The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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a T7V 0 a REPUBLICAN: JANUARY 4 1920 THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY GIVES IMRERSOJATIONS LOCAL INTERESTS Social News and Personal Mention BELGIAN TO PLAY MISS MAJIY GALLAGHER burn in his mu OBITUARY the ORESTERS TO DINE Milton Bradley company ALDRICH PALMER at goin LOCAL REAL ESTATE MATTER TO EXPLAIN CHAMBER trustees named in the transaction are George A "MacDonald Waters MARK SULLIVAN HERE Auditorium on A BALL 'J Orchanl the annual repcrts will be win has resigned "The Clifton host and BROWN EARLY HORIUMC EIRE About 82030 Damage Done at 7s5 Union Sti'Sot week end of loll is POWERS ENTERTAINS tuurhi in 4 'rill this its in (laughter Roberts TIANY AVK1LB CENSUS PLODS ON DESPITE RED SCARE The of the lows: hostess the series of social He will leave to morrow to al onice ni' treaty United Org Hyntr (b Co CALENDAR CLUB EVENTS whist scci Tdqsttr Aihievemert in Art Most oreigners Eager to Help Illiteracy ound Among Native Bom Women Invariably Apologise About Cleanliness rat tles Bud Vases I lower shaped the distinguished Cathiic Woman's I Photo by Baehrach the engatre Margueriio Johnson BURIAL LOTS 01' ALL SIZES Apply Superintendent Springfield Cemetery Office f2 PINE STR ET and the subject at the association Hoyt Mi Jennie Lombard department of inttni cipnl Miss annie Stebbins WncNr of Nature study in th public events of interest are sched uled on tho calendar tor tho next week Tho school and college stu dents will return and many of the Clubs will resume their pre holiday ac tivities Tho Springfield Women's dub will its social activities for the new with an annual evening recep at the clubhouse Wednes A one act play will given for the entertain Uancinr win lot Balin's orchestra furnishing the Llach memuer is ejititied to he social commit mis Mrs Hub Miss Clara Hall Vts Miss Harriot Tuttle ami Miss 11 ch I Culler JIBS SIMONS ENTERTAINS Mr and Women's Club Reception on Wednesday Daughters of Aippr ican Revolution Meeting cereni 'iiy tie mum Irin in Mrs is lawyer in Gaiycu and a naturalization comm isnon Jlr O'Connor was a foreman Boston and Alba'y shops in West Springfield and about year ago left to accept th appointment of of training camp war department Yankee doctor "Tho pioneer's log by tne Maryknol by Miss Sara O'Brien vliin uLUuip rincon Varla (ChoninL and pat rtino Mo 09 triu 5 After the spoilt a honey Perfume Eot Tans odd Decorative Pieces and exquisite lit tle Lamps all 'Show the same wonderful irides cence in blue or old gold 'which inajces Tiffany glass comparable no other glusf foreign or domestic Shon on the Second loor father Mr Simons Giver Party in lienor of Ain Dudley Peters cf Boston Will Celebrate 25tli Anniversary of St Valerian Court To morrow Night at Worthy Plans have been completed for the observance of the 25th anniversary of the Institution of St VaJerian court No 111 Massachusetts Catholic order of oresters Tho committee in charge Jias arranged for a banquet to be served the members of the court and their guests at tho Wortny hotel at 8 to morrow evening Previous to tho banquet tin? members will hold a re ception in the main parlor of the ho tel from 720 to 8 o'clock Many from out cf town who wore present at the institution of tho court in Graves hall December 15 will attend the silver anniversary of the court ormer chaplains and dep uties aa well as tho present court chaplain Bev Thomas A McGovern of this city and Mrs Mary McNul ty deputy high chief ranger and members of the high standing com mittee will also be present There tro a few tickets obtainable and mem bers who have not yet secured their reservation are asked to do so at once Mrs Murphy a charter nem ber of the epurt has been named aS chairman of the reception committee and pho ill be ti sisted by Miss An nie ger Mrs Alice McEnroe and all charter members rf the court whom there are 1 1 ill be assisted by Mi 'ullivan the present chief ran tho of George Gordon of Bond street who underwent art operation at the tho plan of having ny cum mrmb lines of work i at the luncheons is Mrs If Norton of wood terrace till entertain the History' club Tuesday Mrs Hurlburt will ivc a paper on Ameri can poetry" and Mrs Jpms McKin non wllj review current events The Current Events club will meet with Mrs Ralph Norman owler of Westminster street on Wednesday Mrs IL Buxton will review Soul of Ann and Mrs the league refiew by Miss Mnry Leeds of Ridgewood terrace yesterday morning The truck was overturned by the impact Dancing Party for Collegb riends Given at Pearl Street Howe wis Powers entertained a num ber friends at an informal dancing pt Gv given at liis hom*o on Pearl Miss daughter of this city to Brazil Ind from service Expecting tron ki States ta in the league of nations UnfAI'A rTli'f 11111 I for permanent peace did not i neadouartei which ex The league In doing intensive Mrs Theodore Malden street announce nient of to Austin st reet Danes at Club House Has Many College Guests The dancing party given last night at the clubhouso by chon society Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution added another very delightful evening to the fv i tiviiics the younger set this holiday svasuii The evening was pleasantly spent in dancing from until 12 Hulbert's orchestra furnished the mu sic Many college students took ad 7 MRS JlAKEll RESIGNS Educational Vepurtineut Director GO lo Work lu Jarc l' Airs Isabelle Baker who been director of the educational partmont cf the local Red Cross siree its organization has Baker leaves to take a position as su pervisor of education in the New England division phjch Eivgs her a larger field for abilities along educa tional lines The Red Cross class work in liome care of the sick and first aid vvhvch omitted during the coal conserva tion and Christmas vacqtioh will tie renewed this week and registrations are beijig received for afternoon class in home cape of the sick which will start January 9 from 2 39 to I o'clock Evening classes in both Ijome care of the sick and first aid will start during the month It Chapman tne notei from Min they spout Chapman's Phctficld of few of her At WO1 maternity 31 1 jon MiHloni Tapley ty Mary end 5 1 nl'l 1' HubltarC which was enjoyed by 35 couples Mr I'cv ers has just returned from New York city where he attended the dinner dunce given by Air and Atrs Maitland Griggs of East 70th street in honor of their daughter Ali Dor othy Maitland Dee Griggs whose en gagement was announced to rancis King Aluvray Sun of Prof and Atrs Augustus Afurray of J'alo Alto Cal Air Murray has recently returned fi on i rance and is a brother of Lindley Murray ihe national tennis champion of PU8 Mr Powers has beer spending the Christmas recess with Ills parents and will return to Aiassnchusetts institute of technology Alonday to resume his studies ALCOHOL CASES PUT OVER TILL 1 7TH I r'' I oijrteei Men Arraigned in Chic opee Police Court Have Cases Delayed at Requert of Prosecu tion of the A Du tion Mi Cora Itobertj tno bn mCting aehool will be members ir A musical lora Marie Haviland Entertains in Trinity Church Series A receptive audience greeted lora Mario Haviland last evening at the concert of tbi new Richard Harding London were on A reception was held at the home vf the bride During the afternoon the couple left on a honeymoon trip to in lude New York city Schenectady ai Zlbany On their return tho cou ple will make hom*o on Grc Icn street and rece ive heir friends after I'cbru 1 Mrs Palmer Is a of the West Springfield pub lic schools and the groom was educat ed in this city open year tion day shop ment of th low nnii ic invite one guest tee is in charge of the affair Lylord chairman bard vice chairman Mrs Powers Mrs rank vi Mrs AleClean Mrs Alden Mrs I IV sse Mrs II II Bosworth Airs IL Bowman AIr Luke Corcoran Mrs Eugene Garrett Eon Mrs rederick Harris Mrs Holorook and Miss Tredrika La throp Aliss May Whnlon of Edwards wliyit and Alias Esther Roberts also of Talks To day nt and the Peace Con Mark 1'Q'jng meeting ejnoon 1 Orgn STORE AND BUSINESS NETVU Edson Hanlon through the pur Chaec of the interest of the estate William Hanlon became owner cC the coritroling interest in the Hanloij company on December 31 1910 Jo seph Cushing who hs been treasurer" of the Hanlon company since Aprils 1919' representing the estate of Jx William Ilanlor resigned and his res ignation wag accepted bank Charles Spellman and Mai coJin tv Boston resigned as director 8 ftve employe of Dexter's bak ery were entertained at a yearly get togcthci lanquet given at the Colonz club last evening by A Dexter Ari Interesting program wtus arranged corslnhnr cf speeches and bre or two sklty' Air Dexter gave a Short talk outfing tho plane for coming year and spoke of the past developments mehtloning the fact fJi'ai the sales have increased 87 per cent in tht pari two years" Honor buttons 'vere pre scpted to 4b salesmen who ba I reached a ceria in prescribed tjuoia durlrv the part in inik'ilrovn inict ry In lilt ity i Tliomn Train 45 of 213 I'enr) rfre ot Wit lirn'n limcrai imp 1 Sunday afternoon at 3 u'llwk Uurial at Oat Grove cemetery Ar (til opee 2d Clarice Mt wife (J Charles Kendall nernl rt home Kendall hpe Monday at Ckicopee HanV Cpnipktes Lund nr chusC apertf vei? filed in the registry of Seeds yesterday conveying title to real esjate on the easterly aide of Main street and the northerly side of an ford street from Henry Sergo to Chicopee national building trus tees This is one of the parcels uf land to be acquired as a nite for the large block io' bg erected for banking quarters aijd an office building The Mrs Young returned to her home on State street yesterday after spending the holidays with her daugii AI) Young in Nw York club At the pie took in music at tho Christmas party given to them last week in the church of the Unity by a commit tee of the alliance of which she was a member The circle was also the recipient of a gift of rec ords by Robert Morris Automo bile transportation was furnished by Nathan Bill and II Augur Miss Marlon Mattlce Engaged Aiiss Bostwick cf "The an nounces the engagement of her niece Marion Bostwick mattice Herbert Mattlce or Charles Harold Smith of very recently returned in rance that be ratified Women's Club Classes program of tho various classes Women's club for the week foi Budget makihg In the home will be held to piorrovy afternoon "at the clubhouse at 230 art class underthe direction of rof Kennedy 'of Smith college at the clubTiduiie on Tuesday afternoon at 20" Class Olhursday morning at 10 at' tne clubhouse The literatqro committee will hold an open meeting Wc dritfsdtiy morning at at rhe home on Sterns terrace of Airs George innic The Mercy Warren chapter of the Daughters of the American' Revolu tion will meet riday Hr the chapter rooms The cofifervatidn and 'inter national relations committees will have charge of the affair with tqc following chairmen Mrs AW A' Sawn and Airs Day jMrs George enn and Atrs Bradley will act as hostesses About Censoring Motion Pictures Tho Springfield federation of wom en's clubs will meet Thursday at in room 113 of the high school of commerce Delegates from the vari ous clubs will report on the action their organizations will take in regard in the censoring cf motion pictures in the city Airs Charles Kempton of Long meadow street will open her home Tuesday afternoon at 3 to the members of the maternal association At '130 Rev Randolph Merrill will ad dress the meeting The guests are requested io wear their name cards to facilitate getting acepiainted Ono of the winter teas arid card parties given each season by the wom en ot the families at the club comes on Wednesday Each men bcr is privileged to invite one guest The play yili begin at 2 o'clock Mm AY Raynor of Churchill street will bo hostess Monday to the numbers of the orest park literary club Tlq program Current events given by Mrs Ward art by Mrs Strong Hamaton Club Mend To morrow The Hampton cly will resume its ail day meetings' to morrow meeting with Airs Alvin of LongliilJ sUcet at IA30 Alt will bring their basket luncheons nnd coffee will he served by the hostess Bridge will be in play during the afternoon for which a small fee will be charged the irgmpton institute fund The Weatford avenue reading circle will me with Mrs Sprague to mor row at 3 p'clock Airs Norman rentice of Dartmouth Ktreot will open her home Tuesday to Dio members of tho ortnightly club for a social nu The Morn ing club will enjoy a social afternoon at the iime of Alfs 4i Merriam of street on Tuesday aft'rr noon at 23' 1 tSpringfleld political class will hqld its regular weekly nii eting at the Science building Tues day The' program will take the form of parliamentary drill Jferatnre of Ireland Tho Guthojic club will meet Tuesday evening at st home when tho following program wilj be given "Ireland 'literature" by West Springfield Young associate editor Kind Sullivan's Christian in the Auditorium this aft will be and the The following is the program: red 3 1 JtfrM Mulrriy h'Irm a VnnnZIfl a) '( Ja( Mio Amato di PonawJy (b) Labbra Non Ponaudy Pur tpirate di Donaudy Mcqo Hinkle Sriptiin prayer Eer JJ Rieo (si ej Llsrc ih) "Oik Que je urlralu) vrsltii Mme HjnVie An noiiTiccm a (ai "Ab Love But a Airs If IT Beach fb) Brueckxr) John Unwell hB raud 'Moore (e) Jt Burleigh Mine inkle 1 Address and tho pegc con Mr Sullivan quarters in Texas Air O'Connor is th' son of 1 O'Connor of Wood mont strict graduate of schools Prebldent Airs Gardner tn nnti trensurz'r cnamnc i lam joyed during served the The first of riiirjitinnnl afternoons given bY Beth El sisterhood will take place Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the vestry rooms of Beth El temple on ort Pleasant avenue Mi Nl Aronson will be the chairman Of the meeting and the speakers will include Mrs William Dwight and Ralph Boas Milton Aronson and Miss RuJi Bearg will a program Oil musical selections Refreshments will be served Air and Edward Gwlnne'l en le the members of tne tamuy club riday at their home A hour was enjoyed and! later were in play tho first prizes to Miss Ducna Barrett and Oa 5'ork while Edward Robinson cd consolation' honors The cf the evening was rederick Mr and Mrs Y'ort of New dreet will entertain the club on Vk irola Given Blind The rending virelo of the I'liu i was a pk asant smpriso at their tee ting at' the city library yesterday 1 the gift of a vu trnlu presented by Secretary Jackson Will Ad dress Business Club Tuesday Evening Review of Year The Springfield business women's cluli will have iPifton Jackson general secretary of the Springfield chamber of commerce guest at an informal dinner to be held at the i iridgway Tuesday evening in place of the regular luncheon Air Jack son will present to the club his plan for organizing a chamber of commerce: in this city Tho Business women's club bad a satisfactory year and begins the new year with increased nwmberEhip and a promising program A progressive step has been taken during the year in the rent'ng of a club room for the regular monthly meetings Among the most interesting out side speakers at the regular meet imrs during the year have been Aliss Mabel Gair Curtis associate director of tho appointment buneau of the woman's educational and industrial exchange Boston and Dr JI Everton Ho ley of this city who spoke of his obsarvatiens in ranco along thq line pt business end financial condi tions Club ntMubcjs I Ave done tljeir Share toward Jw ping the club 'in formed on tho various lines of work done by woni' Mrs Alary Hickey g'ave an account of her xperiences in ranco Dr Bina cynwur spoke of her lecture tour under th? auspices or ip? optiTussion activities of the under the title of in reported for the Springfield xb ration of women's clubs Miss annie Steb bins gave a Nature study talk Aliss Gladys Noble reported a convention nt Silver Bay Aliss Eunice Avery and Dr Loris Halsey told of a state convention of business ami profes sional clubs at Boston and Aliss Avery also gave an intensely interesting account of thb organiza tion of the national federation of business and clubs at St tended delegate from Damage to the amoupt fn street owned by ALchacl Alpert "I 720 North street arid decupled by Mrs Cora Wedding Breakfast Served Highland Hotel After Ceremony Tho vtdding of Aliss Ida AL Al drich daughter bf Air and Mrs rank AldriCh of Park avenue West i i ringfield and Alilfurd Palmer of Montiose street took place yesterday morning in the rectory of the Immac ulate Conception chureh Rev Jotin A O'Connell pastor of the church performed the ceremony and used the sb glo ring service Air and Airs Aldrich tho laients atltended the couple The bride was dressed in her traveling suit of blue chiffon velvet trimmed with beaver and having a large beaver col lar Her hat was of cloth vf gold and she carried an arm bouquet of bride roses ollowing the ceremony a breakfast was served the bridal part of friends Gastoyt Detliier Will Give Organ Recital Tuesday Night Tqe pex recital in the municipal or gan feries brings to tho Auditorium Tuesday evening Belgian organist parton Dethier regarded by many as tho most bril liant organist in America ilnoinn Xfarla WaS the city Of Liege Belgium in 1875 At the age ot seven he began sjcal education in the Liege conserva jpire wljpro his father hud been a teacher of composition for many years So phenomenal was his talent find so marked his progress that shortly after his 11th birthday he was awarded in open competition the po sition of organist in tho church of St Jacques in Liege Six years later ho was graduated with the highest honors tho winner of tho first prize for harmony and fugue the gold med al for piano and the gold medal "by ac for tlie organ the high est distinction possible to a pupil Although not a pupil of Mr Dethier was recommended by that master organist and teacher for the position fJ organist and choirmas ter in the church of St rancis Xavier in New York He accepted this post arid cam? to America when only 19 or his Springfield recital Air De tliier has made up the following inter esting program including several of Ida own compositions: Prelcde In Dethier 5IeJltatk Guilmatit Toccata Glcont Canzonet tx I Mendelasohn AtnUntluo ilnt Saena Excerpt front the prelule "The i biblical opera Tho Dethier Chrictmah Dethier Introduction Pastorale Variations on "Como All Ye I esend Llit Kaulkea aibte opuli 25 A'o lo Chopin SchDiIncke Aie ri hulxrt Scherzo Dethier JllJEB HIT In this city 3d George Tt :55 t'unrl services private tron his iyta home 10 Plnlkfleld Mreet Monday afternoon Burhil in Xoi (hcnipton 1: this city aj Byn'ii Bliss Bal' 71 ot 7 fX Worthington ttreyt uneral at th hifOie Monday at 230 In this "itv 2d lames Bryant at 1T7A Wlllhiin sitci unenil st Wnh car that ihe recent arrests of com munists and reds woqld hamper tho work of the census enumerators was ungrounded for none of them expe rienced difficulty in this direction yesterday Tho work went along smoothly and BuporvWar Stephen O'Brien stated that thf continu ing good weather the work would be completed ahead ab9dulea time With eno or two exceptions! Jhc'pcaMe are eager and willing to help Placafds in many foreign languages have been distributed to advise those who do not understand all that is required of them The Czecho Slovak language has been printed hi this manner for the first time in pny census enumeration Ono Italian who served in tho American army in rance refused for some time to 'give ahy information beCuuso of the fact that the money xyhich ho had allotted ter his family in Italy had never been received but the enumera tor was finally able to get the re quired facts from him Enumerators are discovering an astonishing jtumber of Springfield people ratjve born Americans ybo cannot or write' They not name anj' cases because that would be exposing secret federal informa tion and would subject them to a fine of $2t00 or Imprlsoriment "And these people who read or write are often In said Several others remarKea aoout itsraev also noted the prevalence of apologies lljUBCkeeping wives for tjie condition of kitchens rearlj air had something like that to' commented one census taker Many a woman is too talkative to suit the enumerator She wants to tell him all her' slejc sister in law cr yearns to strap expcriences in fbrnace lending or relates how she hardly ever succeeds' in making coci' a 5vitlibut boiling it over and such other pertinent Information too many a woman wants to heat the neighborhood gossip about the folks across gie air shaft and tries io extract from the enrijnerator everything lift extracted from' the neighbor "Telt soine Stories about your expel 5eftclli('ttngs more 'than one forgetting thei the enurneratbr is corking by tbe piece and that the more people he can in' an hour the more niongy be 'makes in that hour And no goee While Uncle Sam tabulates the men women arid children within the Krdcrt "of this land of tl'e free Mr and Mrs William of Johnson street announce vramnient of their daugnter to Hc nry Holcomb of AVest SutT field Uf Airs Marion Wilcox Thomson ol the Kensqn is tpemjing the weejt end in Nqw Turk citj making her htnijqur tc rs at the and Brijsh clqb' dr a a nmnthlv binrhenne Apc Henry Rowden hns Spoken of loon! Americanization work at ihb Hooker school building Mrs Ralph Boas told of her exp' riences as a munition worker in Bridgeport: Dr Eoline Illi nois told of conditions in ranco and of her xvork thire Miss lorence Caldwell of the lisiting nurses' assn ciatj ni reported the national child welfare yunyention which she at tended Boston During the full The following rrrepts hare been Planted irreptcrs ii Western "tew I tv BiiRbe" Soiitbbriigv yns Tfias uia irg McKinney HblyuKeM na sun mount 21: uirt city Gnld) container It White Wut i bury hultons (six) sol Joseph A White St Jubnsbury Vt egr case IT Cone city dlsponeer design (soldi: Gardii' city dispenser design (soldi Hrf t'i (( city askf handle lipid) Sf tm dronc city' etirelopo nihcblne 4 Converse lorchendr Msr 'rtunlnc top (tour) Jacobson Pl ttsllel 1 Mchb Ignition timer (old) Stevenson City rug Poldi Burr StoiiehaBl carburetor: Calnrco Kuril netjiii Vt yim nod: EUlrgham city gear kz (sold): iemius Northnnipion le support: A Mantui tte CblcoPVe mold (sold): ri Den on city ttau'nlnc f't handllnx cards (riinnilDg device (sold) it Rose Holyoke Mns truck psyr stein city lac siringlnc maclilae' If fon Cliito BurUuRton Vt ortnyra yfpcisur control (sold): Unger 18 lndiitlori Turnure (so)d) TrMf mdrka reB? Tf red Cheney South Mancbf fcter I'lk Rubber Co i'blcopee alls Kurt It Sternberg' city Otis Co (2) Ware 'Whiting Paper Co Holvoke (2t Mfs Cr JI Goodell I'ratt Greomkld klne i Rising Dui er Co Housatonic Sill Graylayn 'arms Co It I I Brown Papcr Cp Adapi Mass Kcporied lr liellbw Company entl and 1 rarto Main st' Sprinj lielti Mass Local Notices anc Teudci of sprinp tield wishes to an nouneo the opening of the Indian Orchanl Lent it Alargfirct of hi conneei inti with mil cun vCyam iiig cutri Jrs Mabel I Merritt of her buyer of lues for orbes Alias May Murray "The Klndvrgarie aud Grime" vt ills? hlftory uf tho magazine and work as currz spomiing nnd tretiburer of th" inter Uliion iiifi oud asfeociat" liK'Cltr'm gi lupl'iS cial event during their Christmas re cess Dartmouth Amherst (Riii Jlbly Cross were represviittd Refreshments were served during the evening The patronesses for the affair were Mrs A Byron Belch Byron Bliss Balch one Ot the vet eran druggists of springfield die ex hid home 743 Worthington smee yesterday morning He was a mem ber ot ilnmpden lodge of Odd ct iOWs 17 1 leaves besides his widow Edna AI Balch two children Maul and George ami two grpniL'b Id en Kenneth and Richard Balci Tb" fu neral will held at hit 1010 hetae to morrow afternoon at 239 Mrs £llzaleth ones ot Agawam Mrs Elizabeth Jones an old re dont of Agiiwatn died early day morning at Ley home' 25 Soutii street Agawam She leases daughter Sirs Edna Banks at home: three sons Jones of New Haw ven 5f Winnipeg and Of Springfield and twO grandchild op Rena and Bertha Banks The funeral wilt be held at tho hom*o moiroh' afternoon at 230 of interest The present board of officers with their lines uf uuilt is as follows: 1 'resident Dr Rina Seymour physician: vice president Aliss Ida arrar city public library secri tnry Aliss mitred Richards Aew land telephone and telegraph puny castirer Miss Alice chrimlw of eoininerL directors Lo I Iy' Gardner ana Lean dgr AVJiltC Tb'e startips indicate an equity of $25 'and there is a mortgage of The Arthur Taylor ccpipany re ports the 'following sales: A' cotmge house qnd ftiKaO square feet pf land to Sumner located at 1(3 1 mont street who buys for a home a txyo fainily garage and square feet of land located at 52 Euclid avenue for Ellen and Anna Col lins to J' Whitehduse who buys for a home a cottage ijouu? aud 10 tH' nquaie feet land fit Horn" street for Julia McCarthy to Afaurice lynn who buys fo'f a hoipe Jcu three fainilj' houses located at 2ol 2(il 175 285 and 287 J'pcdusic ave nuf togetherWith yOOOO square of land fof Ivfo'rtoh 'B Howard Ii Nathan Ascher who buys for raent a twp house nnd 5h0 square feet of land at IGi1T(i North ariipton' avenue fill' William and Ellen T'TU'iny to T'aritl Lcja Cp'u lurnbe who b'uv for home a build ing lot on Vest Alvord siret for John tjtewart 9 Antaj'a Two' apartment blocks wrro oal Barnett Kuancr tv Kivplirisky the Warranty Jeoust bengv hr rceislrv of ueiills OnO Of Pin until ndi 'iinu go to Daytona tiie blocks js at Chestnut and JacKSon JH uir indicate an equity of and th re are mortgages of ii0 The other conveyance includes ml and an anartment block on easterly side Chestnht street 'G Ret north of Jackson street Toe equity is nbopt $105(10 and thm ar mortgages bf $31 and $S0 Tte William If 'clthapi agt nvy has 'sold tor Lewis Townson of fUf a building lot on Massa c'u settft avenue comprising apout (iilu1 Kquarc fiet of land to ilham I (ri dfcvwiM'd of this city yh? a two family house The cltnam agency has also sold for Thpnmsl and JyCnil Afoxon a build ng lot on Ha rdwood Iongineadow com nrls'ing about 5750 square et of lan i to rank and Marion Taplin this city who jyill Build a single hopcc soou Deeds wfre filed yesterday convey in'" title io land and buildings on tno northerly side of Tearl styeet from William Djichqrme to a serman both of Holyoke hero is an equity of $25 00' and mortgages Cura Wilkes?" Th? tiro started from an overheated stove on tile first tlpor and worked up through the vat tjlions to the roof wfierc it burned a goc elzed hole An alarm vv is sept in iit 1124 from box iJ71 and the fire vvfts declared out abbut 130 professional Luis which she at fk? local its lease of its Boylsiot street' Boston pired December tends tn continue work for the league of nations until Cue pfaco treat' is actually ratified bv our own country so it has estab lished itself in temporary head quarters ut 40 Afount Verncn street The next meeting of the mother's club will be held the Irtth in the Lome of' Atrs Susie Chapin of Maple court Mrs A II Hovey the retiring presi dent of ti club entertained the members in her home on Union street riday morning for their annbal business meeting Election of officers took place with tho following results: Jllb UCVlHv a social hour was en 1 I 1 vS Zw 1T urn I HKII 4UUVM5V4t I hostess prevalence entertained rv ipfornitiUy in honor cf Alio Di tllcj of Boston who is the guest uf Airs Harold Wesson of Alaplo street yesterday afternoon Two tables of bridge were in play Mrs Wesson with Mrs Peters will leave to morrow for Atlantic City for avenue a short stay Airs John Simons witli Imr father Bradford of State street will leave Thursday for a tbree eeks' stay at Hot Springs V) Tallies IL IL Bradford uf Rochester has been tho guest for about a week of Miss Atab edtor of the SHim tr the everyday pine getting out th" mag As th? metnber ihii on tho Rotarian pint) it is limited Dlr and Vies mtm rujki vi Street will leave on Thursdny for New esterday York city where tney win ue jia Wiiol XfnAlnin until Sat at me aav1' 1 'T'1 xv Al Ill tllOTA uiuij I "H1 tiivii to spent Ujpf and visit Mitini and St Auirustino la before reVrn ing to this citj' in April Joseph Reid' of Maplcdcll street left yesterday joe Washington where Ije will vesunie his studios nt Georgetown university Mr Reidy fins Been a guest over the bolidajs at tho hom*o of his parents Mr and Mrs John A Ketdy Ill and Airs Charles and their daughters of Kiniball have returned ap Jis Minn where the holidays with Airs parents Mr and Mrb Aliss Lorraine Walker I I Igw A esmn nil were laid for 12 after which games ami dancing was enjoyed the 2 tj iu IfairviPt V'LKEXBfKG In KolvnLe th WilHmn Vmi Vnlknburff C2 of 38 treut ruiminl Mnlny nt CXO it thi hone Ihirlnl In renietyry SVrtlpiuptnn 3I Mnry A White wbjfw 'hite Ukktnson Sfr undertuVrigr' parlors Ls i KU uuiu? uuiLHvnn I tra furnished rnueic for the danelng Mr airs liirris I learned of the pleasure the blind peo CHARLES i 4: THE HALL BVILiW flriZTity are fi) istw Ypj registered at Ujo imperial Miss Hfrten and JJiss Ccss lboom of Virginia are oyftr pek end llaclr aunt Miss Jessie Cossalioom cf Boston Burt Smith of street js convalescing ar tne WeTon hospital wafi 01 rateij on ricay Brigham ot Hudson spent the holidays arid week end' with his auit Airs A Davis of King street about their 11 carried out Bridget a Hanley spoke th 'Ellis title pan? a fire last night a wooden veiling at Union cert road Longmeadow will be esM on Wednesday to the members of the wofhan's club Wal ter AlrDqifce will discuss day Asldejvillo Chib Musical Aliss Alinnie Ragg of lUverdale West Springfield will open her boine Tuesday to the Afternoon clpb for musical This will take the place of the regular Wednesday meet ing The program follows: (Huad'!) Mrs Paul 'itkin Gounod) feDjXaiio by Jilts Anna AVollDmpn: (Handeli Lb) in 1 inirniny iHreuaru Wullnmnw by cn De icii (b) 'Tho lark pjw Mr watery r) apd () (violin obllaatoi ty Mirs Woilmunn Tho Whit strGt club will hold its Hjotuhly to morrO'' evening at the George fayh th'arPt present to address i the practical cf art nrnrvnm i slPO nlRniVxi The Ent re Nous eltib will meet with Mrg Hitchco*ck of Westminster street riday Tly subject for the day is qtid Mrs Jluni: and the hostess are in charge of the program AVcSt Springfic! receive guest Wurtz man si the 7Uth Afaj Richard A'eskiil brother of William M' skit! of 81 Saratoga street and Mrs Mary Chamberlain cl Union street arrived hero yesterday after more than two years service overseas lie served with thq cuv alrv and artlllerv during the wkr arid was in Coblenz for a time with the army of occupation for Washington report to the adjutant gem The annual Christmas parlies for the children of the day nurseries were held vesterdav afternoon at the nur sery on William street and at the Memorial nursery Pendleton ave mue Besides the usual bag contain ing toys dolls and clothing 'path child a bog from the Rotary club containing toys fruit apd candy More than 10 bags were given out Miss lsie Smith of Appleton avemic' entertained a her friends informally Dt evening at her home in honor of Miss Vera KeesO of New Y'ork city who is her week end guest Alusic games and cards furnished the entertainment for the evening Pelreshnwnts were served ly the hostess Mrs A Alorgan and her son Ed wai 'i Al organ of North atreftt sperit the holidays with Mrs Aforgan's sis ter Airs Alvin Potter of Providence I Mr and Airs Gcprge Pjres cott Roxbury ere also among' th? guests of Air and Mrs Potter Mrs Pie? tt was formerly Aliss LpttipMorgan cf this Tho orest Park circle cf Daughters will hold its annual meet ing Tnesilay afternoon the benuo of Mis Ellen Coles of Parkwood street A largo attendance is desiredin'o the oli tio i of officers will take I place and the annual repevts will be read nS Mrs rank Ruggles Of Masi i Takes Bride in Anuouneiaju ns have been revolt u'l of tho marriage of Miss Irene IP own dauglitur uf Air and Mrs James Brown of Galveston Tex and George Ar thur Connor of that city but for of west Springfield The monv took place in St Alaiy's ehureii The 14 men arrested on charges of jnurder and manslaughter in timi wifh the 45 deaths in Chicopee froBf wopd alcohol poisoning were arraigned beforp Judge John Kirby in ikphtyopeo police court yesterday morning At the requ ost of Assist ant District Attorney WUJkUii Dillon' liq hearings were continued until the 17th' Mr Dillon stated in of bis request that the evi dence wds sp scattered and far rcacii irii'that more tlmo would be needed to it together dtterncys for tho demanded separate trials case 411 tho prisoners charged jviJi manslaughter with the exception of Svn' Darling the Ipjrtfoid truckman now at Jitf rty findyy bail Tim ijtii Rew Maven men who are being hejd on mbrder charges were repre nentipl by counsel rank Lucibelio Harry Vincent and ohn piitto are jrMjgrntcd Silvio Martinelli of ihlj citv William Guangi is repre sented bv Morrissey of West field and Dominic Perroui the alleged leader of tho ring Is repre sented by' William McKechnle They Choose jlttorneys Charles Perry bartender at the American hmisv In Cfiicoi ec where thb'dlqucr was sold ind bis brother Alexander the proprietor of the es tablishment arc represented by At tefrriev Morrissey Sam Darling is ruresqiited bV Charles Hartford and Max Sanders of Hart ford is rrprespnted by Attorney rank Rohrmeyer of that city Tbioma OczkowsRi and Jofph Grar blc of Chicopee are rcpr(svhtcd oy Jcfce ph Carmody and Leo redetui and Louis Menard are represented by Attorney Thomas AIcDonneE to the 14 men whose efif ill corrie up un the 7th three ptbef men including the allegfd leader Pt the whisky mtnu jvlio is now held in New Npjijc are wanted by the Alqssachp authorities according to a kJ statement by Col Alfred oote of Hol director cf the state dt part 6f public safety who conducted alXi crusade against the traffic in alcohol Case Cleared Up a9 4yte Tho situation arising cut of the sale of trip poiaon drink is now cleared up Got oote stated He is confident tb9t every drP 01 the alcohol concociion was manufactured out bid? of Massachusetts mainly in New York The' publio safety Iwad character iiotd as th deaths of more Giffin 70 persons arid the permanent bbllAdnass of many others cafised by drinking the' New York is whisky iftrTbe jet that this poisonous stuff aused more than 70 deaths in West is horrible 'nough but tvoHi worse perhaps Mio other tbS said "or Instance 70 ihtn who are were prac all of married men rfatm earners Their deaths repre ebt a tcys not only imme diate hut to state tocietv In 'many cases it will lie niwary for the st7tft to uniter egkp: qare an1 "education of their 1 CITY NEWS NOTES Hein New Adjutant C4P1 0 IXiy regimental adju tant of the 20th infantry' Mass achu state guard bast tyo searS and a half resigned Ills com mission arid has moved to New York Hfate irst Lieutenant II Klein has been appointed to succeed him Capt Detv wan formerly vice presi dent of the Third national bank andfllgntij July and if now acting lpccfal agent for investment bank ers Mew York and Bottom British A sseciot Elects Officers British people cf Springfield evicting last night in Jifemorial hull for tho purpose of electing officers ttyr thIr newly organized socia chpse the following MqClenaghan cecretaty ArS A Gwinnell treasurer Airs Annie Harnock first Moe president Wtbb second viee pne sklent GiblX'ti board of Alfred 51 Broadhead A If Grove Airs John Wood and Aliss Wopd Les Company Big Uenirpct Word was rcceivt by tlie red cohipany yesterday that the firm had been (vwardfvi a contract in Lima running into D'eral millions of dollars Th" work will include the building of several apartment houses 3 Iri'e Amount of industrial construc tion Ami a cathedral The work is to be dotio'for a number Of Peruvian con cref who I'jvo pooled their con Onnecvieiit Valley historical ayfjety will meet Tuesday the 13jh ar 8 in tho mahogany room oj t'lje uriitorjum Atls trust company will open tpiijew bank at J55 Main street to rwiw The hourri will bo from 9 er to 3 ni b'o new developments marked the "gTftjio 'of the photoen graver yester day Twtd one of the employers who is put of town is expected back rtnd a njeeting of the employers is ylabnfd at that time inal plans for the celebration of the anniversary of fho IKurns by a concert and flyijet riday night the 23d in tloe Auditorium have by tbe' eocieties of ISpririgfield ER of Ifi Dalton street pd(J a bt milk cream when tii? borso drawing his wagon ynp pn'Mjl) rtfect parly yester Iiy morijiug and tIv9 team was btvuck bv a trolly at Locust street and Mort Pisani avenue Black was baSJy bruls The post of be American Legion ppw trying to form will meet tlfis at 230 In the munici pal clubhouse on Spring street 89V oral sneakira have' been' invited nrouse enthusiasm fpr member ship campaiem Nq pieeting win be hfd to rnofrow night as scheduled laoyis allot of 32 Bond street reived 3 brojign arrn and a scale when 'the) atitoinobilq ho wqs eli'lvfng Merturned pn Riverdale road fl West yesterday morn ing allot was taken to Mercy hos pital The loss of a tire was respon iffibki for the' accident Ralph Thornpsbr) of Melrose fdreijt and Rtiyinond Jvhnkmi of 7lj7 received W6wini riiti 1: sevi re shukiip: ui vhea tb very truer 43 Med Trinity church first community year Stories by Davis and Jack: London were on the prograin and Miss Haviland read "Zeno by lie former and "The Coward" by tha latter Mita Haviland is a skilled entertainer and her impersonationH of the characters in these two stories was exceedingly clever Sho eip pluyed costumes in ono ur two of her readings which added decidedly to their effectiveness Her program was as "Mrs Penelope" 'Zone Richard Harclirg Davis Sketches iNM ths South Jack Londop' Ufa sketches The colored marT objection to aviation Mia Chapin Memorial hospital on Decem ber 3 has almost completely ra: covered and will return to nis iutes fat the Worthy hotel a few days Airs lorence It Madison with her! mother and sister Mrs James Ran dull and Miss May Randall of White street has gone cS th iti T'ot r3 iv niiici I whor* they have taken a cottage I Mr QtnJ Mrs Qeorge Parsons of a PTliei UtJilHIK G'U Edward Al Hits Rew and John Starkweather QTES LOCAL CHURCHES Tho remaining subj ers of tho fjtorles of tho which Rv Dr red Winslow Adams has been giving in Trinity chureh on Sunday evenings are as follows: To night cr'f Ipve for her children Rizonh and ihe seven sons ot next Sunday "A queen's lovo fur her people (Esther the 18th "Love's in palaeo (Solo mon and tfio tho Join "A prophet's failure to comprehend tho father's love (Jonah and the Niip closing night ebruary 1 world's grea4i lovo' story (Jesus and To day will lie observed as Holy Name day in all the Catholic churches in the city ard to night there will be is final meeting of the Holy Name so cieties in St Michael's cathedral This will' conclude the tridnum which the Dominican fathrn ave boon conduct ing for the past thine days Through on error tho Sunday service notice of the South church In yesterday's Republican gavp the hours of Christ church instead cf tho correct nnffi for eliurcn James Gordon Kilkey minister pnach as usual til South church morning at ll The irst Presbyterian church observe this week as a aevlt vf pray 4 'Iff up Xk 4 ''w'Sz'xf Se'rvrarv cf tho published bj 1 7.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.