| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (2024)

Home Education Gan Ilan Preschool

More information about the next Civil right’s trip will be released in Fall 2024. Stay Tuned!

Teen Programs

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (1)
Photo: Graduation 2023.


We like to use the name TIZZY to describe our overarching teen programs at Temple Isaiah. The “T” stands for “teen or temple” and “Izzy” is a nickname for Isaiah, which conveys our fun, friendly environment. There are many different ways for teens to engage and learn at Temple Isaiah.


Temple Isaiah’s integrated teen programs are built on the principle that every event and activity, whether in the classroom or not, should advance a certain set of common Jewish values. Each element of our teen program emphasizes some or all of these core values and complements and builds on other elements in a cohesive and cumulative way. All events and activities lead to our goal of nurturing Jewishly identified people of integrity and often include an element of fun.


We believe there is a powerful, dynamic, reciprocal relationship between the impact that our Temple Isaiah community has on our teens’ development and the impact that our teens’ experiences and contributions have on the rest of us. To recognize our Mission, the following core values are embedded in different ways throughout the offerings in our teen programs. We strive to evolve our programs alongside our community’s needs, and hope to be able to reach as many teens as possible by offering a wide range of opportunities that help then grow Jewishly, introduce them to things they have expressed interest in, and are as accessible as possible to meet the needs of their varying outside commitments and complicated schedules.

•Commitment to TIKKUN OLAM - social justice and social action
•Creation of KEHILLAH - a supportive, tolerant and interdependent thinking community
•Individual RESPONSIBILITY and ETHICAL decision-making
JEWISH knowledge and spirituality
LEADERSHIP development and experience
•Caring for the physical and mental WELL-BEING of ourselves and others


Here are a variety of ways to engage:


NOAR NIGHT (Teen School)
Grades: 8th-12th grade
Schedule: Wednesday Nights


Grades: 8th -12th grade
Schedule: Weekly from September - May
During JQuest: Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons or Sunday morning

Grades: 9th -12th grade
Counselor in Training (CIT): 9th Grade
Counselor: 10th Grade through High School Graduate
Schedule: 2 ½ Weeks at the end of Summer (options to do 1 or 2 weeks of camp)

Grades: 9th -12th grade
Schedule: June (board for next year begins) - May (end of year)
Other: Elections for President. Other positions are open to 9th-12th graders

Grades: 9th -12th grade
Schedule: Varied, throughout year (July - June)
Other: Flexible tasks and schedule. Can help with our Youth Groups, teen High Holy Day Services, Kefli Nights, etc.


Grades: 7th and 8th grade
Schedule: Varied, typically on weekends every 6-8 weeks & annual LA Trip

Grades: 9th - 12th grade
Schedule: Varied, typically on weekends around once a month


Grades: 6th and 7th graders who identify as female
Schedule: Once a month, Sunday late afternoon

Grades: 9th and 10th graders who identify as male
Schedule: Once a month, Sunday late afternoon

To learn more about our programs for teens contact Rabbi Alissa Miller at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or Jacob Friedman, Youth Director at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) at (925) 284-9191.

Youth Director position made possible by a 2021-22 East Bay Teen Initiative Organizational Supporting Grant provided by:
| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (2)

DC Trip

Join Temple Isaiah’s Confirmation Class for a trip to The Religious Action Center (RAC) in Washington, D.C.

February 8 (evening)-February 12, 2024

There are two parts to the registration process:

1. Register with the Religious Action Center: Each student must have a parent/guardian register them for L’Taken in the CampMinder registration system.

RAC Registration

Before you begin registering your student, make sure you know:
• The congregation or group you are traveling with: Temple Isaiah
• Date of your congregation’s L’Taken: February 9-12, 2024
• Your congressional district: You can look that up here, Find My District by plugging in your home address. https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
• You must complete the registration process in one session. It should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. You will not be able to save and restart an online application later.
This registration will ask for participant information about your child, health and safety information, and parent/guardian information. All of this information will go directly to the RAC, but will be shared with us.

2. Payment for the program: All payment happens through Temple Isaiah using Formsite. This is different than filling out the registration form above. Questions about registration contact Rabbi Alissa Miller at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Isaiah Payment

Little Garden

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (3)

We will be back!

Little Garden Jewish Playgroup is open to parents and/or caregivers with their babies and toddlers who are looking to engage in Jewish community and early learning. It is geared toward infants and toddlers under three years old and includes free play time, activities and/or singing, a snack, and sometimes clergy visits!

Questions? Contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

JQuest Minis & Juniors

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (4)

JQuest Minis & Juniors: Ages 2-4

A play-based educational program, JQuest Minis (ages 2-3) and JQuest Juniors (age 4) immerse children in Jewish learning, discovery, creativity, and community on Sunday mornings. Parents are invited for family programs several times throughout the year in order to plant and nurture the seeds of Jewish identity and commitment as a family.

Children in JQuest Minis and JQuest Juniors explore music, Hebrew through movement, tefillah (prayer), and much more, helping your child develop a love of Jewish tradition and the joys of being a part of the Temple Isaiah community.

If your child will be 2, 3, or 4 years old by September 1, and you are looking for a fun, meaningful Jewish educational experience, then this program is for you!

Non-members welcome, it’s a great way to check out JQuest!

Cantor Ted Cotler Memorial Library

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (5)

Please do not bring donations to the library. Temple Isaiah is not accepting donations at this time.

Our library is the largest circulating Jewish library in Contra Costa County, with over 7,000 individual items of all types, including:

About Our Library

Located in the Temple House building, our 7,000 volume circulating Judaica library, the largest in the East Bay, is open for browsing, reading, reference, and book borrowing for Temple members of all ages. Access to the collection is computerized for better information retrieval. A professional librarian, on hand during hours of opening, will be happy to assist you. Gan Ilan children are invited to regular pre-school storytimes with the Librarian; and JQuest teachers may schedule story time with the Librarian for primary school age children. Volunteers may open the Library at additional times for your convenience.

Our Mission

The Library at Temple Isaiah supports the ongoing pursuit of Jewish learning for all members of our community and the surrounding Jewish community in a welcoming atmosphere with a broad range of Judaic books, media and educational materials.

Our Library Includes

  • A Computerized Library Catalog
  • Online Catalog Features Book Covers, Reviews & Contents Notes
  • Wi-Fi & Internet Access
  • Library Book Club Support
  • Audiobooks & Audiobook CD’s
  • Podcast Stories with the Librarian
  • Jewish Videos & DVD’s
  • Jewish Parents’ Collection
  • Children’s Books & Student Support
  • Holiday Materials & Cookbooks
  • Periodicals & Newspapers
  • Reference Collection
  • Jewish Music CD’s & Scores
  • Sunday & Evening Hours
  • Judaica Non-Fiction
  • Jewish Fiction & Mysteries.
  • Online & Print Bibliographies
  • Storytime with the Librarian

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (6)Lillian Whithaus
(925) 283-8575 ext. 316
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Lillian joined Temple Isaiah in 2022. She holds a Masters of Library and Information Science from San Jose State University and a Bachelors in Creative Writing from Bryn Mawr College. Lillian loves books of all sorts and especially loves giving book recommendations. Outside of the library, Lillian enjoys knitting, sewing, cooking, and 1000-piece puzzles. She lives in Berkeley with her housemates and two cats, KG and Bella.

Librarian Hours 2023-2024 School Year:
Tuesdays, 3pm-5:30pm
Wednesdays, 3pm-530pm
Thursdays, 9am-2pm
Sunday, 8am-1pm


Adopt A Book

Adopting a book in our library provides much needed materials that we may not otherwise be able to acquire. It is a tax deductible gift that can be opened again and again throughout the years to come. With your support, our literary community can continue to thrive. You may choose to honor a friend or loved one with a customized inscription in the book you adopt.

Book and Media Donations

Temple Isaiah is not accepting donations at this time.

Neshamah Yoga

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (7)
Weekly Tuesdays 10-11am in the Adult Lounge
Suggested Donation:
$10 (members), $15 (non-members).
Drop-in. No registration required.

Neshamah Yoga™ is open to every age, every body. This unique class weaves together self-care/massage, tai-chi, brain balancing, and traditional yoga poses, along with breathing techniques for stress reduction and optimal health. This ongoing, drop-in class draws from the deep wellspring of our tradition, including Mussar, Torah portions, liturgy, poetry, and Jewish holidays.

This class is facilitated by Temple Isaiah member Kendra Fried, mind-body movement specialist and integrative wellness counselor. Please feel free to contact her with any questions or concerns at (831) 717-4270, or .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and visit neshamahyogawellness.com

Disclaimer: Neshamah Yoga & Wellness™ recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. Accordingly, you understand that Kendra Fried is not providing physical or mental health care, and your voluntary participation is at your own risk. You are encouraged to seek care from licensed professionals in their specific field, as needed.


Please enjoy the Neshamah Yoga playlist on the Temple Isaiah YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDlG4ldiN_JNtN8qGuYK4oYjRZMWDvAcp

Voluntary Donation
If you are enjoying these classes and would like to support the ongoing Neshamah Yoga program, your donation would be greatly appreciated. Please consider a voluntary donation to the Temple Isaiah Community fund at temple-isaiah.org/donate

Adult Education

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (8)
Photo: Adult B’nai Mitzvah Cohort 2022.

Temple Isaiah offers many opportunities for you to explore Jewish ideas, traditions, and texts, and to get to know other members of the community while you learn! Questions about any of these programs? Contact Rabbi Greninger at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Mission Statement and Goals

Temple Isaiah Adult Learning Mission Statement
At Temple Isaiah, we strive to create Jewish learning programs for adults that engage the mind, touch the heart, and move the soul. We do this by exploring the wisdom and mystery of Jewish texts and affirming the richness of Jewish culture. Our mission is to inspire a deeper understanding of Judaism and Jewish identity for all of our members at every stage in their journey of Jewish Learning

Through our adult learning programs and initiatives, Temple Isaiah will inspire and support efforts by our members to:
1. Explore their Jewish identity and deepen their spiritual awareness
2. Expand their Jewish knowledge and increase their skills for Jewish living
3. Examine important intellectual, cultural, social and political issues through a Jewish lens
4. Develop and sustain a vibrant learning community
5. Engage in a thoughtful, animated and respectful exchange of ideas
6. Recognize the value of lishma-the joy of Jewish learning for its own sake

Adult B'nai Mitzvah Cohort 2025

Adult B’nai Mitzvah Orientation will take place on Sunday, October 1, 2023 at 9am

Classes for the first year (Exploring Judaism & Beginning Hebrew) begin on Sunday October 8, 2023.

Did you miss the opportunity to become a bar or bat mitzvah when you were 13?

Have you always wanted to study with the clergy in an intimate setting and become a more literate Jew?

Would you like to learn to read and chant from the Torah?

Are you willing to make a commitment of time to explore your own Jewish identity with a small group of like-minded adults?

This might be the perfect time to say “Yes” and begin the process of becoming an Adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah!

Past adult b’nai mitzvah students have found that their participation in this program helped them to feel like “insiders.” They have come to feel more comfortable with the Friday evening and Saturday morning services. They have enjoyed the sense of a renewed Jewish soul. They have enjoyed the opportunity to study with our clergy and other fantastic teachers, and have found a strong bond with a small group of adults in the community.

The course of study typically takes two and a half years, including one year of “Exploring Judaism,” two years of Hebrew study, in-depth Judaic study with the Rabbis, and learning Torah cantillation (chanting) and prayers with the Cantor. You will also have the opportunity for individual mentoring by a member of the Temple Isaiah clergy team.

This fall, a new Adult B’nai Mitzvah class is forming, with participants celebrating their b’nai mitzvah at a service in December 2025.

There is a $360 fee to participate, payable over two years.

Questions about the Adult B’nai Mitzvah Program? Ready to sign up?
We’d love to hear from you!
Contact the clergy assistant Katana Collado at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Beginning Hebrew

Designed for those with little or no previous exposure to Hebrew, this introductory course will focus on developing the foundation for reading comprehension and a basic Hebrew vocabulary. We will learn the basics of prayer-book Hebrew, beginning with the alphabet and moving through the basic grammar and vocabulary of the siddur (prayer book), including the key texts and melodies of some prayers and blessings found in the siddur. Required text: Prayerbook Hebrew the Easy Way. This textbook is not included in the price of the class.


Year-long Course (22 sessions)
Sundays, Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 12, Dec 3, 10, 17, Jan 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 25, Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, April 14, 21, 28, May 5
10:10-11:10 a.m. in Room 209 of the CCJDS Building
Instructor: Tammy Yahud


Tuition: $200/members; $400/non-members.

Register >

Beit Midrash-New!

New Wednesday Nights Adult Program! Dinner, Learning, and Community!

7-8:15pm Classes


Session 1 - Oct 4, 11, 18, 25 - God Talk
Session 2 - Nov 8, 15, 29, Dec 6 - Piloting a New Torah Translation for the Reform Movement
Session 3 - Jan 10, 24, 31, Feb 7 - - The Prophets and Why We Should Read Them More Often
Session 4 - Feb 14, 28, Mar 6, 13 - Jewish Values & Liberal Values in Tension
Session 5 - Mar 20 and 27 - Safeguarding The Hope: Israel’s Ethics of Self-Defense and Power

God Talk with Rabbi Greninger
Why is it so hard to talk about God? In this 4-week program, we will explore our thoughts, ideas, and feelings about God, while learning about different views of God from Jewish tradition and Jewish theologians. We will become more comfortable talking about God and sharing our views with one another (including our confusion, doubts, and fears). Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other members of Isaiah while also deepening your own sense of spirituality!

Piloting a New Torah Translation for the Reform Movement with Rabbi Perlman
When it was first published in 1981, The Torah: A Modern Commentary was a gift to the Jewish community, the first English language modern Torah commentary ever published. It is time for a new generation of scholars to shed light on our Torah text and create the gift for the next generation using new scholarship and approaches to Torah study. This endeavor also includes the first Reform Movement translation in addition to new commentary. Temple Isaiah has been invited to participate in piloting different aspects of the commentary with this first round of piloting for 2023 focused specifically on the translation. Join Rabbi Perlman in discovering and rediscovering Torah as we consider new, unpublished drafts of Torah portion translations (that will be out of sync with the Torah portion of the week). All participants will be asked to provide feedback that will be passed on to the editorial team at CCAR Press. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to leave your mark on our movement. Rabbi Perlman will provide with you all of the materials you need - no Hebrew knowledge is necessary.

The Prophets and Why We Should Read Them More Often
With Rabbi Graetz

In this 4-week cycle we will learn from the texts of the Hebrew Bible and the context of the Ancient Middle East the origins of the prophets of Israel, how they evolved from ecstatic bands of soothsayers and diviners to the champions of social and economic justice. Who were they, what was their message, and what were their essential values?

Jewish & Liberal Values in Tension with Rabbi Greninger
We are living in a liberal era, swimming in the waters of liberalism. We are shaped by liberal values, such as freedom, individualism, human autonomy, and a commitment to equality. At the same time, we are inheritors of Jewish values that sometimes come into tension with our liberal values. In this 4-week series, we will examine four themes in which these tensions arise: obligation, sacrifice, creed, and holiness. We will unpack each of these themes, exploring what these themes mean for us as liberal Jews in the modern era. [Note that this course comes from Rabbi Greninger’s studies at the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem in July 2023.}

Safeguarding The Hope: Israel’s Ethics of Self-Defense and Power with Rabbi Lawrence, Wednesday evenings, March 20 and 27, 6:30pm dinner, 7-8:15pm in the Oneg Room

Come together to discuss what’s at stake in the crisis in Israel in the wake of October 7 and in the war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. We’ll explore the background of these challenges; Israel’s ethics of how it defends itself and how it uses its power as a state, including the relationship between the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) and the Israeli Supreme Court; and the wisdom that Judaism and Israel’s highest ideals can give us. All are welcome, across all levels of background, as we walk this journey together in community. Join us as we share in understanding and illumination for navigating this time in our people’s history.

Cost and Dinner Information

MEMBERS: Free, suggested donation: $40 per session (or $180 for the year)
NON-MEMBERS: Required fees: $80 per session (or $360 for the year)

Dinner: Beit Midrash always starts with DINNER! The meal will vary each week, and registrants will be notified in advance of what’s on the menu that week (Pizza, Pasta, Mexican, Sushi, Salads, Panda Express, and more). You can sign up for meals for the year at $300. That’s a $100 discount! If you opt out of the year plan, you can do drop-in dinner for $20.

Register >

Exploring Judaism

This course is a year-long exploration of the history, beliefs, traditions, and practices of the Jewish people. “Exploring Judaism” will be interesting and meaningful whether you are becoming an adult Bar/Bat Mitzvah, you are just beginning to explore Jewish studies, you are considering choosing Judaism, you are in an interfaith relationship, or you are simply looking for a deeper and more mature understanding of Jewish history and tradition. Students are encouraged to expand their Jewish literacy by taking this course in conjunction with Beginning Hebrew. Books for the course will be announced; please note that books are not included in the price for the course.


Year-long Course (22 sessions)
Sundays, Oct 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 12, Dec 3, 10, 17, Jan 21, 28, Feb 4, 11, 25, Mar 3, 10, 17, 24, April 14, 21, 28, May 5
9:00-10:00 a.m. in Room 206 of the CCJDS Building
Instructor: Rabbi Oren Postrel


Tuition: $200/members; $400/non-members.

Register >

Lunch and Learn Series-New!

Temple Isaiah is pleased to offer a new series of Lunch and Learn programs featuring Temple Isaiah’s clergy discussing a variety of topics. Sessions will take place on the second Wednesday of the month, August 2023 through May 2024 on Zoom.

Up Next!

Wednesday, May 8, Bringing Judaism into Your Home with Rabbi Perlman

Join Rabbi Perlman as we talk about what makes a Jewish home. We will discuss home ritual including how to hang a mezuzah, how we determine where to give tzedakah, if and how to integrate kashrut (or a version of kashrut) into the home, what to keep in our Jewish home library, our Shabbat table, and more.

CLick here to Register >

Cost: Free and open to the public.

For prior Lunch and Learn sessions with our Clergy, please check out our videos below!

Wednesday, August 9: How to Study Torah with Rabbi Lawrence

Wednesday, September 13: Introduction to Jewish Prayer Services with Rabbi Greninger

Wednesday, October 11: Why We Sing What We Sing When We Sing It: Music of the Jewish Calendar with Cantor Korn

Wednesday, November 8: Introduction to Jewish Death and Mourning Practices with Rabbi Perlman

Wednesday, December 13: Chanukah: What are we celebrating? with Rabbi Greninger

Wednesday, January 10: What is Tu B’Shevat? with Rabbi Greninger

Wednesday, February 14: What is Zionism? with Rabbi Lawrence

Wednesday, March 13: The Purim Story: Beyond the Spiel with Rabbi Miller

Wednesday, April 10: What is the Origin of the Passover Seder? with Rabbi Miller

Sunday Clergy Courses

Temple Isaiah clergy offer courses and invite guest scholars and artists throughout the year to engage with our community on a variety of themes.

The Sounds of Eretz Yisrael in America: The Crucial 60’s
with Cantor Korn
Sunday, October 8, 11:15am-12:30pm in the Sanctuary

This class is a continuation of Cantor Korn’s class from last year. (You do not need to have attended the first part). This class will explore how music of Israel grew in the consciousness of American Jews and penetrated American culture generally. We will explore how Israeli music was a primary means through which American Jews were exposed to Israeli culture and Zionism. We will study how Israeli music grew in impact on the synagogue and in Jewish education efforts and how the sound of Israeli music has influenced the composition of Jewish American Composers.


Members: Free
Non-Members: $18

Register >

Tzedek, Tzedek (Tashir v’) Tirdof: Music in Doing Justice
with Cantor Korn

Sundays, October 15 and 22, 11:15am-12:30pm in the Sanctuary
This two-part class explores the use of music in the work of doing justice. It will explore three facets of that work: 1)The Power of Protest - rallying and protesting against in justice in real time; 2) The Power of Ritual - teaching and mobilizing against injustice; and 3) The Power of Performance - advocating and galvanizing against injustice.


Members: Free, optional donation $18.
Non-Members: $36

Register >

Jewish Feminist Ethics
with Rabbi Perlman
Sundays, February 4 and 11, 11:15am-12:30pm

Join Rabbi Perlman for an exploration of the system of Jewish feminist ethics and its impact on text, theology, and practice.


Members: Free.
Non-Members: $36.

Register >

Repairing Hope: Modern Jewish Song Lyrics and Poems
With Rabbi Noach Lawrence
Sundays, March 3, 10 and 17, 11:15am-12:30pm

When our world faces challenging times, how can we find healing, resilience, and joy? Together, we will explore modern Jewish creative voices who have engaged with these questions, and who can shine light on our paths. From the sense of memory and irrepressible buoyancy of Carole King to the candor, empathy and affirmation of the Israeli poet Yehuda Amichai, we will see the variety of ways these artists inherit Jewish texts and traditions, give them modern, personal twists, and speak to our moment. Come join us as we study together and share from our minds and spirits.


Members: Free.
Non-Members: $36.

Register >

Torah Study

Torah Study
Saturdays at 8:45am in the Beit Knesset and on Zoom

We want Torah study to guide our way as individuals and as a community. It is from Torah and all of Jewish sacred literature that we derive the values that shape our lives. Torah Study when we study the weekly Torah portion is offered Shabbat mornings at 8:45am and led by a member of our clergy team. Newcomers are always welcome.

Cost: Free and open to the public.

Zoom meeting information can be found on the Adult Education email sent by Temple Isaiah, or by calling (925) 283-8575 or emailing .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Visiting Scholars

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (9)

True Stories of High-Stakes Negotiations to Free Americans Captured Abroad with Mickey Bergman
Sunday, June 9, 2024, 7- 8:30pm, In-Person Only in the Social Hall at Temple Isaiah

Brittney Griner, Danny Fenster, Otto Warmbier, Trevor Reed, Paul Whelan, Xiyue Wang…When an American citizen is unjustly imprisoned overseas, that’s when Mickey Bergman’s phone starts to ring. Embark on a riveting journey behind the scenes of international negotiations with Mickey Bergman, who has played a pivotal role in the sensitive Israeli hostage discussions with Hamas. As the Vice President of the Richardson Center for Global Engagement and a special operations veteran, Bergman brings unparalleled insights from the front lines of diplomacy and determination. Join us for an exclusive event that sheds light on his daring missions, innovative strategies for freeing political prisoners, and a look into his compelling book, In the Shadows. Delve into the untold tales of global engagement and the critical challenges of negotiating with some of the world’s most formidable adversaries.

100 books will be available at no charge (one per family) with the hope that people will make a contribution in memory of beloved Temple Isaiah member, Micah Bycel to our Temple Isaiah Education and Youth Fund for camp scholarships. Cash and/or check will be accepted as donations at the event.

About our Speaker:
Mickey Bergman is the CEO of Global Reach, and VP of the Richardson Center for Global Engagement, nongovernmental, non-profit organizations that negotiate the release of political prisoners and hostages around the world. A special-operations veteran of the Israel Defense Forces, he has spent the past decade freeing Americans from some of the most complex and insulated countries on earth, including Iran, North Korea, Russia, Venezuela, Syria, Gambia and Sudan. He is an adjunct professor at the Georgetown University Walsh School of Foreign Service, where his graduate courses focus on the art of emotional intelligence in international relations. He was nominated for the 2019 and 2023 Nobel Peace Prize alongside former Governor Bill Richardson.

About our Interviewer:
Rabbi Lee Bycel is the Vice Chair of the California state council on developmental disabilities, the author of Refugees in America, the Sinton Visiting Professor at USF, and a very proud grandfather of five!

This program is presented generously by the Bycel family and Mark Seiler in memory of beloved Temple Isaiah member, Micah Bycel, z"l.

To sign-up, please check the Shavua Tov or call our front office at (925) 283-8575.

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (10)

Poetry Since October 7th with Renowned Teacher Rachel Korazim
Thursday, June 20, 7 - 8:15pm on Zoom

The calamity of October 7th and the war that followed has left Israel and the Jewish world in shock and despair. The unimaginable became our reality. As more details of the horror unfold, we are facing the painful daily losses in battle and the plight of the hostages and their families. No less troubling are the terrible losses and devastation in Gaza. We find ourselves less and less able to talk about it. The expression most commonly used is אין מילים ein milim – No Words! And yet – there are those who struggle and do find words to express pain and anger, despair and abandonment. In this program we will read and discuss poetry written since October 7th. The poems are often raw and painful, while at the same time full of love and even hope. The poems come from different parts of Israeli society and reflect a large variety of voices. As one previous participant noted, “I think that poetry allows the expression of complex and sometimes conflicting feelings, vivid images, and resonance - which is why it touches the heart and soul so deeply. Click here to RSVP. Questions? Contact Rabbi Greninger.

More About Rachel Korazim: Rachel Korazim
Rachel Korazim is a Jewish education consultant in curriculum development for Israel and Holocaust education. Rachel opens for her audiences a window to Israeli society through literature; through stories, poems and songs of the best of Israel’s writers, she invites listeners to engage with Israel in an innovative way. Since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, Rachel created a global community of hundreds of learners who meet to study Israeli poetry online regularly. Rachel teaches at Israel’s well-known learning centers such as Pardes and the Shalom Hartman Institute, as well as numerous world Jewish communities. In her free time, Rachel enjoys scuba diving in the cenotes of Playa del Carmen in Mexico and the amazing coral sites of the Red Sea. Rachel is also a very active grandmother of eight grandchildren who all live in Israel. For more about Rachel and access to many of her lectures, see https://www.korazim.com.

Community Partners

Contra Costa JCC https://www.ccjcc.org/

Jewish Learning Works https://jewishlearning.works/

New Lehrhaus https://newlehrhaus.org/

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at Cal State East Bay http://olli.csueastbay.edu

| Gan Ilan Preschool | Education (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.