Marshfield News-Herald from Marshfield, Wisconsin (2024)

THE MARSHFIELD NEWS HERALD, Marshfield, Wis. Monday, June 7, 1971 8 Stratford Delegation at Homemaker Convention Two Juveniles Are Apprehended for Caboose Burglary at Wildwood Park, Marshfield. The installation of gas heat in St. Paul's Church has almost been completed. Following the business meeting a potluck lunch was served.

i iiiim i leari VICTORIAN REBIRTH A 120-year-old Royal Mail coach, salvaged from an English shed in 1969 by State Historical Society's Circus World Museum, carried scarlet-clad coachmen in traditional attire yesterday in a trial run after being restored for the museum's famed collection of antique circus wagons. It is driven by William Young of Clutier, Iowa, who donated horses for a ceremonial 89-mile mail run from Madison to Milwaukee June 24-28 prior to the coach's participation in Milwaukee's Fourth of July parade with other museum carriages. (AP Photofax) (By News-Herald Correspondent) STRATFORD Mrs- Marvin Wisnewski, home economics instructor at the high school and advisor for the Stratford Chapter of the Future Homemakers of America, and four of the FHA girls left this morning (Monday) for Green Lake to attend the three-day FHA state convention at the Baptist Assembly Grounds. The girls attending are Mary Serwe, Sue Wiesman. Linda Bauman, and Judy Carolfi.

Mrs Herman Lueck was 85 Wednesday, June 2. Family members, Mrs. Edmund Schultz, and the Fred Bartsch Marshfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fandre and Mr.

and Mr' nelmar Busche and children, came Thursday evening to ceieDraie net birthday. Mr. and Mrs. LuecK maintain their own home and are looking forward to their 64th wedding anniversary. Mr.

and Mrs. Hugo Lueck Wauwatosa, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lueck. Mrs.

Reinie Frank, Wheaton, 111., and a former Wausail resident, came Friday, and is a guest at the E. R. Brown home. Mrs. Lester Benz, came from Bookfield Friday and was a dinner guest at the home of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Bartz. Mrs. Benz came to call for her daughter, Christine, who completed her freshman year at the Wisconsin State University-Stevens -Point. The Rev.

and Mrs. Henry Ellwein returned home Thursday from Mobridge, S. where they had gone to call for their daughter, Beth, a student at Northwestern Lutheran Academy. The Rev. Henry Ellwein continued his talk on, "The Life of Moses" Friday afternoon at the meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of St.

Paul Lutheran Church, Wisconsin Synod, town i of Day, held in the parish hall Mrs. Ervin i conducted the business session and members made plans for the annual picnic for the congregation. It will be a picnic dinner at noon Sunday, June 20, in Calvary Lutheran Miss Galstad has been selected one of 100 high school students in the state of Wisconsin to be members of the State Honor Choir. She will join the students in Green Lake June 16 where all will receive special training four days. On Saturday evening the honor choir will present a concert in Green Lake and in January 1972, it will present a Sunday School classes for the remainder of the summer concluded yesterday, Sunday, June 6, at St.

Paul's Church and Grace Lutheran Church in the town of Green Valley. Both churches are served by Pastor Henry Ellwein. Mrs. Dennis Axelson and daughter, Connie, went to the town of Hamburg Friday where they will be at the Norbert Novitzke home ten clays, In the absence of the pastor, the Rev. David Schroedcr, Thursday afternoon at the meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of St.

John's Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, town of Wien, the members listened to a tape the pastor had prepared for the devotions. Mrs. Royal Hamann called the meeting to order and 21 members were present. Guests included Mrs. Delbert Bailerstein, Mrs.

Arden Viegut, and Mrs. Bruce Wussow. Routine business was transacted and members made plans to clean the church Monday, June 21, beginning at 9 in the morning and continuing until the work is completed. Hostesses were Mrs. Elmer Wussow and Mrs.

Rudy Meyer. Dean Wieland installed officers Thursday night when the Lions Club met in the dining room at the Ebenezer United Church of Christ. Following the dinner Fritz Ulrich conducted the business session. Leslie Lillge is the new president. Serving with him for the year will be Ray Kaiser, ecretary-treasurer; Kenneth Mundt, first vice president; Robert Hubert, second vice president; and Gordon Ehrike, third vice president; Fritz Ulrich, tail twister and Robert Wiedeman, Lion tamer.

Al Becher, is a director for a two- year term ar)d Sylvester Rock is a hold-over director. When President John Tyler's daughter, Elizabeth, married William N. Waller in 1842, newspapers covered the ceremonies in one sentence. Three Injured In Collision Three persons were hurt in a two-car crash on Highway 10 in Milladore shortly after 9 o'clock Sunday evening. Receiving out-patient treatment at St.

Joseph's Hospital here were Neil H. Luepke, 25, 802 N. Central bruised left arm; his wife, Mabel, 25, cut left knee and bruised leg and arm, and Vernon Diethman, Spencer, bruised shoulder. According to Wood County i officers, an auto driven by Thomas C. Willfahrt, route 2, Auburndale, crossed the center of the highway and into the path of an auto driven by Luepke.

Damage to the vehicles was estimated at $1,100. At 12:15 p.m. Saturday, an auto driven by Leone J. Singer, 428 S. Central went out of control and crashed into a fence on Lindsey road, about 3 miles south of Lindsey.

Damage was set at $250. Considerable damage resulted when an auto operated by Michael Cook, Port Washington, struck one driven by Marjorie J. Hansen, 619, Laurel Court, at 9:45 p.m. Sunday. The collision took place at the intersection of S.

Central avenue and 16th street. Extensive damage was caused at 3 o'clock Sunday morning when an auto driven by Bernard J. Langreck, route 2, Marshfield, struck a mail box at the intersection of E. Fourth street and Popple avenue. A suspensiftn caused the crash.

Minor damage resulted at 6:49 p.m. Saturday when an auto I driven by John Werner, 701 S. Ash struck one operated Jby Leona M. Dietel, route 4, Marshfield, in the 100 block on E. 11th street.

Office Having Problems Finding Summer Jobs The Wisconsin State Employment Service office here has been able thus far to locate nly about 12 summer jobs for university students, Pat Quirt, manpower specialist, said today. Approximately 100 university students have applied for summer employment during the 1 past week. "There just aren't any jobs available," he added. Quirt said that ex-servicemen are also having trouble finding employment because many are planning to attend a university this fall, and therefore, cannot accept full-time employment. White House nuptials go back to 1812 when Lucy Payne Washington married Judge Thomas Dodd, an associate justice of the United States Supreme Court.

Money to of in of of to Two 15-year-old Marshfield boys have been apprehended by police for breaking into a caboose last week and stealing a number of flares and torpedoes. Police said most the flares were recovered, but reported that the youths ignited a number the torpedoes. The pair was referred to county juvenile authorities. Police are investigating a burglary which took place at the Marinello Beauty ShoD. 110 W.

Second sometime over the weekend. Stolen was $8 in cash. Entry was gained through a door that had been pried open. Trierwiler Construction and Supply reported to police that vandals did a great deal of damage over the weekend at the firm's paving project on W. Doege street.

Obscene words were scrawled fresh concrete and sand was poured into the engines of paving machinery parked at the scene. School Alumni Has Gathering At Greenwood (By News-Herald Correspondent) GREENWOOD An estimated 160 persons attended the 31st annual Greenwood High School reunion Saturday at 7:30 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. The opening prayer and benediction was given by the Rev. David Menger, pastor of Our Savior's Lutheran Church.

Kenneth Bartels, superintendent the Greenwood School District, opened the meeting with a welcome and a short report on the new elementary school. Harry Liebzeit, president, introduced the alumni officers for 1971 and the nine specially honored alumni from the class 1921, who celebrated their 50th anniversary. Minutes of the last alumni meeting were read by Mrs. Allan Wessel, secretary, after which the treasurer's report was read by Mrs. James Turnquist.

Frank Pakiz was the vice president. It was voted to accept the appointed committee select an outstanding alumni for 1970, 1971 and 1972. The committee is comprised of Dr. Hale Hunt and Mrs. Donald Ellingson, La Crosse, and Clayton Braun, Greenwood.

The president, Harry Liebzeit, announced the alumni association officers. They are Albert Neuenfeldt, president; Eldore Humke, vice president; Louis Landini, treasurer; and Mrs. James Turnqulit, invest? Marcia Palms and other relatives in the area. Guests Sunday at the home of Mrs. John Zepaltas included Miss Janet Brux and Garfield i i -w I rieiiiaiig, muwauKee; ana miss Gail Carteron and Richard Ermilio, Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. David Pakiz and daughter of Superior, visited over the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pakiz.

Relatives and friends were entertained Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. John Zepaltas in honor of the graduation of her daughter, Donna Zepaltas, and Edward Brux. Weekend guests at the Walter Decker home included Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Zocher, Westchester, and Mrs.

Fred Born, Oakfield. Guests over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Humke were Mr. and Mrs.

George Humke Sterling, Charles Barrideau, Sparta; Mrs. Francis Schweinler, Madison; and Mr. and Mrs. Arneson and daughter, Spring Valley. The first atomic bomb was made from uranium produced in Montrose County in Colorado.

Neillsville Briefs The Rev. and Mrs. Nicholas Yarmolovich, Minneapolis, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kuzjak the past weekend.

Kevin Zickert, age 11, fell from his bicycle last weekend and fractured his right wrist. An 8 p.m. Mass Saturday evening highlighted the 60th anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Linus Prock, 1708 Hewett in St.

Mary's Catholic Church, Neillsville, where they have been active members for many years. Msgr. Michael Prock, a cousin, officiated at the Mass. An anniversary dinner at Bali Hai Supper Club, following the Mass, Saturday evening, brought together a large number of relatives, to honor Mr. and Mrs.

Prock. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred a 1 a entertained Sunday at dinner in honor of their daughter, Marilyn, who was confirmed Sunday morning secretary. Awards were presented to alumni: eldest Mrs.

Vera Wuethrich and Mrs. Anna Rossman, eldest alumni; to Mrs. Lillie (Hembre) Johnson, Santa Barbara, for travelling the long distance to attend the reunion; Donald Drew, Viroqua, the alumnus present with the least hair; Mr. and Mrs. Duane Olson, Greenwood, for having the youngest child; and to Mr.

and Mrs. Allan Wessel, Greenwood, for being the most recently married alumnus present. The Women's Guild will meet Wednesday, June 8, at 2 p.m. at the Immanuel United Church of Christ. Hostesses will be Mrs.

Pacificor Camarin and Mrs. Fred Timmler. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Tyrell of Menomonie attended graduation Thursday evening of their granddaughter, Iloxanne Clintsman.

Guests recently at the Walter Decker home were Mrs. Amelia Mattansch, Mr. and Mrs. Arno Miller and Sharon, Mrs. Erna Wehrman, and Mr.

and Mrs. Edgar Wendt, Sydney, Mont. Mr. and Mrs. George Humke, Sterling, 111., were weekend guests at the home of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. George Humke, and at the home of Mrs. National Dairy Group Honors Withee Man Nearly three hundred breeders and friends of registered Ayrshire dairy cattle from 30 states, two Canadian provinces and Colombia, S.A. attended this year's th national Ayrshire meeting and banquet held in Louisville, Ky. Awards for excellence in milk production and constructive breeding practices were presented to a number of Ayrshire breeders by president Dwight Knipp and David Gibson executive secreary.

Arthur Gaddis, owner of Valu-Ayr Farm of Withee, earned his fourth Constructive Breeder Award. This award recognizes herds in which cows bred by the owner excel in milk production combined with superior body conformation and 48 breeders qualified for this honor in 1970. On a strictly twice-a-day milking schedule for 305 days, the cows made an annual production average of 14,771 pounds milk and 567 pounds buttcrfat, M.E. (mature equivalent). The herd has a type classification score average of 86.7 and 40 per cent of the herd was bred by the CBA winner.

Two of Valu-Ayr's older matrons were recognized for their lifetime milk production achievements of 100,000 pounds during 1970. They wcre.Valu-Ayr Victory Dee with 114,611 pounds of 3.8 per cent milk, 4,402 pounds fat and Moshannon Hope's Missie with 102,563 pounds of 3.9 per cent milk, 3999 pounds fat. They received special certificates for their achievements. Records were checked by the University of Wisconsin's Department of Official Testing, Madison. concert at the state music convention in Madison.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene O'Brien and family of Milwaukee were weekend visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prock.

Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Peters, Mary Kay and Billy, attended the 50th wedding anniversary of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Percy Volkert, at a party in Elm Grove Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Volkert were married in June 1921. Mr.

and Mrs. William Wilkinson of Milwaukee visited her mother, Mrs. Wilbert Kalsow, here Saturday and Sunday. Mary Lou Olson has returned from Platteville where she completed her third year of I credit in university study. EmZEN! I iA I NATIONAL BANK 1 I MARSHFIELD 1 'XlJ, lOTiig in lias arrived bonds m- available 1' We w7 begin to move Wednesday, June 9th.

This will cause our customers some inconvenience. We ask that you be patient with us during this time. Today, n'A, you cannot to overlook Ziegler and Company institutional bonds. Since 1913, wo have provided 1 billion 300 mil lion dollars worth of institutional financing. If you're like most prudent investors, you look for high interest yields plus safrly.

You get just that and more when you invest in Ziegler institutional bond issues. Ziegler specializes in this business. We've been underwriting Hospital, School, Church and other institutional bond issues for more than half a century now. Never a declared default. And you may invest $500 or more, with short-lcrm maturities within 10 years.

Phone us collect, or mail the coupon, for full details on currently available 8' issues. MLirM ft Zip B. C. ZIEGLER and COMPANY Earl Grau, Res. Mgr.

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Marshfield News-Herald from Marshfield, Wisconsin (2024)


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