30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (2024)

It makes sense to perfect pioneer recipes before you really need them. The pioneers learned how to make a little go a long way, what type of food lasted well, and how to combine their precious supplies with fresh produce they could get on the way, or had grown once they settled.

So, make these often so they are stored in your head for when hard times come. And let’s face it some of these recipes are so delicious you won’t feel like it’s any kind of hardship and may want to incorporate them into your weekly menus.

As time passed, the pioneers progressed from surviving on cornmeal and molasses when the flour ran out on the journey to having eggs and milk and chicken meat available on their homesteads instead of relying on hunting for meat.

Start this week by trying out some of the pioneer recipes on this list.

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (1)

1. Native American Fry Bread

Bread is one of the basics, giving a person the carbohydrates necessary for an active existence. Pioneers picked up this recipe from the native Americans.

Made from your basic supplies this fry bread is delicious and can be served with savory or sweet toppings. Here’s how to make this easy 4 ingredient bread that uses baking powder and not yeast, so there is no time spent waiting for the dough to rise.

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (2)

2. Pinole

You just have to give pinole, whose main ingredients are toasted cornmeal and chia seeds, a try. There are various ways to make this superfood that will keep you going on just a small amount, whether used for a nutritious drink, eaten as a cereal, or made into delicious pinole cookies.

Pioneers learned how to make pinole from the First Americans. This recipe is one to use regularly as it is so healthy and tasty – it’s not often you get that combination.

The addition of the super healthy almonds and flaxseed is optional, pioneers would usually have only had the cornmeal and chia.

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (3)

3. Cornmeal Mush

Such a simple recipe does require it to be well made, and the quality of the cornmeal counts – white cornmeal gives a smooth porridge while the coarse ground yellow cornmeal is a lot grittier.

Pioneers took cornmeal along with them as it lasted well and was filling. Once they established their homesteads they were able to grow corn and dry and grind it for use during winter, while in the summer they had fresh corn.

You can serve it with cowboy stew, BBQ meat, or fish or dress it up with some sweet toppings like apple and cinnamon for dessert. You can also alter the consistency of cornmeal mush making it with more water for a smooth breakfast porridge, or less water for a thicker mush.

You can even go so far as to make what in South Africa is known as ‘krummel pap’, translated as crumbly porridge where it is almost the consistency of couscous and is delicious with stew or BBQ meat and a spicy tomato and onion-based sauce.

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (4)

4. Basic Pioneer Cornbread

This recipe requires a cast iron skillet that you can place on the fire or heat source to get a decent crust on the base and sides of the cornbread before baking it in the oven.

Cornbread is versatile enough to go with sweet toppings, and serve as an accompaniment to savory dishes to ensure you can mop up the last of the tasty gravy.

Cornmeal bread was a staple served for evening meals along with hearty soups and stews made from what the pioneers managed to hunt successfully.

5. Red Beans and Rice

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (5)

Beans and rice have the protein and carbs to provide a filling and tasty meal which made it a popular choice. If hunting was successful then the beans and rice, staples that were kept in the store cupboard, were enhanced with some meat.

This recipe revs it up with some Cajun spices and chicken stock.

6. Corn Dodgers

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (6)

This recipe requires cooking the cornmeal with water before adding the other ingredients, then frying the little ‘dodgers’ on a cast iron skillet over the heat source.

As explained in the recipe, there are many different ways to make them – with or without milk, using butter or buttermilk, eggs or no eggs – it just depends on what pioneer cooks would have had available.

7. Pioneer Cornmeal Pancakes

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (7)

These are so quick to make and are tasty, either with savory or sweet toppings. Make them any time of the day when tummies are rumbling and you need to get food into people before they get too hungry – that’s hungry and angry.

Get the recipe here. These use a mix of cornmeal and flour for a lighter pancake rather than the heavier Johnny cakes also made by pioneers.

8. Dumplings for Dinner

This recipe makes up a big pot of dumplings that everyone can tuck into. Only four ingredients – egg, milk, flour, and salt, go into these dumplings. Roll them thin so they are not gooey or doughy but just tender and make them in a chicken broth.

Comfort food on a cold night. The early homesteaders had a milk cow if they were lucky. In those times it was a disaster if the cow got sick or went dry.

9. Pan Fried Pork Chops for Calf-Working Day

The day after Thanksgiving is called calf-working day when there was plenty to do on the pioneer ranch – like every other day except Thanksgiving – but Thanksgiving was still pretty busy in the kitchen.

The pioneers usually kept a few hogs and while much of the meat was preserved as bacon or salt pork, they were able to enjoy chops on special occasions.

They have a tasty seasoning and provide a boost of protein when it’s been a long, hard day.

10. Pioneer Bread

Head back to basics pioneer style with this savory bread using only 6 ingredients instead of up to 40 found in store-bought bread which has all the additives:

Mouth Watering Savory Pioneer Bread

Baking the daily bread was a task that was second nature on the trail and in cabins, and there is nothing as tasty as fresh home-baked bread straight out of the oven

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (8)

11. Pemmican

Pemmican is tasty, highly nutritious, and lasts for a long time with its mix of dried meat and juniper berries, so it is well worth practicing to make this great pioneer food for when you are really going to need it. This is another recipe the pioneers learned how to prepare from the Native Americans.

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (9)

12. Hardtack

Hardtack is a survival ‘biscuit’ that can last for many years if baked and stored correctly. This recipe gives you all the information you need. Pioneers prepared these to last on long wagon journeys.

For a sweeter alternative try the South African rusk recipe which is given below – a really delicious long-lasting biscuit taken by the Dutch pioneers in South Africa on their travels into the hinterland.

13. Rusks (Boere Beskuit – Farmer’s Biscuit)

When you don’t know when next you’ll be stopping and can make an oven out of a hollowed-out anthill, then these rusks are the way to dry out your bread – well actually it’s more like a scone mix – so you have delicious boere beskuit to dunk in your coffee.

Only those with really sound teeth should eat them dry! They last for months in an airtight container. Watch this video to see how the South African pioneers dried out their bread to make it last:

How to Make Buttermilk Rusks - Crunchy Dunking Biscuits!!!

14. Oxtail Potjie

This recipe comes from South Africa and was made by the pioneers. Oxtail is deliciously tender and with the addition of bacon is a rich stew. Serve with rice or cornmeal mush.

Traditionally made in a potjie – a three-legged pot that stands over a fire, like the Moroccan tagine, the word ‘potjie’ stands for both the meal and the container. See how to make oxtail potjie here.

15. Fish on a Stick

It beats doing the fish whole on a grid. With some added spice you’re set for a great meal in the outdoors, pioneer style.

How to cook fish on a stick in the woods

16. Venison Stew

This hunter’s recipe for potatoes and venison uses what you may have successfully hunted with some vegetables from your homesteading.

Venison Recipe | BEST Hunting Camp Campfire Meal

As with the majority of venison recipes you need bacon- it gives flavor and some fat to the venison, which is a very lean meat. Pioneers usually had bacon on hand as it lasted well and were able to ring the changes when hunting had been successful.

17. Buttermilk Biscuits

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (10)

The pioneers brought along many recipes from the ‘old country’ and adapted them to their new situation.

The Scottish call them scones and the Americans call them biscuits, but whatever, these buttermilk treats are delicious. And soft. And ideal with a sweet topping like a berry preserve or with some cheese or other savory treat.

If you don’t have buttermilk here’s how to make it quick. Basically, it’s adding lemon juice or vinegar to milk to get it to curdle.

Try this Southern buttermilk biscuit recipe. Quick to make and with all dry ingredients at hand and long-life milk they are ideal for SHTF situations. You can even bake them in your Dutch oven over the coals.

18. Apricot Oat Bars

Even when you are surviving in SHTF situations kids and adults need a little sweet treat to lift the spirits, and these apricot oat bars are super healthy.

You can make ahead and freeze them for when you need them or keep the dry ingredients on hand as well as the canned apricot jam so it takes just a short while to put them together.

Remember anything you can bake in an oven you can also do in a Dutch oven over the coals. Experiment next time you are outdoors so you get the temperature right.

This handy guide will help you estimate the temperature using charcoal briquettes. Pioneers traveled with oats and dried fruit as a staple. You can substitute dried fruit in the recipe for the jam and add some sugar.

19. Vetkoek (Fat Cakes)

This traditional South African pioneer food can be compared to Native American Fry-bread in that it is deep fried.

But this recipe uses yeast not baking powder for the dough and is glossy and crisp on the outside and warm and fluffy on the inside. It is best served hot with a savory or sweet filling and makes for a delicious meal.

20. Classic Apple Pie

When the pioneers had established their homesteads and the apple trees were bearing it was time to make what has become America’s favorite pie. The classic apple pie has a rich buttery pastry crust and is filled with real apples – lots of them.

See how to make classic apple pie and you will never want a store-bought apple pie, in which you can count the apple pieces in amongst the gloopy filler, ever again.

21. Cherry Pie

Once the cherry trees were ripe for picking, another American favorite in pioneer homesteads was put in the oven – honest to goodness, real ingredient, cherry pie, popping with the sweet tartness of the cherries against the flaky buttery crust.

See how to make traditional cherry pie here.

22. Potato Cakes

When the pioneers grew potatoes this tasty recipe that is quick and easy was a good way to combine their fresh produce with the flour and oil rations they brought along with them.

Eggs from the chickens and milk from the cow made it all possible. Potato cakes were introduced from Europe by the pioneers.

23. Cured Bacon

Lots of pioneer recipes relied on cured bacon. It was a staple on the trail, and for homesteaders too, as it lasted well.

Try this recipe for curing your own bacon at home so you can perfect it before SHTF.

24. Pioneer Side Pork and Mormon Gravy

Once you have made your bacon (or bought some) you can try out this old yet simple and tasty recipe.

The gravy uses up the bacon fat – the pioneers wasted nothing, and adds juiciness to the dish when served with cornmeal, potatoes or rice. Here’s how to make it.

25. Eggless, Butterless, Milkless Cake

No eggs, not butter, no milk equals no cake in today’s world pretty much. The pioneers had to find a way around these obstacles. Using raisins kept the cake moist. Feel free to substitute dates or other dried fruit you may have available for some of the raisins.

This recipe does not call for any ‘shortening’ usually made from vegetable oils like soya bean, cottonseed or refined palm oil like some other recipes do. Frankly, that feels like a cop out by promising no butter but still including vegetable fat, so we prefer the authenticity of this one.

26. Johnny Cakes

Unlike the cornmeal pancake recipe that combines cornmeal and flour, Johnny cakes are usually all cornmeal and somewhat denser in texture.

There isn’t clarity on whether they are a Native American recipe or whether they emerged in New England – all we know is that they were a favorite pioneer food because they were so simple and relied only on having some fresh cornmeal, salt and milk with the addition of a bit of sugar.

There are so many variations for Johnny cakes it can get quite confusing. This recipe adds flour to the cornmeal mix for a lighter texture, and there are other recipes that call for buttermilk.

For the pioneers a recipe was just a guideline and they substituted with what they had – flour to replace some of the cornmeal, molasses instead of sugar, and buttermilk instead of milk.

27. Old-Fashioned Stack Cake

Large cakes were rather expensive for pioneers to make so the stack cake became a favorite at weddings and other important events simply because each woman in a gathering could bring a layer and then they would all be stacked together either with molasses or applesauce between the layers.

28. Buffalo Jerky

Buffalo jerky is a delicious and healthy snack made from thin slices of lean, ideally grass-fed, bison. Not only is it absolutely loaded with protein, but it’s also rich in zinc, iron, and other vital nutrients.

It has become increasingly popular as a “high-protein” option. And if you’ve ever tasted buffalo jerky you may have noticed its amazing texture and flavor that make it one of the best pioneer recipes to survive any food crisis – plus, without any added preservatives or artificial ingredients it provides an all-natural snacking option!

Buffalo jerky can last for a long time when stored properly and has been used by Native Americans for centuries. Its nutrition-packed punch makes it an ideal source of sustenance during extreme times when food scarcity is an issue.

If you don’t have access to bison meat, that’s ok – you can easily substitute venison, elk, or even beef if you need to. This is a versatile recipe – check it out here!

29. Chocolate Caramel

Chocolate and caramel might not be the first foods you think of having on hand when it comes to any kind of food crisis, but the reality is that having some treats was (and still is) a great way to get through tough times.

Combining chocolate with caramel produced a treat that had the potential to survive any food crisis. Its sweetness, combined with its long shelf life, offered security against bleak times. Even during periods of austerity, this simple combination which had quite a long shelf life became a source of comfort for families across the US.

Quite simply, chocolate caramel is one of the best recipes to have survived from pioneering days and still be part of our lives today.

It’s worth noting that originally, these candies were made with beet juice instead of refined sugar. Though beet juice has a lot of health benefits, it’s probably easiest just to use regular sugar when you’re replicating this one.

Here’s a simple recipe you can follow to make these tasty candies.

30. Hasty Pudding

Hasty pudding is a centuries-old dish that has withstood the test of time. First documented in the 17th century, this classic trailside comfort food was a favorite of American pioneers.

Today, it remains an attractive budget-friendly option served either sweet or savory. It is one of the best pioneer recipes to survive any food crisis because it requires few ingredients that are generally affordable and easy to find – even during economic hardship.

What’s more, it’s quick and simple to fix and filled with nourishing proteins and carbohydrates that provide long-lasting energy throughout your day (side note – it also tastes great topped with ice cream!).

One taste of this time-honored treat (recipe linked here!) and you will understand why our pioneer ancestors chose to make it continuously as they traversed uncharted terrain!

See how to make the stack cake here that uses apple butter.

30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (11)

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30 Pioneer Recipes to Survive Any Food Crisis - Survival Sullivan (2024)


What foods did the pioneers eat? ›

Food for the trip had to be compact, lightweight, and nonperishable. Each family brought along such staples as flour, sugar, cornmeal, coffee, dried beans, rice, bacon, and salt port. Some also brought dried fruit. Mealtime on the Oregon Trail was goverened by the sun...

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  • Meats & Beans. Canned meat, chicken, turkey, seafood. and other protein-rich foods, such as. ...
  • Vegetables. Canned vegetables and vegetable juices. ...
  • Fruits. Canned fruits and fruit juices. ...
  • Milk. Canned, boxed or dried milk and shelf- ...
  • Grains. Ready-to-eat cereal, crackers, pretzels, ...
  • Water. Enough for 1 gallon per day.

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What survival foods should I stockpile for survival? Stock up on non-perishable items like canned goods, nuts and seeds, dried fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein sources like peanut butter, beans, and jerky. Prepare for any eventuality with a stockpile of water and non-alcoholic drinks.

What to eat on Pioneer Day? ›

Other dinner options include chicken velvet soup, skillet hasselback sweet potatoes or pioneer side pork with Mormon gravy. After a long day of celebration, you might want to call in for pizza, pie and root beer. If you do raise a glass of root beer, you could choose Brigham's Brew.

What did pioneers eat for breakfast? ›

In addition to coffee or tea, breakfast included something warm, such as cornmeal mush, cornmeal cakes (“Johnny Cakes”) or a bowl of rice. There was usually fresh baked bread or biscuits. To bake the bread, the dough was placed in a dutch oven.

Did pioneers eat oatmeal? ›

Bacon and biscuits were common. Pancakes, beans and oatmeal were also options. Midday meal: Some pioneers cooked this meal ahead at breakfast so that they could rest.

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Survival foods should be low-maintenance and have a long shelf-life.
  • Potatoes. If we learned anything from Andrew Taylor, it's that potatoes can be essential for survival. ...
  • Kale. ...
  • Trail Mix. ...
  • Grains. ...
  • Beans. ...
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What Emergency Foods to Keep in Your Pantry
  • Peanut Butter. ...
  • Whole-Wheat Crackers. ...
  • Nuts and Trail Mixes. ...
  • Cereal. ...
  • Granola Bars and Power Bars. ...
  • Dried Fruits, Such as Apricots and Raisins. ...
  • Canned Tuna, Salmon, Chicken, or Turkey. ...
  • Canned Vegetables, Such as Green Beans, Carrots, and Peas.
Mar 27, 2023

What canned food lasts the longest? ›

High acid foods such as tomatoes and other fruit will keep their best quality up to 18 months; low acid foods such as meat and vegetables, 2 to 5 years. While extremely rare, a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum is the worst danger in canned goods.

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Good food choices are dried fruit; canned fruit or vegetables; shelf-stable cans of meat, poultry, and fish; jars of peanut butter and jelly; small packages of cereal, granola bars, and crackers; nonfat dry milk; and small boxes of juice drinks.

What do pioneers eat for lunch? ›

Breads, potatoes, rice, and starchy foods put backbone into a meal and the hungry souls who ate it. The mainstays of a pioneer diet were simple fare like potatoes, beans and rice, hardtack (which is simply flour, water, 1 teaspoon each of salt and sugar, then baked), soda biscuits (flour, milk, one t.

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Early settlers found food in the woods before their gardens were ready. They ate nuts, dandelions, wild strawberries, grapes, blackberries, raspberries, lamb's quarter and many other wild plants.

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There were no plastic lunch boxes or thermoses on the homestead. This girl is carrying her lunch in a tin container called a lunch pail. Some families could afford to buy lunch pails for their children. Others saved empty lard or syrup buckets to use as lunch pails.

What was a typical meal in the 1800s? ›

The foods served varied, changing with the customs of each region, but in the North some common foods were chowder, beef, clam soup, baked beans, roasted pork, custards, oxen, turtles, mutton and salmon.

What did the pioneers drink? ›

They just knew that water made them ill. So instead of drinking water, many people drank fermented and brewed beverages like beer, ale, cider, and wine. Children drank something called small beer. One of the first steps in brewing beer is to boil the water, which kills the germs and bacteria and makes it safe to drink.

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Cured meat was popular on the Oregon Trail as it lasts a long time. And more importantly, it's delicious. They would cook bacon for breakfast, add it to bean-based dishes or fry it up for a mid-afternoon snack (some things never change). Check out some of our best bacon recipes while your mouth is still watering.


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