YVMC Annual Report Magazine flip - Valley medical center-Yampa valley medical-Medical center foundation (2024)

Healthy Women Back in theThrough SaddleEvery Decade One man's journey back to an active lifeATHlifEe sPaveOd WER OF GIVING

OUTCOMESMATTER 1.8 96% 95% DAYS OF PATIENTS OF PATIENTS AVERAGE STAY AT YVMC WOULD RECOMMEND US GO DIRECTLY HOMENATIONAL AVG. 3.2 DAYSPATIENTS MATTER Get back to doing what you love - faster More of our patients experience drastically improved quality of life, leave satisfied, and are willing to recommend our services to their friends and loved ones. Our patients spend less time in the hospital, a larger percentage go directly home after surgery and experience a lower risk of post-surgical complications.Bryan Bomberg, MD Alexander Meininger, MD Greg Sarin, DOAndreas Sauerbrey, MD Michael Sisk, MD Eric Verploeg, MDNational averages and state averages data are based on the Marshall Steele surveys collected from patients at post-operative office visits, hospital reported data in Marshall Steele data-base, and Medicare and Commercial insurance claims. Jan. 2015-Dec. 2015. Underlying Work© 2013, Stryker Performance Solutions. All rights Reserved. Modifications © 2016. 2016-03v1970.875.2613 • info.yvmc.org/OutcomesMatter

YVMC’S MISSION: To provide outstanding healthcare to those we servethrough safe, personalized, quality care.To Your HealthFrom the CEO of Yampa Valley Medical CenterYampa Valley Medical Center YAMPA VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER was proud to enhance healthcare services for Board of Trusteesthe residents of NorthwestColorado in 2015. The opening Back:of both YampaCare Cardiology Rich Lowe, Vice Chairand YampaCare For Women were Allen Belshaw, MDindicative of the new relationships David Niedermeier, MDbeing developed between physicians and hospitals Wade Gebhardt, Treasurerand our commitment to serve you, our patients, in the Scott A. Marrchanging healthcare landscape. Plans for a new cancer Ron Spanglercenter were also announced to help bring improved Frank Maycancer care close to home. While the path evolves, our Front:dedication remains to improve the health of those Diane Tarnoff, Secretaryliving in Steamboat Springs and Northwest Colorado. Tony Connell, Chair Stephany Traylor Safe, high-quality care is paramount in all Kristi Brownwe do, as evidenced by our awards from William F. Cox Jr., MDHealthgrades, Press Ganey and the Joint Not Pictured: Sharon Gulley, MDCommission in 2015. We are honoredpeople in the community look to Yampa T he Board of Trustees at Yampa Valley MedicalValley Medical Center when they are in need Center serves to steer Yampa Valley Medical Centerof care. towards a sustainable future. They guide the organiza- tion by adopting ethical and legal governance, as well as As we move forward, a heightened focus providing strong financial management criteria. Theywill be made on keeping the people of our look to the future, using our mission, vision and values ascommunity healthy. This can mean different a compass for decision making.things in different communities. For commu-nities across the country, prevention of Our Board of Trustees is comprised of members ofobesity, heart disease and diabetes take our community, representing different industries, basesprecedence. Locally, improved systems for of knowledge and ranges of experience. While this is abehavioral health and substance abuse are at the top volunteer position, to serve on the Board an individualof the list. We’re working collaboratively with a range must be nominated and voted in by the current Board ofof organizations in and around our community to Trustees. Each Trustee serves a three-year term.begin to address these issues. 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Improve the health of the individual, improve thehealth of the community and improve the value ofhealthcare: these are our promises to you. In health, Frank May 3

Table of Contents 2016 annual report5 Steps to a Healthy Heart 22-23 2015 Cancer Care Prevention & EDITOR YampaCare Cardiologists share things Screening Programs Heather Rose you can do to keep your heart healthy Cancer and Your Diet, Melanoma, CONTRIBUTORS Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer Susan Cunningham6-7 Gold Medal Service at were highlighted. Lindsey Reznicek SportsMed 24-25 Giving Back PHOTOGRAPHERS From weekend warriors to athletes on YVMC strives to keep people in Natural Light Images (cover) the U.S. Ski and Snowboard, SportsMed treats them all Northwest Colorado healthy by giving Ellen Campbell back to the communities it serves. Nick Esares Kevin Fonger Strengthen Your Core 26-27 The Power of Giving Three exercises to build a strong One donor’s medical experience with foundation YVMC highlights how philanthropy comes full-circle8-9 For the Love of Learning and 28-37 Yampa Valley Medical Center Saving Lives Foundation | 2015 Donors Katie Noble, RN, combines her love of 38 Our Year by the Numbers nursing with education as a facilitator in 2015 Vital Statistics YVMC’s Simulation Lab 2015 Financials10-11 We Are YVMC 39 YVMC Service Locations Learn why providers, staff, volunteers and board members are proud to be part of YVMC12-13 Back in the Saddle A joint replacement didn’t keep Terry Nelson off a horse for long. YVMC’s New Mobility Joint Replacement Program got him on the trail again. Quality at a Glance Quick stats on Patient Safety and Patient Experience14-15 Healthcare for Women in Every Stage of Life The creation of YampaCare For Women made women’s healthcare a priority. Learn health tips from your teens through your 60s.16 YVMC Medical Staff17 “Doc” Talk Laura Sehnert, MD shares her experience as interim CMO while still providing patient care in the Emergency Department18-20 A New Home for Cancer Care The Jan Bishop Cancer Center combines prevention, screenings, diagnostics, treatment and integrative services into one location.21 Remembering Jan Bishop A generous donation by a Steamboat Springs resident honors his sister who lost her fight with cancer too early in life4 YVMC HEALTH

YVMC PhysiciansOn May 5, 2015, Dr. William Baker joined Yampa Valley MedicalCenter in the opening of YampaCare Cardiology. Providingconsultation and ongoing care and treatment for a broad range ofcardiovascular disease, YampaCare Cardiology offers cardiology carewhere it is needed, close to home. Appointments are available inboth Steamboat Springs and Craig, Colorado.Dr. Jason Jurva joined YampaCare Cardiology in January 2016. Afterpracticing in Wisconsin for more than a decade, he joins Dr. Baker asa full-time cardiologist providing cardiac care to Northwest Colorado.Steps to a Healthy HeartLIVE SMOKE-FREE. You are in the driver’s seat when itIf you smoke, quit. While the message comes to your heart’s health. In anis simple, quitting tobacco is not. average lifetime, the human heartGet help if needed and don’t give up. will beat more than 2.5 billion times – that’s about 100,000MAINTAIN A HEALTHY WEIGHT. times in one day. It’sA healthy weight is important for your overall health. quite an organ. HereKeeping the scale in check reduces your risk of developing are 4 things you can doheart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and to keep it pumping:more. Not sure where you fit in? Talk to your doctor.FOLLOW A MEDITERRANEAN DIET.Make vegetables and fruits, whole grains and fish mealtime staples. Limitsodium, saturated fat, simple carbohydrates and added sugar.“You don’t have to give up things that you otherwise would enjoy. Moderationis always the key. You do have to make the right choices.” ~ Dr. William BakerGET ACTIVE.Log a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week (or 75 minutes ofvigorous-intensity activity.) Add muscle-strengthening activities at least two days per week.“Any activity is a million times better than no activity. Even if it’s six minutes a dayon a treadmill, you get a lot of benefit just from getting moving.” ~ Dr. Jason Jurva 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 5

Gold Medal Serviceat SportsMed T hey’ve traveled around the world, have braved hours out- doors in frigid temperatures, and have spent days in training, all to help some of the nation’s top skiers and snowboarders compete at their best. And then, they bring those skills back home. Most of the time, you can find Frederica Manning, who is a physical therapy assistant, athletic trainer and EMT, and Jennifer Kerr, a physical therapist with a sports specialist certification, working with patients at“Everybody who works with athletes SportsMed in Steamboat Springs. Both are part of an elite group of physical therapistsfeels like they’re contributing to who also work with the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association, helping American skiers and snowboarders the team, and that’s fun…” in competitions around the world, from Europe and Japan, to Russia and Korea. “Everybody who works with athletes feels like they’re contributing to the team, and that’s fun,” said Kerr, who has worked with the U.S. Freestyle Skiing and the U.S. Alpine teams over the past nine years. “If you’re a physical therapist that likes to work with athletes, that’s sort of your pinnacle.” Working with professional athletes who are focused on doing their very best is rewarding. “It’s awesome. This is their job. It’s like professional football playersSportsMed physical – this is all they do. Their focus is solely on their skiing and snowboard-therapist Jennifer Kerr ing,” said Manning, who started with the U.S. Alpine Snowboardand Mikaela Matthews, team, then for the past six years, has traveled with the U.S. Nordica freestyle skier on the Team. “They’re still young, but their mindset is such that they’re tryingUS Ski Team, during a to be the best in the world, and they’re trying to make it to thebreak from training podium.”during the 2015 USFreestyle National For a typical competition, the team will travel to one location forChampionships two to three weeks of training and competition. Manning and Kerrin Steamboat work all day, most every day.Springs. In the morning, they tape and do other prework that athletes may need. Next, they help during the trainings and competitions, ready to address injuries or other acute needs. Finally, after the day is over, they work with athletes back at the hotel, helping them stay loose with soft tissue work and pro- viding a range of other treatments. If an athlete is dealing with an injury, Manning and Kerr help them with maintaining range of motion, working through strength- ening exercises and more.6 YVMC HEALTH

Sytoruenrgctohreen Regardless of your exercise of choice, nearly everyone can benefit from a stronger core. “You’re being creative, and you’re working with what you have,”Kerr said. Physical therapist Marti Irish demon- strates three core strengthening The work comes with some surprising learnings: Kerr is now really exercise under the guidance ofgood at rearranging furniture in hotel rooms (there’s not always an Traci Coy, certified physicalobvious space for a treatment table), knows exactly what to pack therapy assistant.(always lots of towels for cleaning tables), and evenbraved a -35 degree day at a competition in Finland, Bird Dogwhen the wind was whipping so hard she couldbarely look downslope. Reps: 10 Sets: 1-2 Weekly: 3x Daily: 1x Manning has successfully followed her phone’s GPS Setup: Begin on all fours, with your armsalong sketchy roads over mountain passes into Italy, and positioned directly under your shouldershas learned about the importance of not getting sick when traveling and knees directly under your hips, restingwith the Nordic team – any illness means being quarantined to the on a cushion.“sick” tables and spaces. Movement: Exhale and straighten your Because of the success of athletes with the Steamboat Springs opposite arm and leg at the same time soWinter Sports Club, oftentimes Kerr and Manning have already that your leg and arm are parallel to theworked with an athlete before he or she makes it onto the U.S. team. floor. Hold briefly before returning to the starting position. Repeat on the other side. “Kids we’ve worked with here over the years all of a sudden aremaking it big, and that’s been really fun to watch,” Kerr said. Tip: Make sure you keep a neutral spine, abdominals engaged and pelvis parallel to Working with professional athletes can be different from working the floor. Keep your chin tucked.with regular physical therapy patients. Patients at homehave jobs and other responsibilities that can make it Standard Plankhard to keep up with their exercises. But with pro-fessional athletes, their focus is on the sport, Reps: 10 Sets: 1-2 Hold (sec): 5 Weekly:so it can be easier for them to overdo it and 3x Daily: 1xnot take enough time to heal. Setup: Begin on all fours. Regardless, working withboth groups is mutually Movement: Straighten your legs, movingbeneficial. your body into a plank position, with your feet together and your elbows directly “I’ve been doing underneath your shoulders. Hold this posi-this so long, it all inter- tion keeping your core strong and yourtwines,” Manning said. “We learn things from spine neutral.working with patients herethat we might use on athletes, Tip: Your spine should be neutral and gaze is straight down between hands.and vice versa.” ■ Dead BugSportsMed is located within YampaValley Medical Center. To inquire Reps: 10 Sets: 1-2 Weekly: 3x Daily: 1xabout services or to schedule anappointment, please call Setup: Begin by lying on your back with970.871.2370. Services your hips and knees bent, arms at yourare also provided in sides, and feet resting flat on the floor.Hayden and Oak Creek. Forappointments in Hayden, Movement: Slowly lift one arm and yourcall 970.276.1163; in Oak opposite leg with your knee bent at 90Creek, call 970-736-2294. Pediatric Therapy Services are degrees, then exhale to alternate with youravailable at \"The Little House\" in Steamboat Springs by appointment only. other arm and leg. Tip: Make sure to keep abdominals engaged and spine in neutral for this exercise. 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 7

Katie Noble is a registered nurse and member of the Sim Lab Facilitation Team.For the love of LEARNING, and SAVING LIVES K atie Noble, a nurse at Yampa Valley Medical A passion for teaching and learning Center, knows hospitals. Her dad, medical technologist Brad Noble, Education is central to Noble’s work as a Sim Lab has worked in YVMC’s lab for 23 years, and while Katie facilitator. She likes to keep it light: her main rule when was growing up, she could often be found doing her teaching others is to ‘Keep it simple.’ homework at the hospital. In hindsight, she can see that nursing was a natural career for her. “It’s great when complex things can be explained simply,” Noble said. “That’s the way I like to teach and “I always liked science and people, and I think I learn with others.” realized later those are great prerequisites to being a nurse,” Noble said. The Sim Lab was built in 2012 with a generous dona- tion from a grateful patient to the YVMC Foundation. Now, as a facilitator for YVMC's HBB Simulation Lab, also known as Sim Lab, Noble’s work lets her combine Central to the Sim Lab are three top-of-the-line her passions for science, education and people. And medical manikins. These aren’t your typical manikins – she enjoys every part. these manikins can exhibit a range of medical conditions, and can breathe, bleed, cry, speak, receive medication8 YVMC HEALTH and even be intubated. The manikins simulate scenarios

Registered nurses Kristin Kotkas, Julie McFadden, Sarah partmental relationships.”Kerrigan and Susan Engle represent various departments One of the most incredible parts of the education isas members of the Sim Lab Facilitation Team. Notpictured: RNs Priscilla Schultz and Kelsey Pal-George. that it’s almost always immediately put to use. “It seems as though every time people comefrom cardiac arrest and sepsis, to traumatic injuries andpost-operative complications. through, they’ll have a scenario soon after where they’ll have to use what they learned,” Noble said. In January 2015, the Sim Lab welcomed \"Victoria\",an obstetrics patient simulation manikin that offers “We have a lot of those instances where someonelife-like delivery and birthing capabilities. \"She\" can says, ‘Wow, I learned this in Sim Lab and a week later Icontract, bleed, give birth and respond to various had a patient with that scenario and I knew exactly whatmedical treatments and interventions. \"Victoria \"adds to do.’”to the scenarios medical professionals can practice,enhancing the great care provided in the Yampa Valley. At YVMC, education for staff is important, and with\"Victoria\" was made possible by the same grateful a safe and separate environment like the Sim Lab forpatient who donated funds to open the HBB Simulation learning, staff can hone their skills dealing with condi-Lab, enriching the learning experiences available. tions they may not see every day. The technology at YVMC rivals that of many other For instance, nurses at YVMC take care of ventilatedlarger hospitals. “Not only is it great that we have a Sim patients at times, but it’s not something that’s doneLab at all, but we have really high-tech equipment,” every shift. With Sim Lab, those skills can be practicedNoble said. regularly. The Sim Lab is the learning grounds for YVMC “It’s not that we don’t know how to do it, it’s just thatprofessionals, as well as local first responders, including we need to be able to continually practice thesefirefighters and emergency medical technicians. But things,” Noble said.learning in the Sim Lab is not like learning in a classroom:rooms are set up to replicate regular hospital rooms, A passion for process… and funand medical professionals must act quickly and respondjust as they would with an actual patient. Sim Lab doesn’t just help save lives, but it also helps improve hospital processes. Going through a simulation “It’s really unique,” Noble said. “It’s really hands on might result in changing policies or even creating a newand involved, not only working as an individual, but also process that doesn’t exist.with each other, so it facilitates a lot of teamwork.” One recent scenario involving a blood transfusion In a typical simulation, there’s pre-education first, then helped ensure staff knew every step of the lengthy pro-the simulation and finally a debriefing and post-test. cess – from entering an order for blood, to finding and filling out blood bands, to determining who to talk with “It’s a dynamic process where they’re exposed to in the lab. When working with code carts in anotherthe information several times,” Noble said. “They’re simulation, staff members realized that reorganizing thealso getting to know other staff members in the hospital. carts could make their work faster and easier.It’s not only good for education, but also for interde- At YVMC, the Simulation Team is made up of seven nurses who also work clinically in different departments. The nurses must apply to be on the team, and all share a passion for education. “All of us are involved clinically in our departments, which I think lets us be really effective educators and facilitators because we can see what the needs are and what’s going on,” Noble said. “One of my favorite things about it is my coworkers, because the team is excellent,” Noble said. “We have fun at work, but our focus remains on medicine and improving outcomes through education. It’s a lot of work, but we get to be creative, even in something like dressing up the manikin. “We try to make it realistic but also fun for staff, and that makes it fun for us.” ■ 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 9

We are W hat do you think of when someone tells you they work at a hospital? If your instant response YVMC is a doctor or a nurse; you are not alone. While doctors and nurses play an integral role in healthcare, there are many other individuals who contribute to the patient experience. Learn more about some of Yampa Valley Medical Center's finest and how they help to keep our patients safe and well-cared for. Paul Hill Megan Marion 15 years 4 years Laboratory Section Head/ Occupational Therapist Infection Prevention I get the opportunity to take Coordinator care of patients that have non As a member of the Colorado healing wounds, which are wounds Department of Public Health and that are not healing in a timely manner. Environment Health Care Associated Through my wound care certification and Infections Advisory Committee, I am able to passion to treat patients with the most see how hospitals around the state and recent medical practices and products, I am country are affected by new and existing able to help patients recover quicker from infection control issues. Through the insight their wounds. I am able to gather from this committee, I am able to ensure YVMC remains a safe Traci Smith place for both patients and staff. 15 years Wes Hunter Business Office Manager 11 years Advantages of being a member of and board member for the Rocky Director of Pharmacy Mountain AAHAM chapter are endless. As president and member of We are all striving to meet our patients' needs the Colorado State Board of as healthcare changes and presents challenges Pharmacy, I am able to understand to facilities and consumers. To help providers and see best practices from hospital meet these challenges, AAHAM provides pharmacies around the state of Colorado. opportunities for education/continued Through this involvement I've been able to learning, best practices, peer communication ensure YVMC continues to utilize pharmacy opportunities, access to Q & A forum’s, and best practices that focus on patient safety keeping up to date with regulatory and and wellness. compliance standards. All of these areas help us continue to improve in our patient10 Y V M C H E A L T H communication and billing practices.

Steve Bourdeau Shannon Fonger, NP 1.5 years 1.5 years Systems Analyst, Orthopedic Nurse Practitioner Information Services I enjoy being surrounded by People remember great cus- colleagues who are dedicated, tomer service. It shows the people hard-working and easy to collaborateyou work with and your customers that you with to achieve our common goal ofcare about them and their business. This improving the patient's experience.sets up good connections with people inand around the community, and positions Bere NeasYVMC as a pillar of excellence in our 3 years community. YVMC Foundation Board of Susan Engle, Directors My involvement is to directly BSN, RNC-OB carry on the legacy of my parents, 19 years Irlan and Jean Neas. They volunteered in our community and with the hospital for Clinical Nurse Educator, 30 years. Without a strong and well- Family Birth Place sustained hospital,the community will not I felt it important as the educator for grow and prosper.the Family Birth Place to obtain my inpatientobstetrics certification. This has allowed me Liz Wrightto be instrumental in evidence-based 9 yearsprocess changes, such as delayed newbornbathing and swaddle immersion bathing, Volunteer both of which contribute to better I want to give back to the outcomes for infants. community which has given so much to me in immeasurable ways. I Dorothy Bragg coordinate the volunteers in the emergency 10 years department during ski season, making sure our patients from near and far are comforted Lead Technician, with a warm blanket and a friendly face. I Environmental Services also volunteer as needed for the REPS, Day Our jobs are more important than Surgery and Cookie Cart programs at YVMC. some people think. If we don't keep Volunteerism rocks!!things clean and sanitized, it can have adirect, negative impact on the patients. 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 11None of us want that to happen.

Quality care to get one patient Back in the Saddle “The question was always asked, ‘What can we do to be better? How can we improve?’ To reach out with those questions shows a commitment to wanting to be the best you can be, and I appreciated that.” From riding horses and running, to skiing bumps Having the right preparation and expectations for a and playing racquetball, Terry Nelson, 66, has joint replacement is critical. It was almost like people in been active his entire life. the class sighed with relief once they learned more, When he started having serious hip pain, he didn’t Nelson said. want it to slow him down. “That nurse navigator (helped) the patient to feel Ten years ago, he had his left hip replaced in more relaxed (and know) what to be prepared for, Denver. But about a year ago, when it was time what to expect, how to deal with uncertainty,” to have his right hip replaced, he decided to Nelson said. “That probably took more of stay close to home and have the surgery at the anxiety away than anything else.” Yampa Valley Medical Center. At the Hospital It was a good choice for Nelson. During every step of the process, from his initial When Nelson awoke after his surgery, consultation to his physical therapy after he found a team of helpful nurses ready to the surgery, he was pleased with the care he assist in any way possible. received. “The nursing staff post-surgery was commendable. Their attitude, personality and “The overall care through the whole process professionalism throughout the whole experience was was impressive,” Nelson said. “(Everyone) showed a something I would hold up high,” Nelson said. “They good deal of professionalism, but also were friendly, made me feel comfortable, cared for, respected. It gets warm, understanding and passionate about their jobs.” back to kindness. You want to treat somebody else like you want to be treated, and I think they were pretty Pre-surgery forthcoming on that.” They also involved Nelson’s wife, Denise, making From Nelson’s first appointment with his surgeon, sure she was apprised of what was happening and Dr. Eric Verploeg, he felt reassured that he was in good checking to see whether she or Terry needed anything. hands. Verploeg and his Physician Assistant Jessica “I think a connection with the spouse or significant Platt were open, good listeners and caring, all of which other or friend or whoever's there with the patient is a helped Nelson feel comfortable. real positive thing,” Nelson said. Though most patients stay for two nights, Nelson “It gave me a sense of reassurance,” Nelson said. was cleared to go home the following day. He had a bit Soon after he scheduled his surgery, Nelson was of a ride to his ranch in Big Red Park, north of Clark, but contacted by YVMC’s Orthopaedic Nurse Navigator, it was much easier than driving home from Denver. who helped Nelson learn more about the surgery and He had high expectations for his hospital experi- enroll in New Mobility classes. The series of educational ence, but found that his experience was even better classes are held with a small group of other joint than he had expected. replacement patients and cover topics such as exer- “It was a very pleasant experience,” he said. cises to do before the surgery, what to expect in recov- ery and what’s needed after surgery, such as crutches, walkers and sock pullers.12 Y V M C H E A L T H

Quality at a Glance PATIENT SAFETY Joint replacement patients can rest assured their2013-2015 health is in good hands. YVMC is well below the national average infection rate related to total hip 1.4TOTAL HIP REPLACEMEaNndT total knee replacements as reported by the Nationally 1,855 / 131S,8o7c9iety fo%r Healthcare Epidemiology of America. YVMC 0 / 184 0TOTA%L HIP REPLACEMENTNelson enjoys a a day in the saddle. 1.4Nationally 1,855 / 131,8792013-2015% 1TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT 2013-2015 0 / 184 0% Nationally 1,723 / 172,055 Y%VMCPost-Surgery YVMC 2 / 362 .5%With a joint replacement, some of the most import-ant work happens before and after the surgery: physical 1TOTAL KNEE REPLACEMENT2013-2015therapy and home exercises. Nationally 1,723 / 172,055 % Nelson was committed to doing his home exercisesbefore and after surgery, and worked with a team of YVMC 2 / 362 .5%physical therapists at SportsMed in Steamboat Springsafter his surgery. Once the therapists learned thatNelson was an avid horseman, they tailored an exerciseprogram to help him gain skills he’d need to get back PATIENT EXPERIENCEin the saddle.“The main thing for me was (being) able to put that 100leg over the saddle and get on and off without any 80reservations,” Nelson said. “They structured (the program) 60and said, ‘Why don’t you do this exercise, which will help 40in that movement.’ They were really good about that.” 20 Ultimately, Nelson did get back in the saddle. He hadsurgery in March of 2015, and was riding that June. By 0July, he was even able to join the Roundup Riders of JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DECthe Rockies for their 2015 week-long horseback ride in Patient experience is the sum 1o0f0all interactions aColorado. Every day, Nelson rode 20 to 25 miles withanother 150 horsemen and enjoyed the catered meals patient has with every staff memb8e0r and their actionsand music each night. at the hospital. According to the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Provi6d0ers and Systems His new hip worked just fine. (1H1CoAf H12PSm),oYnVthMsCinr2a0n1ke5d. Cinomthpeo9n0e4tnh0tspeursceednitnilemdeuarsiunrg- After his experience at YVMC, he'd encourage other ing patient experience include e2a0se of schedulingpatients to stay close to home for joint replacement appointments, availability of information, communica-surgery. tion with doctors, responsiveness 0of clinJAicNstaFfEfBanMdAR APR M “I really felt a commitment to excellence through coordination with other care providers.the whole thing,” Nelson said. “The nurses wanted todo a good job, the physicians, the physical therapists,the nurse navigator. The question was always asked,‘What can we do to be better? How can we improve?’ Additionally, YVMC’s Emergency Department ranked in theTo reach out with those questions shows a commitmentto wanting to be the best you can be, and I appreciated 99th percentile, or top 1 percent, in patient experience according to Press Ganey, a provider ofthat.” ■ patient experience measurement. 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 13

HWeoamltehfoncrare Dr. Diane E.B. Petersen, Dr. Mary L. Bowman, and Dr. David W. Schaller In your In your In your teens... 20s... 30s...• Develop healthy food • Schedule annual physicals. • Keep your weight in check. relationships. ~ Pap smear/Human Papilloma Virus ~ Metabolism starts to slow around ~ Eat breakfast, watch your junk (HPV) screening age 35. food intake and eat your fruits and vegetables. ~ Body mass index (BMI) ~ Schedule exercise into your day just like you would other• Rethink your drink. ~ Blood pressure appointments. ~ Swap that soda for plain or ~ Thyroid health ~ Consider wearing an activity flavored water. tracker to see how active you are ~ Cholesterol levels (or aren’t).•Exercise. • Break unhealthy habits. • Get some zzzzs.• Take care of your skin. ~ What you do now sets a path of ~ Try for 7-9 hours each night. ~ Remove make-up prior to sleep behavior for the rest of your life. ~ Stick to a sleep schedule of the and ALWAYS wear sunscreen. same bedtime and wake time, • Screen for STIs. even on the weekends.• Catch those zzzz’s. ~ If under age 26, consider the HPV ~ Aim for the recommended 8-9 • Pay attention to your period. vaccine. ~ Discuss heavy or painful periods hours of sleep each night. • Know your contraception with your doctor, as this could• If sexually active, know your options. signal polycystic ovarian contraception options and use syndrome, a thyroid problem or them. • Begin monthly self-exams of fibroids. your breasts. • Blood pressure – check. • Consume enough calcium and ~ Protect your heart by having it vitamin D. checked at least once a year. ~ 90 percent of bone mass is achieved by age 20. • Choose and use an appropriate method of contraception. ~ Aim for 1,200 mg of calcium and 1,000 IU of vitamin D each day.***Screening recommendations may To make an appointment with Dr. Petersen, Dr. Bowman, orchange based on family history and/or Dr. Schaller, call 970-879-3738 or visit yvmc.org/ycwomenthe presence of certain risk factors.Discuss any and all health concerns andquestions with your doctor.14 Y V M C H E A L T H

in Every Stage of LifeO n May 5, 2015, Dr. Diane E.B. Petersen, Dr. Mary L. Bowman and Dr. David W. Schaller joined Yampa Valley Medical Center to form YampaCare For Women. This team of OB/GYNs provides healthcare for every stage of awoman’s life – from young girls and adolescents, to women in their childbearingyears, throughout menopause and into their golden years. Services include OB/GYN,prenatal visits, hormone therapy, menopause, counseling and education, pelvichealth and gynecological surgical services including minimally invasive options. Thephysicians are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days through officeappointments and on-call emergencies.In your In your In your 40s... 50s... 60s...• Mammograms are a must. • Love your heart. • Have your bone density tested. ~ Begin yearly screening ~ After age 50, a woman’s risk of heart ~ By 65, all women – even those mammograms at age 40, disease significantly increases. without a family history of or earlier if there is family history osteoporosis or those who have or other risk factors present. ~ Know and discuss your cholesterol smoked or taken certain and blood pressure with your doctor. medications – need a DEXA scan• Discuss diabetes. to test for bone density. ~ Type 2 diabetes becomes ~ Combat risk factors for heart disease (smoking, high blood ~ Discuss diet with your doctor to increasingly common after age 40. pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, ensure you’re getting enough diabetes) with changes in your diet, calcium or if you should consider a ~ The American Diabetes exercise and lifestyle if necessary. supplement. Association recommends testing at least every three years starting ~ Risk factors or family history? Ask • Increase vitamin B12. at age 45. your doctor about an EKG and/or ~ Found in seafood, beef and fortified stress test in addition to standard• Evaluate your calorie intake. heart health tests. breakfast cereals, vitamin B12 helps ~ Metabolism declines after age 40. produce healthy red blood cells and • Say yes to colonoscopy. protect your nervous system. It may ~ Enjoy smaller, more frequent ~ Catch polyps while they’re still in even help prevent memory loss. meals, aim for variety and opt for smaller portions of treats (rather the precancerous stage. • Decrease your chances of than making them off-limits). catching pneumonia. ~ Normal results and no family history?• Move it. You’re off the hook for 10 years. ~ If you haven’t gotten the vaccine ~ Maintain weight with 20-30 by age 65, do. Most people only • Discuss menopause symptoms need one dose. minutes of exercise most days. with your doctor. Looking to lose? Up the exercise • Inquire about the shingles to an hour. ~ Is hormone therapy right for you? vaccine. ~ Weight bearing exercise and ~ Learn what you can do to manage ~ The rash caused by shingles can be strength training will help preserve hot flashes and other menopause severely painful, and the nerve and muscle mass and bone density. symptoms. pain damage can be long-lasting. • Get a flu shot. ~ Anyone who has had chickenpox ~ The risk of serious – even life- is at risk, but the vaccine can cut your chances dramatically. The threatening – complications shingles vaccine is recommended increases as you age. Vaccination for those over age 60. is your best protection against influenza. 2016 ANNUAL REPORT 15

YVMCMedical Staff With more than 30 specialties and hundreds of years of experience between them, thephysicians at Yampa Valley Medical Center have your health needs covered. Many of ourphysicians practice full-time in Steamboat Springs, making this their home, while othersmake the trek to bring us their highly specialized care. Our doctors practice in Craig, Meeker,and Granby, Colorado. We are grateful for the expertise they bring to our community. For an up-to-date list of physicians and their locations, please visit yvmc.org and click theFind A Physician link.● ● ● Active Medical Staff Barbara Novotny, M.D.* Eric Verploeg, M.D. Christopher Speer, M.D. Bryan Scheer, M.D.* Anesthesiology David Williams, M.D. Jennifer Appelman, M.D. Kristin Wilson, M.D. Pain Management Scott Fahrner, M.D. Brian Siegel, M.D. Catherine Johnson, M.D. General Surgery Scott Kempers, M.D. Allen Belshaw, M.D. Pathology Jeffrey Pal, M.D. Mark Hermacinski, M.D. William F. Cox, Jr., M.D. David Skolnick, D.O. James Hopfenbeck, M.D. Internal Medicine Cardiology Kevin Borgerding, M.D. Pediatrics William Baker, M.D. Sarah Hopfenbeck, M.D. Ronald Famiglietti, M.D. Jason Jurva, M.D.* Jennifer Kempers, M.D. Dana Fitzgerald, M.D. Mark McCaulley, M.D. Sheila Fountain, M.D. Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery Lambert Orton, M.D. Steven Ross, M.D. Kristen Fahrner, M.D. Charlie Petersen, M.D. Maryann Wall, M.D. Louise Thielen, M.D. Pediatric Dentistry Hank Salyer, D.D.S. Emergency Medicine Obstetrics/Gynecology Angela Alexander, M.D. Leslie Ahlmeyer, M.D. Plastic Surgery Nathan Anderson, M.D. Mary Bowman, M.D. John Lupori, M.D., D.D.S. David Cionni, M.D. Diane Petersen, M.D. Scott Sulentich, M.D. Jeanne Fitzsimmons, M.D. David Schaller, M.D. Maryann Wall, M.D. Carlos Ortiz, M.D. Laila Powers, M.D. Ophthalmology Podiatry Laura Sehnert, M.D. Mark Helm, M.D. Kris Boyce, D.P.M. David Wilkinson, M.D. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Radiology Family Medicine John Lupori, M.D., D.D.S. Fred Jones, M.D. M. Shannon Becker, M.D. Terese I. Kaske, M.D. Phaedra Fegley, M.D. Orthopaedic Spine Surgery Robert Lile, M.D. Jon Hamilton, M.D.* Henry F. Fabian, M.D. Malaika Thompson, M.D. Brian Harrington, M.D., M.P.H. Rosanne Iversen, M.D. Orthopaedic Surgery Urology Michelle Jimerson, M.D. Bryan Bomberg, M.D. Stacy Childs, M.D. Laura Mordi, M.D. Alexander Meininger, M.D. Clay Pendleton, M.D.* David Niedermeier, M.D. Greg Sarin, D.O. Jamie VanOveren, D.O. Andreas Sauerbrey, M.D. Michael Sisk, M.D. * Physicians who joined the medical staff in 2015.● ● ● Consulting/Associate Medical Staff The following members of the Consulting and Associate Medical Staff regularly practice medicine in Steamboat Springs.Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery Neonatal Medicine Pediatric CardiologyMark Guadagnoli, M.D. Jeffrey Hanson, M.D. David Miller, M.D.Omar Mubarak, M.D. Obstetrics/Gynecology PsychiatryDentistry Richard Porreco, M.D. Richard Berkley, M.D.Curtis Comeau, D.D.S. William Philip, M.D.Gary Fresques, D.D.S. Occupational MedicineNeil Ganz, D.D.S. Frederick Scherr, M.D. Pulmonology/Sleep Medicine James Hoyt, M.D.Dermatology Oncology Mark Petrun, M.D.Sandra Eivins, M.D. Allen Cohn, M.D. Robert Rifkin, M.D. Rehabilitation MedicineHospice Cliff Gronseth, M.D.Carole Milligan, M.D. Orthopaedic Surgery John Tobey, M.D. Jerome Wiedel, M.D.Neurology Lori Harrington, M.D.Pamela Kinder, M.D.Gerald McIntosh, M.D. Orthodontics Allan Weimer, M.D.16 Y V M C H E A L T H

“Doc Talk” Dr. Laura Sehnert is a board certified emergency hospital. Doctors work with patients every day, it’smedicine physician. She has practiced at Yampa Valley what we do. We bring a unique perspective to howMedical Center since 2007. Dr. Sehnert stepped into those decisions may have a direct impact on patients.the role of interim Chief Medical Officer (CMO) in2015, in addition to continuing to care for patients in the I also firmly believe in developing systems that workEmergency Department. As former Chief of Staff she well. The less time any caregiver has to spend onwas excited to take on the challenge of a new position. administrative tasks, the more time we can focus on the patient. I want to continue to make YVMC a great place Why were you willing to step into the for our physicians to practice medicine, which in turn interim CMO role with your already busy leads to a great place for our patients to receive care. career and family schedule? What would you consider the highlights of In my mind, there was no reason not to. I 2015? believe whole heartedly in the care that we provide at YVMC. I knew working as the interim YVMC has been honored with so many awardsCMO, I could continue to ensure that we, as a hospi- over the years, sometimes I forget how trulytal administrative team, could provide every opportu- amazing it is and how significant thesenity for our patients to get the best care possible. achievements are. Earning awards for both patient safety and patient experience in 2015, it lets Why do you think is it important for a us know that we are focusing our time where it should doctor to serve on the administrative team be, on the patients. of a hospital? In addition to these formal recognitions for quality I was able to be the clinical voice in business care, I felt the increased level of collaboration decisions that were being made by the between our Board of Trustees and the physicians in strategic planning again showed our commitment to our patients. The opening of YampaCare For Women and YampaCare Cardiology was an exciting addition to YVMC’s offerings. ■ Yampa Valley Medical Center has been awarded the prestigious Patient Safety Excellence Award for THREE CONSECUTIVE YEARSFIVE STAR RATED • YVMC.ORG/AWARDS 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 17

HoA mNewe A lmost everyone has been touched by cancer. Whether through a personal experience or that of a loved one, the disease isfoCrCaarencer far-reaching. The Yampa Valley is no exception. In the past, various cancer services have been spread throughout the hospital: patients receiving cancer care have had to navigate through the registration process each time they receive chemotherapy, or walk down long hallways to get from one appointment to another. When the Jan Bishop Cancer Center opens, patients will experience a tranquil, healing and comfortable environment with the same personal care from nationally recognized providers they’ve come to know in a new location, without ever leaving the Yampa Valley. The evolving face of cancer treatment As the over-65 population grows, northwest Colorado will likely experi- ence higher incidences of various cancers. Cancer treatment continues to advance and with that, survival rates improve. The five-year survival rate is 68 percent, a significant increase from 49 percent a few decades ago. By18 Y V M C H E A L T H

2020, that rate is expected to climb to 73 percent. With treatments nowmore effective, cancers are detected earlier and more accurately.Cancer care today includes a range of complementary services, all ofwhich help patients fight the disease with success. When patients can stay close to home to However advanced care may become, thecomfort of patients should always be at the forefront. receive treatment, they are often moreWhen patients can stay close to home to receivetreatment, they are often more comfortable, less comfortable, less stressed and experiencestressed and experience fewer disruptions to theirfamily life and work obligations. fewer disruptions to their family lifeCombining these factors, YVMC realized a newcancer center was needed. The Yampa Valley Medical Center Foundationraised more than $3.5 million dollars for cancer care in recent years,helping to make the center a reality. The generosity and support of thecommunity has been integral in building a new home for cancer care, withparticipation in the Penguin Plunge and Diamonds and Denim Gala, aswell as individual gifts. With a significant donation from local resident 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 19

Infusion chemotherapy bays with views A healing environment with welcoming spaces for patients andof the ski mountain. families, including a family room, education and consultation rooms, and dedicated offices for medical staff. Joe Bishop, the center will honor his sister, Jan Bishop, • A range of services to treat the whole person, who lost her battle with cancer while in her twenties. including genetic counseling, social work, dietitian counseling, physical therapy, acupuncture and A tremendous facility support groups The Jan Bishop Cancer Center will occupy the • Plentiful natural light and inspiring mountain views second floor of a new 14,000 square-foot building on the east end of YVMC’s campus. The new facility com- “The large windows at the individual infusion bays bines prevention, screenings, diagnostics, treatment and will allow natural light to warm the treatment areas, integrative services into one location. while the views of Mt. Werner will create a serene and tranquil backdrop,” said Jan Fritz, RN, director of “Having all cancer services together in the new center cancer services at YVMC. “We listened to our patients’ will create a convenient and calming environment for our requests and will have heated massage recliners, a patients and their families,” said Frank May, YVMC CEO. nutrition area and spaces that promote family “This is our way of caring for the whole person.” interaction.” Special features of the Jan Bishop Cancer Center include: The future of cancer care in the Yampa Valley • A medical oncology clinic, where Dr. Cohn and Dr. Early diagnosis is key to cancer care – in most cases, Robert Rifkin, a medical oncologist/hematologist the sooner a cancer is found and treated, the more with Rocky Mountain Cancers, will see patients likely the treatment will be successful. Patients need to • Spacious exam rooms and welcoming spaces for be able to access appropriate care as soon as possible, families, including a family room and education and and ideally, close to home. consultation rooms •Private and semi-private chemotherapy infusion A cancer center needs to accommodate growing bays with expansive views of Mt. Werner incidence rates with more space for patients, physicians • Areas for the oncology navigator to assist patients and additional staff, while following the latest advance- through the treatment process ments in cancer care and national best practices related • A covered patio and rooftop garden where patients to community education and screenings. and families can relax and find comfort during treatments Residents of the Yampa Valley are fortunate those things will be found at Jan Bishop Cancer Center. ■20 Y V M C H E A L T H

Remembering Jan Bishop MIIEAUyOlnAtTaFuBonbbvhWuoRurrasAdeSugerInmgorTIeneWrn“htaUuntheprnThedSmha(desdhsI…lIhniadalpiphewtsieysaltiedrmclwse.MnhatanarericncsibeecnswhrayeeapcuecordyeraenegarcmrbedyIheftmltprrdHdfecosodromeeeeeeeahtrfeIehesyapnnaanmnaedcyntfeuofdlttstkrlrptcamnovoHestsahoiuoilshcrwvirangaenimeecuenenenm’odensaritkktednaydddbogusdrBatvvttfb,e,ranembebmlhtaiihryiehssncaenrleebecbaulyexyeoetdb!bweeoaltCdceopuhlowwsnonbeeaakesbeneeroiweqdclcnaslslwawseybutmuirj,Ssndenedteelieiahgawadoyntedgisoerusaeennoinfclcgaonl’mynhwdrwgdstaoosltgme,e,khrmmtaoaawwdeaseneahfsasnai)ideeelogcbCfwsCdaldlwnihhsihloiasgiov.phittlPtrhtwgnolerf!lhoeh-eialeuleeadennifsea3,odwreinytggngdssBh8.tno.hgpseege,euhuileau.gasbtrsdsiihiapddkd.trieeiM.tir.s.sthesa.i.rdtse” Joe Bishop smiles when he thinks of his ~ Jan Bishop, May 23, 1949sister, Jan. “She was quite a gal,” he recalls.Shared memories paint a picture of a dotingolder sister and a pesky little brother.While Jan was six years Joe’s senior, theywere the best of friends. Joe recalls hidingin the back seat of Jan’s car when shewent on dates and there are even storiesof Jan doing Joe’s homework for him. The poem, inset, is representative ofher wit and relationship with her brother. Jan’s story ended too soon. At theyoung age of 27, she died of cancer,and Joe lost his sister and friend. Joe has been a strong supporterof healthcare services through dona-tions to the Yampa Valley MedicalCenter Foundation for years. Hemoved to Steamboat Springs in 2000and has been grateful for the carehe has received at Yampa ValleyMedical Center. “Healthcare andthe doctors here are as good as itgets,” said Joe. Thanks to Joe’s contribution,the Jan Bishop Cancer Center willhelp keep accredited cancer careclose to home. Joe Bishop and his sister, Jan. Nov.1955 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 21

2015 Prevention & Screening Programs Cancer Care at Yampa Valley Medical Center is dedicated, not only to caring for those who have been diagnosedwith cancer, but in educating the community on how to prevent certain cancers. Melanoma, breast and prostatecancers are among the highest occurrence rates in our community. In addition to prevention, screening education isessential to ensure the right individuals are getting the correct diagnostic exams and catching cancer early, when itcan be treated with the greatest success rates. MELANOMA •2-part Monday Medical newspaper article by Dr. Wall and BREAST Susan Cunningham. May 2015 Early Detection is the Best Protection • Sun Protection Tips banners spur posted at YVMC and downtown Steamboat Springs. fcour trhee May & June 2015 Schedule your mammogram today!HBNcarbhDeovNoGaeavroonaseloytctwmspeorHiidubunaterrooegcGanrmhwlwoata3aihtsins0lemsleCadytmaroaenbdn9uknoeydre7tBcgeFecrr0eprMheasnl.soamab8taLsiceecrt7ieaergytH.1wthooiSnGe.ttenfa2hta&eetOoelDu3nttSrlhe9dadGyoOcaoC9lGndeoycuesmtrrr•arnioai(npaubtwbtygpepieeGciovornrk.rtiomgonce11sott,$smcfwaao2a6.erbno0tr0dnod10rttayshg5).e.a/vbarileabales.thealth ...........................22 Y V M C H E A L T H • “Spur for the Cure” campaign to promote mammography screening. Target: women age 40 and older to get baseline and routine screening; 800 prize drawing tickets given to women who received mammography during this time frame from the Gloria Gossard Breast Health Center. October and November 2015; 308 women participated in the prize drawing for a $600 pair of Old Gringo boots. 623 women received a screening mammogram during October and November, 22 of them for the first time. ........................... • “First Cup”community education presentation about breast health and the importance of screening presentation by Dr. Terese Kaske, medical director of the Gloria Gossard Breast Health Center. October 27, 2015; 32 attended

PROSTATE GOLD COMMENDATIONGENERAL CANCER • “Know Your Score!” community education presentation about theReal FoodDr. risks, screening and treatmentCharlie Cancer and Your Diet options for prostate cancer by Dr. Clay Pendleton, urologist and Petersen Laura Stout, RDN Cancer Liaison Physician with the YVMC Cancer Committee. Cara Marrs, RDN Scorecards Provided. November 9, 2015;YWVeMdCneCsodnafye, rNenocve. 1R8o•omNo1o•n R•SFVRPEERePqruoigreradm1024•Y•CHooWAefounhnwcgawtattrinooiaflcolglineolPecderonasadrerarpeksrnoveis:rDeabiltrseoeiitvpnthehgmeetsede•esnetftev9o.deo7Pld0tolose.p8aibnm7seteo1e“.nyaR2ontS5tuoiV0rafPnp0nglafeioon•wgtr-ebbtynhavliosicmse”odecd.vdoveieerntgsts/.ecalslethnadta9myrR7vigS0mhV.t8cPi.n7ocT1rroe.g2ad/s5cae0aythl0:eenpdoassribility 28 attended • Online scorecard available for men to evaluate their own risk for prostate cancer. November 1-30, 2015; 25 scorecards were downloaded and 28 provided to attendees of the seminar. ........................... • Low cost blood PSA screening provided at our annual Community Health Fair with the recommendation that the community member selecting this test has discussed this screening with their healthcare provider (American Cancer Society guidelines). • Health fair participants who had an elevated PSA were contacted and encouraged to follow-up with their healthcare provider. ........................... • Real Food program: “Cancer and Your Diet” 94% of participants reported feeling that they learned something helpful for them or a family member at this program; the program met their expectations and they would recommend this program to a friend. November 18, 2015; 45 attended 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 23

giving Back W hen you think about a hospital, most people think, “They take care of people who are ill or hurt.” True, but did you know Yampa Valley Medical Center does much more than that? As a leader in healthcare, YVMC strives to keep people in Northwest Colorado healthy. Providing community benefit through education, prevention and screenings, clinics and wellness programs, financial assistance and gener- osity and good will, YVMC does just that.RealFood Community Education •mdrovDearlutsnopeidEnlhfi.ragneraiidaeeeCttnlt.ehechstgpesihTiedenW.ttolhiinigcaamowGteeltroncaneyeioo,gsR,drntn.sReheNhoi.utPneetaehftuBacTnlr,ptioMermhtFtrtDslitiuiaioot.nawcorrin.ooninkPaneptidaCnga-tesYabhgs,ethonnfs’taesoaauttsmt3sCrrhrteols0oiJeatDedepe-apor7nmirauknciiP0itcnnesus,ieMntektpathhraBHeeaniaoarotarrodenivfsmrolbapdeasewnealenlntaeHihnsthcnneooajaee,coaddnldallGteynuidtvlLteoedleafuhaDwonnertyuaesdoeidergauErhndaetmteiCaessicFalSttaapiaiiearzcptnlrenltionhrbenegheedudsgydt •ealwVoM•manpmAaaencecidbetoseAlltoaeuheCdloo/otteenalkprsneoeunoaptsydls.chuernsercgeoroleoaTHet,edadsakcihdoyoaadtceiweiimoedpnnikwaMlliendateniargdstihtai,slch.ieentlhtecntishafhedsndehcootran.aireiaorisrltgatdcadllTicehenataDbaaenihehgaxecncbnlYmegiyipebtueadaovVtmieneboereereemrMfntruarsntnaesofeitsercetttntaAtcsoc.cirlo.seaoaeui’iacmstApYflsscgnsssihrhoheVteAroieaeoshenwiwansMmslmrfmweaaairiehictsettCtpoefqiiatShiepflratolene’ountseoaathtneYahtMaaamnctyaPaaateeokrghpdsucatomlmeiifieercrrcmnarhedcetroprbtihg,heeaplkiodmyaaoolhWennraoanbtapmiaoliosmrVnic,trtofete,rshwaatieaodtoettoePpllhe.lgtltiddsneeirearhoeTslbetrooddaaby-eeeapdguYfvtctegeaimrriiiaMsri,ihcniaeeedscteimasebngtshoadeecneseeipictlwdrrednnhr.adoesshteavinlgosesicgyedas.wsa--l-l24 Y V M C H E A L T H

Pr•evE•DefBtracnYieiSocsooAtHVeOcthdiinnneooMomyTcjahnfutuaeaHCmieonSrnnrlaySalnntpbd,neBlptsertodmhdYihaavansalVlarykerbaSgttesMlimnnculsnSiconcrecapCrbboejaeertcuryesideue,ihornhrangyndenstgowiiehect.nnssshcistkncttggatethssertsossneara,aaalermof,ipsrllnnyufheiCiegf,cisenesdtltnouaaghrhifmvdcrertouioahianiymstpniemls’glrgaosuea,fobeoYfnnvfefblVreifisdetaislerMcy.oaisevoeriodvaCWeHnsfdircrc’,eesahctetleatioSuehpnslpnnrt.Ore2aohego0sdulshd,rdFsfgtemauusarhTanMenriioolerndsct.ewuh,su-.dttne. Financial Assistance •hoaagYefvnufVlaedpiMidrlapeCddbeerlopoethpeap.artlDsemiienuenpirnnstianesertgoisetsilhflOniofrtoofpnirnuhesaghentneahoEclatnilhiaatnrhnlosbsuliawlnemrsasensuenriesrncfatqietatn,usncteacheaspee.tdpiovamliindcsasoavyitrsaisoonbnrdtesos Generosity •uAAypDmneIosdunemosaudrxilcnnpslip2htaatglie0oaarogsc1snynetee5capdefe,elraodosfbtvut,eimyehFYenxraVuYndp1nVMtnsets,hkMd1wnCsa0seC’tres0tretseEoFotc.cmeodeaduhiomptvdnhenlipoyndealpyagatbeeitggeiedoeanecCnmtrnaos,arewprrettiraohlenooiersgbsyeaeiECeetdtmyeaug$msYspi1oveVlp3eofwdMa,ny5ii1etg5Ctth2e0ono.8., •pbatAoocecusevutpne-ptutruesnanhrcuacotmnutwusranerateinctafdoosrettrrhheVeeoselisfprtfesedprwriaseoinodtuhsr,sdietesahsrsa..eBfaomrcetuaehpnecuaalgninrceaitcmnuodreefnbfetohredoadsfy 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 25

Thepoof wgievirng The Wiedel family: Abigail, Jerry, Mary Jo and Maritza26 Y V M C H E A L T H

J erry Wiedel took his white lab Moose on a brisk Steamboat, (it’s incredible) to have facilities that can be walk to the quarry on Emerald Mountain in just as good as anywhere in the world. Even if this had Steamboat Springs, a trek they often make happened in the Front Range, I don’t think we wouldtogether. Later that warm afternoon, he started have made things any more efficient or happen morechopping ice near a shed in his back yard. rapidly then what we were able to do up here.”“I got this incredible kind of whole-body feeling Wiedel knows the ins and outs of the health carethat something was happening. It was like a chest system well. He practiced orthopedic surgery until 2009,constriction, my arms just felt like they were not going serving as chairman of the Department of Orthopedicsto function,” said Wiedel, an orthopedic surgeon who at the University of Colorado for 14 years. In the earlypracticed surgery for 37 years at the University of 2000s, he began splitting time between SteamboatColorado. “There was a crushing pain in the chest, but Springs and the Front Range, seeing patients in Steamboatit also went down in my back, it went down in my legs, Springs for consultations and other appointments.almost to the point where I couldn’t stand.” Wiedel still sees patients, and is currently a professorWiedel was out of sight, and knew immediately he emeritus with the University of Colorado. His wife, Maryneeded to try to get to the front yard. He had his cell Jo Wiedel, is YVMC’s director of Diagnostic Imaging,phone, but it was useless – he couldn’t get his fingers to and the couple has twin girls who graduated from highpress the buttons. So he started to school in May.crawl, waving his hat as he went. Since his surgery, Wiedel hasHis neighbor, driving home at gained strength through YVMC’sthe time, saw the hat waving in the Cardiac Rehab program. Heair and stopped to help. After hopes to be back on his road bike,checking on Wiedel, Moose still at an activity he loves.his side, the neighbor called 911. “You don’t think about this, ofA skilled ambulance crew soon course, until it happens,” Wiedelarrived and rushed Wiedel to said. “I think we’re really, reallyYampa Valley Medical Center’s very fortunate to have this kind ofEmergency Department. service available.”Quick, calm action was taken For a number of years, theby the team in Emergency, from Wiedels have been donors tonursing to imaging staff. Soon Dr. Yampa Valley Medical CenterJason Jurva, full-time cardiologist Dr. Jerry Wiedel and his dog Moose Foundation. As a physician whoat YampaCare Cardiology, diag- has an understanding of health-nosed Wiedel with a dissecting aortic aneurysm, a con- care, Dr. Jerry Wiedel knows it’s important for a hospitaldition in which the inner layer of the aorta, one of the to have financial support beyond what is received inbodies largest blood vessels branching off of the heart, payments. Experiencing firsthand how having the besttears, causing the inner and middle layers of the aorta care at the right time matters, further solidified his com-to separate as well. Wiedel was transported by helicop- mitment to the Foundation and the importance of a gift.ter for emergency surgery. His chances of surviving the Yampa Valley Medical Center Foundation raisesaneurysm were slim: But Wiedel beat the odds. funds to support the services at YVMC. This includesHe credits a large part of his survival and recovery to everything from staff training and equipment and toa quick diagnosis and the smooth, fast work of every- new spaces or facilities to house services. The currentone at YVMC and the other cooperating organizations. hospital was built, in part, with generous donations.“Coming out of Steamboat, it’s amazing how quickly “We need to have people who are fortunate to haveall of these things happened,” Wiedel said. “The physi- good resources to recognize that something like thiscians involved here, the ambulance crew, the messaging could happen to them, or their families, or their friends,”back and forth…the setup that’s already been orga- Wiedel said. “People who have found it in their heartsnized…It was like a smooth, well-practiced routine. to provide significant donations to support this type ofEverything seemed so well organized. Everybody was so emergency care can see that, it does work, it is helping.”well-trained in everything they did, and very respectful.\" For more information about giving to Yampa Valley“When you live in an isolated place as we are here in Medical Center Foundation, please visit yvmcf.org. ■ 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 27

YVMC Foundation 2015 DONORS JANUARY 1- DECEMBER 31, 2015 In partnership with Yampa Valley Medical Center in Steamboat Springs, the goal of Yampa Valley Medical Center Foundation is to raise funds for quality healthcare services for our community. Generous donors, in part, make excellent healthcare available for the residents of the Yampa Valley and beyond. Thank you to those who have impacted the lives of the patients at Yampa Valley Medical Center. Doc Willett Society $25,000 + Harry and Janet Lydick Aspen Society $1,000-$2,499 Anonymous Mark and Maureen Miller Family 3bischoff 4 Yellow Granting Fund John and Patricia Adams Kris and Bill Bensler Foundation Pamela Albrecht-Wedel Joe and Sara Bishop Medline Industries, Inc. Michelle Avery and Billy Banks Janet and Tim Borden Marvin Meyers Margaret Bass Berglund Edwin and Bonnie Calhoun Mountain Valley Bank Branch Ranch Sara and Michael Craig-Scheckman John and Suzanne Munn Samuel and Elfriede Brooks Bere Neas Sandy and Gary Neale Cator/Ruma & Associates, Co. Sear Family Foundation Poudre Valley Health Care, Inc. Cynthia and James Chamness The Bruce G. Allbright III Family Trust Steamboat Ski & Resort Corp. Kathleen Cline and Carl Steidtmann Wells Fargo Foundation Judge Addison Gooding Society Zedeck Family Foundation \"Following Joe and Sara $10,000 - $24,999 Bishop's lead, we feel that Lincoln Society $2,500-$4,999 the Jan Bishop Cancer Center Anonymous Anonymous is essential for the needs of Alpine Bank Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. northwest Colorado and we Alpine Mountain Ranch & Club Aurum Food & Wine want to be part of this David and Debbie Dacus Gary and Carol Berman important project.\" ~ Janet David and Marion Dennis Boulder Associates, PC and Tim Borden, donors Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Franny Mervis Catamount Ranch & Club Neale Family Foundation Lynn and Gayle Earnest Newborn Hope, Inc. Scott Engelman Drs. Diane and Charlie Petersen Harriet, \"Fry\" and Jeri Freiberger Anthony and Emily Seaver John and Carrie Hayden Family 1914 Society $5,000-$9,999 Foundation Anonymous Terry and Robert Keyes Russell and Carol Atha Luck Family Foundation Alex L. Brewer Family Foundation Frank and Diane May Dr. Stacey and Diane Childs Jim and Mimi McRoberts Classic Air Medical Steve and Debbie Modzelewski Connell Resources Native Excavating, Inc. The Dean Revocable Trust Joyce Lucy Nelson Haselden Construction Northwest Graphics, Inc. John and Carrie Hayden Jeffrey and Patty Sussman Sarah Judkins James and Dabney Roe Jim and Susan Larson Blaine and Tamra Tucker Litterman Family Foundation Three Moon Fund Rich and Anne Lowe WorldWest, LLC Yampa Valley Bank28 Y V M C H E A L T H

MISSIONThe mission of the Yampa Valley Medical Center Foundation is to support the healthcare services ofYampa Valley Medical Center for the communities it serves. Yampa Valley Medical Center Foundation isgoverned by a volunteer Board of Directors.Board of Directors: Left to right, back row: Brad Meeks, Frank May, Bere Neas, Jim Moylan, Steve Sehnert.Left to right, front row: Pam Nettleton, Stephany Traylor, Karen Schneider (Chair), Leslie Knutson, KrisBensler, Geneva Taylor. Not Pictured: Carrie Hayden, Alice Klauzer, Sandy Neale, Karen Parks.Copic Insurance Company & Agency Holiday Inn of Steamboat Springs Northern TrustDr. William and Kathleen Cox The Hussey Foundation Orthopaedics of Steamboat SpgsJames L. Crawford Innovest Portfolio Solutions, LLC Michael and Michelle OstermanSteve and Brenda Dawes Dr. Frederick and Sandra Jones Dr. Thomas and Julie PageLarry and Karen Desjardin JVA, Incorporated Robert and Erin PerlmanHank and D.J. Edwards Theodore and Anette Kahn John and Diane PietigHolly Ehrlich George Kammerer RCS-Wildhorse Development, LLCPaul and Bridget Ferguson Dr.Terese Kaske and Dr. Richard Porreco Randall and Sherry ReedLiz Finegan and John M. Thompson John and Christine Kelley Edward and Barbara RobisonDaniel and Susie Foley Gary and Barbara Knudson Rocky Mountain Radiologists, PCThe Fort Family Charitable Lead Land Title Guarantee Suzanne Schlicht Jack and Judy Lewis Karen and Jim Schneider Annuity Trust 2/26/2009 Marvin Lindsey Carole SchneiderSteve and Susie Frasier Sigrid M. Lucas Elizabeth Searle and Michael BranhamBill and Susan Friesell Punch and Penny Martyn Steve and Carol SehnertThe Garner Family Paul and Debbie Matheny Ernest and Sandra SmithKarl and Mary Gills Drs. James and Wendy McCreight Steamboat Emergency Associates, PLLCSteve and Lorraine Green Meriwether Companies Steamboat Pilot and TodayJoseph and Mary Harker Morgenstern Family Foundation Geneva and Jack TaylorJudith Harrington James J. Moylan Stephany and Glen TraylorFrans and Jacqueline Hijkoop Morgan Nields Truffle Pig, LLCHLCC Construction Company 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 29

Daniel Tyler This G.E. Giraffe Warmer was partially purchased with a grant fromPam and Lonny Vanatta Newborn Hope. Pictured is Liz Graham, RN caring for a newbornCurt and Mary Weiss at the Family Birth Place.Roger and Linda Young Francis and Pat Thomas Robert and Ann Ball1950 Society $500 - $999 US Foods Ron BarryAnonymous Tom Van Heule Kristi and Jeff BrownBruce and Leslie Allbright Craig and Kathleen Wasserman Brian BrownAlpine Taxi/Limo, Inc. DBA Go Alpine Linda R. White BRSTINA, LLCAmerican Endowment Foundation Yampa Joe Linda CantwayARAMARK Robert and Blythe Youngquist Randall and Robin CroopGerald and Rosemary Barth Jan and Greg FritzDr. Allen Belshaw and Dr. Catherine E. Park Avenue Society $250-$499 Dr. Sharon and Dr. Lawrence Gulley Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan Tim and Joann Haas Johnson Ace Hardware, Inc. Dr. James and Dr. Sarah HopfenbeckBKD, LLP J. Frank and Susan Adams Norm and Anne JacobsonHill Blackett, Jr. Aragon, Debbie A. Ins. Agency, Inc., Linda D Cantway Living TrustRobert and Lori BurksEllen Campbell State Farm Insurance CoThe Carpet ShoppeCardinal HealthCentral Electric, LLCCentral Park Management, Inc.Community First FoundationComponent Bar ProductsBunnie CrichtonShirley K. DeanJohn and Florence DutyRobert and Audrey EneverFeldmann Nagel, LLCSoniya and Frank FidlerJacqueline GrimaldiGrubstake Restaurant DBA Gondola Pub & GrillLawrence GussDr. Brian and Dr. Lori HarringtonHigh Point Roofing, LLCJames KerrJim and Erin KissaneAlice and Randall KlauzerLinda KnoxLeslie KnutsonKPA ProductionsJohn and Rebecca KuglerLAS Emergency Physicians, LLCJack and Anita McEncroeMountain Temp Services, LLCMichael and Danielle NelsonLewis and Kathy NiewoehnerPerformance Concrete Construction, Inc.Keith and Colleen PooleQuest DiagnosticsKen and Judy RiskindGary and Jeanette RobinsonRoutt County United WaySki Town USA Rotary ClubJohn Smith and Gail WardSteamboat Springs Coffee & Tea CompanySteamboat Springs Lions ClubSteamboat Springs Rotary ClubRobert and Saundra SteeleMelanie StewartSynoptek30 Y V M C H E A L T H

Kelly Beauregard, RN gives a young patient a bear from the Monica FentonShare the Care, Buy a Bear Employee Campaign. Robert and Melissa Flake Robert and Claircine FraserLockton Companies Chris Atwell Chapman and Kendall GeerRich and Jolene Lunsford David Ault Phillip and Karen GibsonCarl and Helen Marbach Gary and Bonnie Baggenstoss Jan and Susan GoodLisa Matthews Elke Bass Tom GravesMile High United Way Garrett Baum Julie GreenRobert and Laurie Milne Carl Bertram Sin GreenbergRodney and Pam Morgan Joseph and Lynne Bier Sara GreenbergJo Ann and Michael Mow Steven Bloom Erik and Lori GriepentrogMPWALL MD PC Skeeter and Susan Bourn Chris and Robin HaightStephanie Muhlbauer James and Louise Brainard Leslie and Steve HatchNatural Light Images Richard H. Brice and Bettina Neset Deborah and Orrin HellerJaki and Don Oakland Jean Bridge Larry and Leslie HerchlineKaren O'Connor Jim and Barbara Bronner Judith A. HiesterBrian and Lisa Olson Patricia Carney Tod and Ann HolmesPatrick Lumber, Co. Gene and Betty Lu Chupik Don and Anthonette HosmanPfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Kelly Clasen Wesley Hunter Colorado Event Rentals Darrell and Louise Jansa Program Tony and Karen Connell Lisa JoensEric and Samantha Rabesa Coon's Custom Electric, Inc. Carol JohnsonRabbit Ears Dental Rick and Greta Coram Pete JokischKaren St. Louis Redmond and Laurel Corbett Cynthia C. JokischStetpro Investments DBA Central Park D&E Glass, Inc. John and Patty Kerst Carolyn and Robert Davis John T. Kopp Liquor of Steamboat Inc Jeff Davison Lyle and Jane KrugJene and Myra Stewart Craig Deehring Michael and Diane LaneHerald and Laura Stout Jacqueline DeRisio Holly LarsonSundance @ Fishcreek Rick and Carol Dowden Bob LarsonCarl Vail Mark and Karen Drake Nancy LeeEd and Mary Vanderwall Susan Dreska Stephen and Judith LeeNancy Wadopian Derick Duckles Katherine LibermanDr. Maryann P. Wall Ian and Judy Duncan Tyler LinnerRobert and Deane Weiss E3 Restaurant, LLC David and Evie LinnerWood Source, Inc. Kristine L. Engelbrecht Jack and Carolyn LittleYampa Valley Medical Center Clair and Virginia Erickson Bryce and Sara Lokey Eureka Restaurant Group, Inc. dba Lone Oak Studio, Inc.1999 Society $100-$249 Warren and Valerie LuceLisa Adamo Carl's Tavern Jeffery and Shannon LukensJames and Glyna Aderhold Jim and Julia Farley Verne and Nancy LundquistPaul D. Arguien Charles MacArthur Millicent Mailliard Maureen Martin Delmar and Kristine McAfee Dr. Mark and Marilyn McCaulley Christine and Bill McKelvie Karen McRight MDM Group Associates, Inc. Kelly and Karen Meek Richard and Roxie Miles Marijo and Patrick Moran Marlyn and Calvin Myers Richard Nelson Robert Nelson Northwestern Supplies, Inc. Annie and Mark Nowe Mary O'Connor Old Town Hot Springs Paul Orzech Stephen Paoli Charles and Karen Parsons Gautam Patel 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 31

Geoff Petis Brianne Ahrensfeld “If it wasn’t for my late husband, I Ponderosa Audo/Video Systems Adonna and Troy Allen would have never found my passion Scott Raberge Adam and Pearson Alspach of volunteering my time in the Thomas M. Reagan Megan Anderson Community Health Resource Center. Ronald Rhead Jennifer Andrews He would be very supportive of my Bryan Roach Atta Asef giving back to this exceptional Joe and Elizabeth Robbins Donald and Jessica Asta hospital that provides exceptional Robert N. Robinson Christopher Backes care.” ~ Nancy Bretz, donor and Bud and Jane Romberg Atusa Baghery volunteer Jeremy and Katherine Rudel Lisa and Daniel Bankard Adam Ruppe Scott Barbero Loretta and William Conway Leigh Rushton Katie Barnes Lesa Costanza Stacey and Mark Sandvik Casey Barnett Susan Cowan Mark and Amy Satkiewicz N. Lorraine Basonic Dixie Coyle Mark Schanck Connie Bauer Christina Crook Bernardo and Donine Schwartz Ben and Millie Beall Mayola Cruz Regina Scofield Jeremy Behling and Sarah George Dalrymple Kerry and Jennifer Shea Natalie Dedin John and Barb Shipley Fox-Behling Genevieve and William DePersis Grete Simpson Michelle Belcher George and Tracie Detwiler Elaine and William Siverling Brian Berge Garth Dickerman William Smith Jordan Bertram Lindsay Dillenbeck Snow Country Construction, Inc. Shawneen Bettger Jephery Donaldson John B. Snyder Jamie Bischoff Elizabeth D'Onofrio Ronald and Sharon Spangler Olive Blake Amanda Dorsch Ellen Spangler Yassamin Bleiweiss Thomas and Roberta Dougan Suzanne Spiro Elisabeth M. Boersma Taylor Douthit Richard St Pierre Todd Bonatti Martin Dragnev Jim and Jo Stanko Dr. Kevin and Sally Borgerding Tammie DuBois Steamboat Auto Repair, Inc. Casey Bork Bryan and Mercedes Dugan Steamboat Enterprises, Inc. DBA Ore Debbie Born Harry and Catherine Duncan Steven Bourdeau Patti Easton House at the Pine Grove Alison and Chad Bowdre Mary Echtermeyer Jody Steen Diane Bowers Maureen Eldredge Deanna M. Stevens Richard and Catherine Boyle Alicia Ellson Jim and Stacy Swiggart Charles and Mary Bramer Beverly Engel The Tap House James Wachsman and Karen Manda Kay Engelbrecht Ken Theobald Alycia Engelbrecht Dr. Malaika C. Thompson and Brent E. Brant-Wachsman John Brockman Lemay Maryanne Brown Marie Timlin and David Hards Helen Brown David and Shannon Tridle Robert Bryce and Marianne Wyatt Harold Unruh Urology Clinic, PC Hagemeier Joan Utley Shannon Burke Vertical Arts Architecture Tom Burney Nancy Veskerna Lindsey Bush Andrew Volk Wendy Bush Adele Warren Valerie Bussey Sue Weir Dave Carley Sheri West Bob Carraway Clare R. Wheeler Joshua Carruthers Randy and Gail White Chris and Angela Catterson Dr. Jerome and Mary Jo Wiedel Lynn Cerasoli Doug R. Wilwerding Terri and Kevin Chapman Dennis and Christine Winn Colin Chelberg Mary K. Wirta Kristen Chung James Wirta Cindy Clark Cheryl Wolf Teres Clark Janet Zacher Matthew T. Clark Thomas and Patricia Zehner Melinda D. Coath Rich Cohan Heritage Society Up to $99 Margo Cole Cynthia Adler Justin Comer Nancy and Joe Conlin32 Y V M C H E A L T H

“By supporting the YVMCFoundation, you are indicating youbelieve in the long-term health andwellbeing of this community.” ~ PhilArmstrong, donor and owner ofAurum Food & WineSusan and Gary Engle During the 2015 Penguin Plunge, members of YVMC’sCindy Engler Nutrition Services team performed to “Everything isMardell Eubank Awesome” from The LEGO® Movie.Mary EwingJoan Fairbanks Tyler Goodman Travis and Kerry HolmquistErin Farley Maria Gray Ami P. HopkinsFedewa Custom Works, Inc. Lesa Green Stephen HoppinJoan Fishet Liana Gregory Brita HornStuart and Susan Fishman Judy Griffith Kimberley HoskinsRyan Fleming Kenneth and Colleen Grubbs Sarah HoveyJames H. Flock Robert Bryce and Marianne Wyatt Janet HrubyAna Flores Samuel B. HuffTamara Anne Floyd Hagemeier Heidi IacovettoTracey and Jim Fortson Craig Hakes Jamie L. JacksonTina Frazier David and Karen Hammer Andrew JacobiSheree Freda Liliana and Ted Hargis Lindsay JacoxLisa P. French Cassandra Harrison Glen JammaronFriends of the Chief Theater Janet Haverley Debra A. JansenNewell and Barbara Jo Geer Tammy Hazlett Venus JaschkeClayton Geno Janice Held Abigail and Chad JohnsonIris George Sarah Helmstetter Sean JohnstonRachel Gerlach Jenniver Herchline Elizabeth JokischGeorge S. Gess Meredith and Mark Herndon Mary JonesJoyce Gifford-Delancey David and Amy Hill Sharon and Terry JostRoberta and James Gill Hai-Van HoVirginia Glass 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 33Kendra GleffeLawrence and Margaret GlueckScott and Catherine GlynnPaula and Dave GoldenJonathan Goldman

Ralph and Jennifer Watts gifted artwork from local artists Jennifer Baker and Lance Whitner that will be placed in the new Outpatient Pavilion waiting area.YVMC’s Laboratory “Tape Crew” adds more tape to hold Mary MeltonYVMC CEO Frank May and YVMC COO Dave Garner to Tracy Mendozathe wall during the “Stick It to Cancer” fundraiser Curtis and Marcia Merchantbenefiting the cancer center. Carolyn Merlina Molly Merrill Marion Kahn Micki and Michael Logsdon Victoria and Jack Merritts Laura Karch Kathy Long Emme Metzmaker Karen M. Kehoe Tina Look Kelli Meulenbelt Randy Kelley Patty Luby James Meyers Mona Kent Kerry and Christina Lynch Elizabeth J. Miller Sarah and Andrew Kerrigan Jeff Mack Bevan Mitchell Cheryl and Brad Kindred Cheryl Mack Lynn Moore Judy Klinger Michael and Holly MacKinnon Karen Moore Pauline Kopsa Kirk Mahaffey Todd and Tiffany Moore Kathy Kortas Antoinette Mailliard Bill and Marguerite Moore Darryl Kortesma Karenann Manley Paul Morris Kristin Kotkas Mindy Mappin Margaret Morse Tom Krabacher Suzi Mariano Alicia and Ted Morton Emily Krall Cara Marrs Larry and Melissa Muenzberg Melissa Kulow-Klumker James M. Martin Kristen Murhpy Tina Kyprios Melody Martin Dave Murray Will and Sheila Lacroix Leah Martin Lindsay Nash Lorrie Lahlou Donald and Libbie Mathes Connie Nelson Diane Lane Tanyse Maya Vanda Nohinek Amber Larsen Valerie McCarthy Nadia Nouri Joanne Lasko Karen McCarthy-Hawn Behrooz Nournia Amy Lawton Dan McCaslin Oak Creek Hockey Betty H. Lee Blanche McElfresh Jennifer Ochwat Susan E. Lee Ben McGowan Raymond Olexa Eric Linner Peter McGuire Shannon Olney Kris and Michael Linner Katie Mecklenburg Lynn Oslick Laurel Linner Marty Melland Jody Owens Robert and Valerie Lish Rick Mellor Katina Panagopoulos William Paraskewich34 Y V M C H E A L T H Maria Parekh Paws 'n Claws 'n Things Shannon Payne Patricia Pendleton Theresa G. Penfold Shelby D. Perley

William and Susan Petersen Diana Sherry, PT keeps a watchful eye on a young patient on theMichelle Petix climbing wall at “The Little House.” Thanks to Yampa ValleyRebekah Pierce Electric Association’s Caring Consumers program, SportsMed’sAmanda L. Pierson Pediatric Therapy Services received $3,000 to support thePatricia Pillow purchase of an indoor sensory gym.John and Nicole PiretSapna Pithwa Agnes Stocks Matthew TuckerLinda Poissant Dan Stokols Kristi TullisEllen Pugh Mary Beth E. Strotbeck Norbert and Melanie TurekDesiree Rangel Linda Sullivan Chris TurnerPaula Rapp Collette Swinford Stephanie UnderwoodRobin Rathje Michael and Darleen Taylor Quentin and Lynda Van TassleJennifer Ray Lisel Thompson Emily Van WierenJames and Anne Reed Jennifer and Mark Thomsen Hailey VanduzerJordan D. Reilly Lisa and Craig Thornhill Eric VavrasekRex's American Grill & Bar John Tozzi Miriam VeladiSam and Lindsey Reznicek Teri Trafton Deana Von AlmenHeather Richey Kristina Tratiak Wendy WadeLynn RichmondJ. Michael Riggio 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 35Susan RingRK Pet Ranch, Inc.Joseph and Patricia RobertsWilliam and Ann RootRuby RoseSteve RoseHeather RoseSara and Joel RossMichael SalazarLynde and Eddie SalesJamie SanchezTrenia SanfordHeidi SauerlandEllen SavageAlyssa ScalettyKimberley D. ScherarScott and Lola SchlapkohlCheryl and Michael SchliskeAdam SchneiderFrederick H. SchneiderMatt SchneiderAmanda L. SchuhmacherElla Scott-KehoeEdith SeffroodDr. Laura SehnertJae SeifertJoy and Alan SelchDawn and Robert SerafinVictor and Jan SerafyThomas and Sandy SharpPhilip SherryHeather ShorePegi SimmermanPaulette SingerSarah SingerPark and Lisa SmalleyTraci SmithMargaret SmithGlenn SommerfeldKathleen SpearDel and Sandra SpiegelNathaniel and Karina SpitzleyMatthew and Jessica Stevenson

Lead sponsors David and Debbie Dacus and their guests are pictured with band members from Super Diamond at the Diamonds & Denim 2015 Gala. “We feel blessed to have excellent cancer care services in the Yampa Valley.” ~ DJ and Hank Edwards, donorsChristopher Wadopian Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Charles and Mary BramerJenica Walker Program Jacqueline DeRisioMartina and Ralph Walton Beverly EngelEdward Watson Memorial Donations Chris and Robin HaightBeverly Weber Randy KelleyLandon Wellford In memory of Greg Kammerer Kelly and Karen MeekPatrick Welsh George Kammerer Tom Graves, Jeanie Oswalt, and ChildrenMelissa and Kevin Welu Clair and Virginia Erickson Susan E. LeeVerna Whaley Betty H. LeeAmy and John Wharton Mavin Lindsey In memory of Jason David SearPhil Wharton Bryce and Sara Lokey Judith, Tim, Nick, Tatum, and Jake SearNina Wiersema Antoinette MailliardDenise Wiese Millicent Mailliard & Stacey FosterSarah Willman Butch and Laural CorbettLeila Wise Sarah Judkins In memory of Mary Ann EnyeartHal Wiseman Shelby D. Perley Jim and Jo StankoTerri Wishon Clare R. WheelerJean and Jeffrey Wolf Terry and Robert Keyes In memory of Miroslav LipcikPatricia Wolfe Jene and Myra Stewart Sigrid M. LucasDeborah Woodcook Dr. Donald and Linda CantwayPamela and Abraham Wooster Loretta L. Conway In memory of Stan WhittemoreAmanda Wright Roberta and James Gill Sigrid M. LucasYahmonite-Turek Karen O'Connor Jean BridgeJohn and Tara Yohannan Park and Lisa Smalley Victor and Jan SerafySuzanne Yohannan Jim and Stacy Swiggart AnonymousMargo Young-Gardey Curt and Mary WeissAndrew Zaback In memory of Zac SticeKaren and Mark Zaback In memory of Shannon Bearss John and Florence DutyZebo Zakir Loretta L. ConwayJudy and Jim Zuccone Roberta and James Gill In memory of Kay Borvansky Karen O'Connor The Nelsons - Gary, Connie, StephMatching Gift Donations Park and Lisa SmalleyAbbott Fund Matching Grant Plan Jim and Stacy Swiggart and RandallExxonmobil Foundation - Mobil Retiree Curt and Mary Weiss Jeremy and Katherine Rudel Harry and Lynn Zinn Match Gift Program In memory of Heidi Cordel Anonymous In memory of Charles Dennis Mr. and Mrs. David Dennis In memory of Sara Lindsey, wife and mother36 Y V M C H E A L T H

At the Diamonds & Denim 2015 Gala, guests enjoyed the music of the Neil Diamond tribute band SuperDiamond. Proceeds from the gala benefited the Jan Bishop Cancer Center.Marvin Lindsey and Family Yampa Valley Medical Center Foundation Financial ReportIn memory of Angus McLeodCarole SchneiderHonor GiftsIn honor of Carmen Votaw October 1, 2014 – September 30, 2015Brian and Lisa Olsen (YVMCF Fiscal Year)In honor of Dr. Tom and Julie Page 2015 RevenueAnonymousGift in Kind $2,864,018Alpine Taxi and LimoAurum Food and Wine $5,400Tod Bischoff GrantsCatamount Ranch & Club $308,907Classic Air Medical Special EventsColorado Event Rentals $10,000E3 Restaurant, LLC Planned GiftsFriends of the Chief Theater $164,892Grubstake Restaurant Annual GivingKPA Productions $1,956,687Lone Oak Studio, Inc. Campaign RevenueNatural Light Images $4,958Northwest Graphics Interest IncomeRex's American Grill & Bar $354,455Steamboat Springs Coffee & Tea Company Donated Operational Support $58,719Every effort has been made to ensure the General Donationsaccuracy of these donor lists. If an error hasoccurred, please contact us. We would appreciatehearing from you.Yampa Valley Medical Center FoundationPO Box 883415, Steamboat Springs, CO 80488yvmcf.org • 970.871.0700 2 0 1 6 A N N U A L R E P O R T 37

2015 Our YbyetaherNumbersVital Statistics YVMC Financials8,943 Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 2015Emergency REVENUE visits We charged our patients 1,448 For hospital services.................................................................$137,562,254 Subtotal patient service revenues............................ $137,562,254 Inpatient admissions We charged but did not receive full payments From governmental programs (Medicare, Medicaid)............ ($32,743,942)4,842 From other discounts & allowances............................................ (9,777,183) From uncollectible accounts (bad debt)..................................... (1,701,535)Surgical cases/ Subtotal uncollected charges..................................... ($44,222,660) treatments We provided financial assistance and charity care totaling.....(1,082,425) 336 Total net patient services revenue............................... $92,257,169 365 Newborn In addition, we received deliveries Contributions.................................................................................. 2,647,185Special care Net interest income on investments.................................................466,945nursery days 15,866 Other sources............................................................................... (1,790,024) Subtotal other revenues................................................. $1,323,656 SportsMed Total revenue................................................................ $93,580,825112,105 visits EXPENSESLaboratory tests What it cost To pay our employees wages and benefits............................ ($35,879,419) 4,039 To purchase supplies, insurance, utilities, other....................... (43,526,239) To pay interest on debt................................................................ (1,692,686) CT scans For depreciation of plant and equipment.................................. (7,171,606) Total cost of caring for patients................................... (88,269,950)1,811 Net income..................................................................... $5,310,875MRI scans Total return patient service revenues...............................................3.86% 3,346 How we used cash reserves Mammograms Total principal payment on long-term debt............................... $1,560,000 Contributions to the community................................................... $664,615 2,206 2,386 Investment in new technology and equipment.......................... $5,564,151Infusion therapy Cardiac (includes rehab visitschemotherapy) 5,199 Volunteer hours worked38 Y V M C H E A L T H

YVMC Service Locations789Baggs 70Little Snake River Clinic Yampa Valley Medical Center YampaWorks Occupational Health305 Whippoorwill Street 1024 Central Park Drive Baggs, Wyoming 82321 Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 3001 S. Lincoln Avenue Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 307.383.2008 970.879.1322 970.875.2750 YampaCare For Women Integrated Health 1024 Central Park Drive 3001 S. Lincoln Avenue Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 970.879.3738 970.875.2731 YVMC Pain Management Pediatric Therapy Services 13 “The Little House” 3001 S. Lincoln Avenue 1920 Pine Grove Road Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 970.871.2363 970.879.8826 Gloria Gossard Breast Health Center SportsMed Hayden 940 Central Park Drive Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 300 S Shelton Street Hayden, CO 81639 970.871.2399 970.276.1663 Cancer Care Servicest40 Craig 940 Central Park Drive Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 970.871.2464 Hayden t40YampaCare Specialty Clinic Steamboat Springs 651 Yampa Avenue t40 Craig, CO 81625 970.824.1711YampaCare Family Medicine SportsMed South Routt 131 595 Russell Street 300 Main Street Oak Creek Craig, CO 81625 Oak Creek, CO 80467 970.824.1020 970.736.2294 For more information about our services, visit yvmc.org.

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YVMC Annual Report Magazine flip - Valley medical center-Yampa valley medical-Medical center foundation (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

Phone: +16704982844747

Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.