of carbohydrates (for energy), protein (to build lean body mass and stabilize blood sugar for satiety), and omega-3 healthy fats like fatty fish and ground flaxseeds (to quell inflammation for recovery and increase calories) — plus lots of fruits ...


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